Cryptocurrency exchange Bybit executives detained by metropolitan police


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Employees of the Bybit cryptocurrency exchange may be involved in the theft of 26.4 million rubles from the Stavropegial Convent - Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy of the Russian Orthodox Church. The law enforcement agencies of the capital reported this to TASS.

“Currently, following a statement about the theft of more than 26 million rubles from the bank account of the Stavropegial Convent, operational search activities are being carried out. Preliminarily, the managers of the Bybit crypto exchange are involved in the crime; several employees are already being checked,” said the agency’s source in Moscow law enforcement agencies.

According to the Mash Telegram channel, the amount was written off on May 8 from the organization’s bank account. It turned out that an accountant named Tatyana was involved in this, and she abruptly stopped communicating. After she was discovered, it turned out that she transferred the entire amount, as well as 1.8 million rubles of her own money, to the scammers.

After this, Andrei R., a 19-year-old student from Novosibirsk, was detained in the capital. Apparently, stolen money was withdrawn through accounts associated with him on the exchange, but Andrei himself could only provide his data to verify the account. Crypto exchange employees claim that they knew nothing about the origin of the money.