🍪 Cookies: what are they, what are they used for, and how do I work with them?


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Hi! If you have opened this article, you probably want to know what cookies are and what they are eaten with. We will try not to disappoint you by saying that our cookies are inedible and have nothing to do with cookies 🤷 ♂ ️ Then what is it, what is it used for, and how does it work? Read on to find out the answers to these questions. Let's go!

What are cookies?​

Almost every time you visit a new site, a notification appears asking about the collection of cookies. Cookies are small text files with information that websites store on the user's device. These cookies contain data about previous site visits: your username, browser language, page display settings, and so on.

Why do I need cookies?​

The main purpose of cookies is to make surfing the Internet more convenient. Thanks to them, you don't need to enter your name, email address, and password every time you visit sites again, because they are already saved on your device. This increases the speed of opening pages, as the load on the server decreases.

Without cookies, many sites simply won't be able to work properly. They will open, but they will lose a huge part of their functionality. Here are some examples of how cookies are useful::

, Automatic authorization​

Most sites will offer to register on the first visit, and then you need to enter usernames and passwords for authorization. It would be quite time-consuming to do this every time on all sites. That's why cookies come to the rescue! They store this data, save it, and transmit it to the server in the background. Therefore, you can simply log in to the site as an already authorized user.

⚙ ️ Personal settings for search engines and social networks​

Thanks to cookies, your region of residence, language, search engine design style, and so on are saved in your browser settings. This is useful if you don't want to re-edit all the settings after each browser close.

💰 Online purchases and sales​

All online stores use cookies for their shopping carts. Even if you close the site, the selected products will remain saved. In addition, without cookies, it would be impossible to compare and buy products.

🎯 Only relevant ads​

Yes, no unnecessary and unnecessary advertising when there are cookies. They are used to track actions on the site. When you visit a page, the browser sends cookies back to the server so that you can get personalized content and improve the user experience.

Cookie formats​

Cookies exist in different formats. Let's take a closer look:
  • Temporary cookies-exist only at the time of visiting the site. They are deleted as soon as you close the browser.
  • Persistent cookies-they remain on your device even after you close your browser and are used to remember your preferences and identify you on the site the next time you visit.
  • Cookies of third-party sites – are set on the user's device not by the visited site itself, but by others associated with it. They can be used to track activity on multiple sites at once.
  • Secure cookies are encrypted cookies that prevent unauthorized access to the information they contain.
  • HttpOnly cookies – can only be accessed via the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, and not through scripts on web pages, which reduces the risk of information theft.
  • Zombie cookies or super cookies are small pieces of code that are stored even after the original cookies have been destroyed. These files appear again and again, for which they were called “zombies”.

Netscape and Json​

Among the variety of cookies, two formats stand out in particular. The most popular ones at the moment are Netscape and JSON.
  • The Netscape Cookie was originally developed by Netscape Communications to be used exclusively in their Netscape Navigator web browser. Currently, this cookie format is supported by most browsers and is quite common.
  • JSON Cookie is a modern format that was introduced in 2014. It is more convenient for developers because it allows you to store more complex data. For example, Facebook uses JSON specifically to store cookies. Therefore, arbitrageurs are more likely to collect Facebook data in this format. This allows you to get cookies from FB accounts and others available in the store in order to launch ads.
You often have to work with different cookie formats at the same time. And if you only have Netscape or JSON Cookies at your disposal, this is not a problem. Old cookies can easily be converted to more modern JSON or vice versa. For example, the “Cookies converter" service from CPA. RIP provides this feature. It can be useful for arbitrageurs, advertisers, and marketers who work with cookies associated with social media advertising campaigns. In addition, this service provides additional information about each cookie, such as the domain, name, value, expiration dates, and so on. This helps you better understand the content and meaning of each cookie.

