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Hello, let's go, here I will indicate not only the directions in carding,but also in their service - because you can have money even more than in the carding itself.


Stuff Carding​

One of the easiest destinations.Everyone knows and understands.The bottom line is simple - I drove it to skupa and received a payment. Recommended for beginners,quite a profitable direction.From the nuances-there is a reconciliation of addresses that costs a chime. Also, the search for shops will take a decent amount of time. A detailed article on working with veshevukha can be found there


It was once considered top 1 for beginners,but now it is not so popular due to the fact that fraud has gone wild for gifts in many places,and it will be easier for you to drive wheels for $1000 than gifts for $100, but you can work. The bottom line here is that you buy virtual gift cards. I described in detail about working with gifts there. A profitable direction if you have the knowledge, set up the system well and find misers for your gifts. For beginners, it is better to start with illiquid, but there is also a direction with liquid.


This isn't a fucking newbie destination, but seriously,if you don't have the budget and experience,you don't even need to go there. One of the advantages is a good profit margin,you can find a lot of places in the open sale.There are two directions here - work on brutus (often less profitable,but the consumables themselves are cheaper) and logs - more profitable, profitable, work in general is easier.There are a lot of nuances here,you need to know a lot of things,it's not just a level that you've entered a card and don't give a fuck.Quite a strong fraud,a lot of checks and other things. I also note that you need a fucking cloud of tests. A profitable referral will never be easy.

Hotels/air tickets, etc.​

The direction of moderate severity of work. One of the advantages is a good income.Not the same as the banks, but still decent. It also has quite a few nuances. Of the minuses - the client can fly off the reservation and he can pass you the fuck.But experienced drivers avoid this as much as possible.It requires quite a lot of knowledge not only in carding, but also in understanding the work of banks in general.


The direction resulting from banks.It's fucking hard work.But the profits here are average from $ 10,000. Quite expensive in terms of time and resources,and not the fact that it will give.It can generally be considered as a direction separate from carding.It requires a high understanding of how fraud works,the banking system as a whole,a lot of tests,and searches for the same office.


What if I say that the renderer is a very profitable and completely legal job? If you add a message in the spirit of "I hope your draw will be successful", you completely disclaim responsibility.There are also a lot of people who constantly need to draw something,whether it's a business card or a passport.It is suitable for creative people who can quickly master graphic editors.For beginners - the direction of moderate severity, mostly investments will go to templates and so on.

Creating self-registers​

This direction implies exactly what it is called.A good starting point to get your first money.Offices are not so hard to register,in general, it does not require almost any investment and knowledge,but these self-registers go for an average of$80-120.Quite a good niche if you have regular customers and a high-quality approach to the client.


It will be quite profitable to master this direction both for yourself and for sale.A shopping center costs$20,but an overloaded shopping center costs$200(depending on your balance).The work consists of answers to questions, nothing complicated,you need a little more knowledge than when creating self-registers.Here you will need tests and a basic understanding of the work of certain banks.The process does not differ much from bank to bank,only the data that is needed for rolling differs. I wrote more details there.

Thank you for reading, all the fattest profits