Create a fake site and get traffic


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We link the domain and allice to the server:
We buy a virtual server (vds). Buy wherever you want, you can take it here as there is an inexpensive and responsive support. Take the one with more disk space, since the more sites we make, the more space we need for the cache. You can create 50 sites per server.

As soon as we have paid for our server, we write to support to install:
ISPmanager Lite
CURL with enabled curl_exec
PHP 7 version

These conditions are required!

Don't worry, they do it without any problems and without any questions. We are waiting for everything to be installed and move on to the next step.

Now we need to bind the domain and register its aliases. Both subdomains and regular domains can be used as aliases. Using subdomains as an example.
And so we have a domain now we need to quickly create subdomains to it. For this, Exel will help us.

We open the Excel. In the first column we enter the unit (1). In the second column we just put a period (.). In the third column we enter the name of our domain (on the screen it is
As shown in the screenshot below.

Next, we need to copy each column to the lower one.
To do this, move the mouse to the lower right corner of the column. A cross appears. We hold down the left mouse button and drag it down to the row of lines as much as you need.

When done, select all the columns and copy the contents to notepad. Use notepad ++
Remove spaces and proceed to add domain with aliases!

To do this, in the Isp panel, go to the www domains tab and click the create tab.

In the Name (under the number 1), enter the name of your domain.
In the Aliases (under the number 2), insert the aliases that we created in the Excel file.

We go down below.

PHP operating mode (under number 1) select CGI
PHP version (under number 2) select 7.0

This is a must! Otherwise, it won't work.

All press ok.

Fill in the script and create the fake itself:
Go to your server via ftp, then go to your domain and delete the default index.html file.

Then we select all the script files and copy them to the server.

When the upload to the server is completed, in the proxy.txt file we enter the list of sites to which we want to make our fakes, by default you will have torrent sites, better collect your own (enter the request that you need and collect domains from the search as much as you need.

! Only look for sites, since fakes will be made.

After you have done this, you need to go to your domain and proxy the first site (sites will be taken randomly from the proxy.txt file).

Then we need to switch to browsers for all the aliases that we created in the Excel file.

We are waiting for the download.

When all subdomains have passed - this stage is ready - we proceed to the next.

Semi-automatic adding fakes to Yandex webmaster and sending them to re-bypass the bot:
We go to Yandex Webmaster and click add a site ... It will open on which we enter the domain of our first fake and click add.

Then a page will open where we need to confirm the rights to the site (when we sites or doorways, we download the file from the webmaster's Yandex, then upload it to the server at the root of the domain and only then press confirm immediately, this is not necessary).

And so the page with the rights confirmation opens. Click on the HTML file tab and click on check ... all our first site is confirmed!

Then we need to make sure that indexes our site as quickly as possible. To do this, we need to add the site to the re-crawl.
Click on the tab indexing, and it re-crowling submenu pages.

Enter your link fake and click send

All - site is added to the re bypassing the robot

This will allow faster pro-index our site and, therefore, receive the coveted traffic faster!

Add a group counter to fakes:
First, we need to register the counter itself. To do this, follow the link and fill in everything there. Example:

Click further, after register, then get the html-code of the counter.
After that, select the design of our counter and click to get the html-code of the counter.

Now you need to place it on all your fakes.
To do this, copy the counter code

Then we go to our server where our script is located and edit the replace.txt file
And change everything between </body> | and </body> to the code of our counter.

It is imperative that the counter code is in one line! Otherwise it won't work.
All-counter we have installed on all our fakes!

Then we also hang the ad code ... just add our ad code after the counter, but before </body>

Or if you want the ad to be shown in a different place - for example, at the very top and before the <body> tag. Then from a new line after the counter we do this

<body>|<?> advertising<?> <body>

Creating fakes is a very simple task, but it gives traffic. And the more fakes, the more traffic, and you can create thousands of them in a couple of minutes and a couple of keystrokes.