Yes, cookies are very diverse. But not all of them you will have to deal with when visiting sites. Some types of files are of interest only to arbitrageurs and some other specialists. What for? We'll talk about this later. ⬇ ️

Why do Traffic Arbitrage and other destinations farm cookies?​

Cookie farming is the process of creating a large number of cookies for use for marketing purposes. Traffic Arbitrage and other businesses farm cookies to gain access to valuable information about user behavior on the Internet.

For example, advertisers can use cookies to determine which sites and pages lead to higher conversion rates or sales, and use this information to improve their campaigns. In addition, you can use farming cookies to create a target audience that is likely to respond to advertising messages and offers.

In addition, the farming of cookies is necessary to increase the trust of newly registered accounts on any sites or in social networks.social networks. After all, if the cookies are empty, the site may suspect the user of creating multiaccounts and ban them. Cookies imported to a new account that already contain information about natural browser actions (viewing the weather, currency exchange rates, etc.) significantly increase the trust of sites.

How to work with cookies using Dolphin{anty}​

You may have a question: "Why do I need to work with cookies?". The answer is very simple. Importing cookies allows you to work comfortably with familiar sites on new profiles. Thanks to cookies, the site recognizes the user as a returned user. In addition, the browser will display information corresponding to cookies.

This is extremely useful for arbitrageurs and other specialists who deal with traffic and ad purchases, for example, when they buy social media accounts. ad networks with ad cabinets. They just need to import cookies to avoid being banned as soon as they log in to their account.

Dolphin{anty} has very convenient solutions for working with cookies from your profiles. Below, we will briefly review the procedure for creating a profile, uploading and exporting cookies.

Creating a profile​

If you have cookie information in the form of a text file when creating a new profile in Dolphin{anty}, you can immediately add it to your account. Remember that the cookie text must be in square brackets.
  1. On the "Browsers" page, click on the “+ Create profile " button in the upper-left corner.
  2. After you fill in the main information fields-Name, Tags, status and select the operating system, click on the "Cookies from file" button and copy the cookie text in [square brackets] directly to this field or drag the file.
  3. Click on the "+ Create "button in the upper-right corner of the open window and your new profile will appear in the list of the “Browsers" section.

⬇ ️ Import cookies​

After creating a profile, you need to import cookies. Let's see how to do this.
  1. To import cookies, click on the three dots at the beginning of the browser profile bar.
  2. Select the "Import cookies" option.
  3. In the window that opens, click the "Cookies from file" button, select a text file and copy the cookie information to the open window. Then click the "Import" button.
  4. Ready! The required cookies are now associated with this profile.✅

Cookie robot​

Before you start working with a new account, it is important to “build up” cookies. Simply put, you need to create a session history in order to pass site checks more successfully. The cookie robot is a useful tool created for this task. The robot can be run in headless mode, i.e. without opening the browser window, as in normal mode. There is a useful feature to run without uploading images, which will help you save a lot of traffic.

To use the Cookie Robot in Dolphin{anty}:
  1. Click on the three dots at the beginning of the profile line and select the Cookie Robot function:
  2. In the window that appears, first add links to sites from which you will need to feed cookies to the input line, then configure the available functions as desired and click on the”Start " button:

⬆ ️ Exporting cookies​

To extract cookies, follow these instructions.
  1. Click on the three dots, as when importing, but in the menu that opens, select the option “Export cookies".
  2. Dolphin{anty} will prompt you to download them to your device. Come up with a file name, if the automatically generated one doesn't fit, and click on the “Save”button.
  3. The exported cookies are now stored on your device. You can add them to any profile and use them for other purposes.
  4. The browser also has a “Mass Export " function, which allows you to easily and quickly upload cookies from multiple accounts at once. To do this, simply select the accounts from which you need to upload cookies and select the "Export cookies" function in the panel that appears below.

Summing up the results​

As you can see, cookies are very useful, and it is not difficult to learn how to work with them. And by choosing Dolphin{anty}, you will save a lot of time and money on purchasing accounts. After all, the import and export functions can protect you from blocking associated with cookies. Use this knowledge to work with your accounts and traffic. We wish you success in your launches!😉