Crash Course By A Beginner For Beginners


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Hey everyone,
I'm sure many of you, like myself started on forums such as this one. How you got here, I don't know. I also don't care. Don't share everything about yourself online.
I sure many of you have never done criminal activity before, maybe going to fraud for despiration due to the fucked up economy of our world, or maybe you want a new hobby! However, if you're in it for despiration, be paitent, it takes time to learn everything. Rushing things is what will get you caught or more likely lead you to failing and loosing what little money you have saved. My friend found a wallet one day on the ground, used it to buy himself a new phone on EBAY. Now he has a criminal record. You need to learn to protect your safety, there are serious, life changing consequences if you get caught.
Here's some rules and tips for beginners before you delve into the vast wealth of information that this forum offers. I am also going to give you a very very watered down and simple guide as to how to config your system for online carding. Do not take what I soley say and apply it, don't trust 1 persons information, do research, use google translate as well and read the russian sections, lots of very very interesting stuff in those sections. Поехали! Or Let's Begin!

1: Don't trust anyone who requires a deposit. When you first start out, you don't know anyone in this area, you don't know who vouches for who. Finding reputable people in illegal busniesses is doable, but difficult, it takes time. What are you going to do if they rip you off, go to the cops? No. Learn about members in these forums first, often people who recommend others for free and casually within posts are usuaully legit, however unverified sellers, with low message score, who only spam their telegram, are not. Take every recommendation with a grain of salt, and do your own research on stores etc.
However finding these connections is important to enhance your skills and make more money.
Some sites often requre a deposist before you can create an account and look around, THESE ARE A SCAM. When finding shops, especially when you are first starting out, only look through the verified sellers section ( It takes time to find the right shop and for them to have cards and info in which you're happy with the quality. I went through 3 shops before I found one I like. Which brings me onto my next point.

2: Don't rush shit: If carding took a few forum guides to get into, everyone would be doing it. Initally I didn't realise all the aspects that went into carding, I thought it would be easy. However I soon realised I'd have to dedicate multiple hours a day of study to actually have a BASIC understanding of everything. I see lots of people in these forums asking very dumb questions, I know because I used to do the same. The type of questions that can be answered by a google search or chatgpt, we have AI at our fingertips now, use it!
I personally manipulated chatgpt into giving me some basic information on carding, it was honestly a great resource to learn the basics, alternatively just spend an hour a day reading everything you can on these forums, AND WRITE IMPORTANT STUFF DOWN, in fact I found this very forum through ChatGPT haha!
Once you have a basic understanding, ask questions. No ones going to hold your hand and help you learn everything to do with carding unless you pay them. You need to be curious and be wanting to learn, wanting to master something. People will help answer questions and write guides for everyone, but personalised help isn't free. Here's some stuff you should research and have a basic understanding of before you begin: NOTE THIS IS FOR ONLINE CARDING, there is so many other types of carding that I haven't researched much. Find others advice for that.

A) Config of system: I'm going to stick to a very basic setup as I assume many of you aren't working with a whole lot of knowledge. If you some more info, make sure you have everything listed in the page: This thread answers a lot of quesitons I had when I was first starting out.

Use a computer/phone that has NO personal info on it. Carding on phones has higher success rates, however I'll be talking about setting up a laptop. if you want a phone guide:

Install a VPN, i personaly use perfect privacy. Find ones that don't store or track your browsing data. Ask around etc.
Find a good proxy: This is what took me a bit of time to learn. Proxies. Never heard them before. You need them to emmulate the digital location of the cardholder, so you are able to pass antifraud systems, for online carding to work you NEED a good, low fraud score proxy. To test if a proxy/your system is clean and high quality, use this website ( Theres also other guides that go in depth on how you can test your system.
I know this all most likely seems new and forgin to many people, but just bear with me. Note: DO NOT USE A ROTATING PROXY, if you see that option do not select it on the proxy website. Lookup why if you're curious.

B) Anti detect browser: There are many avaliable to use, I perosnally use Dolphin{Anty}. These browsers allow you to setup and configurate your proxy relatively easier then other browsers. Making it a great tool for beginners. Many of them also tell you when something doesn't look right, don't ignore these warnings, research them. If you're online carding, it doesn't matter where you buy your cards from, if your system is not clean, you WILL not be successful.

C) Finding 2D secure sites: When starting out I'd only recommend going onto 2D secure websites for carding. They have lower secuirty then 3D secure sites, there are guides on how you can find them here:
Ensure you warm up the shop. Why?
Again I'm not going to tell you how to do everything, no one is here to hold your hand, you need to do the research yourself. This informatiom has already been posted lots of times on this forum.

D) Don't underestimate the information you put in when checking out. Do not copy and paste the card info, just type it out. If you're carding online you'll usually go for gift card sites, so you can then covert to crypto. Create an email under the cardholders name, subsribe to newsletters, create craiglist listing in their area. You got to also "warm up the gmail accounts" if you want some more info on this heres a link:
Anti fraud systems will only get more advanced, and you will need to as well. When creating gmail accounts, try to make the password complicated, then it usually doesn't ask for SMS verifercation.

Why I failed when I first started:
I lost about $100 USD when I first started, on shitty proxies, bad CCV shops, lots of things. If you do the research first you will not loose money. However this isn't al;ways guarnteed, learning is done through trial and error.
The most important thing I learned that acted as a major roadblock on my carding journey was what NON VBV BINS are. A BIN is the first 6 digits of a card number, NON Verified By Visa means that there isn't additional security at checkouts. No entering a code sent to your sms. No tapping your card on your phone. No additional verification, we like this. When you are starting out, only buy NON VBV cards. If you are buying from a website they should have a bin filter, in which you can add NON VBV Bins that you find. Again theres lots of information for free out there you can find. Just use the search feature on this website. No one is going to personally help you unless you either pay them or you are useful to them. Why would they? Use CCleaner as well. Do your own research as to why, it'll help you understand the Anti fraud systems on a website.

Again, take what I say with a grain of salt. I've only been researching for about a month, many people in this site have much more knowledge then I do. I just wanted to include a beginners guide with some extremely watered down information, as well as ensuring no one gets scammed.
If any of you have any questions feel free to to reply to this thread and I'll do my best to answer them, I hope others can assist with answering as well. I wish a very basic guide like this was posted somewhere when I first started to reduce the learning curve.
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    Points: 1
    Thank you very much for the manual. You wrote everything correctly. Beginners will find this information useful.


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I really liked this topic. I express my deep gratitude and say a big thank you to author. This is a great guide for beginners. This information will definitely help beginning carders. Will be their guide. I am happy to like this topic because it was very interesting to read.


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I really liked this topic. I express my deep gratitude and say a big thank you to author. This is a great guide for beginners. This information will definitely help beginning carders. Will be their guide. I am happy to like this topic because it was very interesting to read.
I’m so glad you liked it! I wouldn’t have learnt nearly as much were it not for you so thank you for that. I’ve been warming up various email accounts I’ve made over the last week, will try them out over the next coming days.


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so have you been successful so far with it?
No not yet, I have tried. But failed. You learn through failure, sometimes that’s the only way. Id say carding is 33% the card itself, 33% your system config and 33% the websites anti fraud detection. Getting around all 3 of these factors takes time. You need to dive into everything about these 3 things if you want to be successful.