Greetings, many people have indicated what is needed in more detail, so, it will be more detailed for you!
In many manuals, you will see a lot of water about setting up the system and how dreary it is. Alya virtual machines, Dedicated computers, software for changing the hardware of your PC - USELESS SHIT, let's move on.
Start over.
What is Antifraud? This is a service protection that we need to bypass in order to make a successful carding. All services have absolutely different protection, somewhere it is stronger, somewhere it is weaker.
Antifraud can read your pc's data.
1.IP address
2. User agent. It looks like this - Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 78.0.3904.97 Safari / 537.36
It lists your system and browser version.
3. Screen resolution
I wrote the most basic ones. The fattest services, with the best protection, look vidyuhu, canvas, RAM and a bunch of other things.
If you are interested in more details, google Vector's lecture on this topic. She is long.
You can talk about anifrod for hours and ask what is needed and what is not.
Since I work with paypal logs, I will only speak for paypal antifraud. Working with CC - cards, things are a little different there, so it is essentially necessary that the zip cards and the zip of your ip coincide or be as close as possible, the ip must be crystal clear and the language of the system must not be your cuntry. For this, either RDP or Antidetect browsers are used. This is essentially all that should be for CC.
Working with logs is a different matter, because we receive data from the browser cardholder. Who does not understand some words. Read the dictionary.
Since we have the data of the browser cardholder and his pc, we essentially need to adapt to it, it’s as if by logic, since the services burn many pc data, but paypal doesn’t give a shit. And here all unnecessary garbage for settings is removed.
User agent - give a shit, the PayPal doesn't check it.
Time zone - shit, PP does not check the time.
The system language is shit.
Screen resolution is shit.
And the most important IP remains, it doesn't give a damn. It should look like cardholder and not be super dirty, clean is best.
When working with pn logs, the number of PayPal is important. How many lines are there in the cookie file.
All about the logs in the article below:
Logs, what is it? How to work with them? Everything from A to Z
Greetings, today I will tell you what logs are, what they do with them and how to work with them.
What are logs?
Log, this is data from the browser, I already wrote this in one of the articles, but now I will tell you in more detail.
The log looks like this. What's in there?
1. Autofill is an autocomplete from your browser (addresses, phone numbers, card details). The folder contains a textbook with this data.
2. Cookies - this folder contains the main base of the log, a textbook with browser cookies. By downloading them to the browser, you turn it into the victim's browser.
Most likely you will be authorized in his mails, social networks, etc.
3. Downloads - data about the downloads of your browser.
4. Files - textbooks, documents, pdf files, from the victim's computer. (Not everything, it all depends on how the stealer is configured, what it robs)
5. History - the history of the browser does not interest us.
6. Cookies list - a list of sites for which we have cookies.
7. Cookiesbro - my file is working, do not pay attention.
8. Information - this file contains information about the victim's computer, what kind of operating system it has, screen size, IP address, what processes are running on the computer, etc. etc.
9. Passwords - a file with logins and passwords used by the victim. (What he saved to the browser)
10. Screen - a screen of the desktop during the launch of the stealer.
Where do the logs come from?
There is only one answer to this question - the stealer.
Stiller is a virus that, when it starts, collects information from your browsers and transfers it to the owner of the virus, he receives, just a log.
Stiller you can pick up everywhere. Downloaded the program, caught the stilak, downloaded the cheat, caught the stealer. There are craftsmen who hide the stylus in dock and pdf formats, as well as music, films.
Stealers are sold on the forums, the average price is $ 100.
How to work with logs?
1. We need Mozilla
Downloading the English version.
When installing, you don't need to import your bullshit from other browsers.
2. We need 2 add-ons for cookies.
Install these 2 addons in the fox.
With the help of the second, we will load cookies from a fresh log.
And with the help of the second, unload cookies for further work and load already cookies that were unloaded earlier for work.
It looks like this:
In the upper right corner there are 2 addons, 2 cookies.
Click on the brown one.
Click the manager all cookies.
Further in the lower left corner is the folder, click on it
Click the last line, restore cookies and select cookies from the cookies folder in the log.
We choose the one in which there are more cookies. If you are not dependent on a service, if you need a specific service, choose the one with more lines of this service.
I chose the largest file because I don't care which service.
That's it, the cookies are loaded, now I can poke around on the cardholder services.
But my ip must correspond to cardholder, if it is a European log, the usual vpn for the country of the log will be enough, if it’s USA socks are needed.
Here I am in the victim's mail.
To save cookies for further work (this should always be done).
Click on the second cookie.
Click on the cookie editor
And click on the arrow to the right, pointed with the arrow.
I downloaded such a file, put it in the folder with the log.
Further, to work with the same log, you will download the same file.
That's all for today, council time.
Dig into the logs, look for interesting services, try with them, do something and find your own, from where you can pull the loot or something else.
I work with stick and amaz logs, also Google. Today's vidos are made using PP logs, the Goods are driven from them.
Well, yes.
Where can I get the logs?
You can buy logs from sellers, I will not indicate anyone, I was not paid for advertising.
On the forums that I indicated earlier, as well as others from the deepweb, you can find topics about selling logs.
I also uploaded a lot to the bot, take exercise.
Over time, I noticed that the longer I work on the same hardware without changing anything, the less the PayPal starts to give. I think this is due to the fact that she fixes my car and puts it into the base, but over time.
I found the solution to this problem in changing the Canvas. Canvas is the fonts in your browser. You change the font and its size in the browser settings and your canvas changes.
Clever people may start arguing that it doesn't help, the fingerprint (your fingerprint on the network) does not change, in practice it changes and it helps.
I tried to work with Browsers Antidetect. Antidetects are browsers that help you change your fingerprint and better tune in to cardholder there are many different ones. The main ones are Linken Sphere and Indigo. I did not notice any special differences between the work, that from the usual Firefox, that from the Linken Sphere.
To work with a PayPal, antiques are essentially for convenience, because you can run many logs at once and profiles are created inside the antika, that is, you will not need to load and unload cookies every time. This, of course, speeds up the work, but is it worth $ 100 per month, as for me, if you want to work faster, yes, it does, but it won't help much to bypass the anti-fraud of the software.
As I said in the video, forget about the virtual machine once and for all.
The choice should fall on either antique or regular Firefox.
Personally, I work with PP from an ordinary Firefox, that's quite enough.
I work from the main system, other browsers are open in parallel, where Youtube is enabled and so on, my main browsers. This does not affect performance in any way.
What do I use for anonymization?
I always have vpn turned on, just take it as a rule, turn it on and let it always work. I have it for the whole system, and for a working browser I use a proxy. That's all.
If you have fear, ala you are being fired, double ssh manager. Google about the software. It will redirect your later through several nodes (you specify the number of them yourself).
You can also buy a Dedicated Server and work with it, and then roll up the ssh manager on it and then the proxy for the working browser.
I think it should be clear here. In fact, nothing complicated.
I touched on the CC and specifically PP, everything seems to be setting up.
I did not begin to paint everything in detail, because develop a rule in yourself to google and look for information yourself. What you can google, I did not begin to tell.
If you learn how to get information yourself and not run to ask a question about the elementary garbage that can be found in Google, it will be of use. for example, the question "How do you know if the ip is dirty or not?" - Google to the rescue.
In this life, you do not need to wait for heavenly mana on a spoon, stir the rolls yourself and strain the gray matter, and then everything will be fine with you. Self-education is the key to success. Of course, some questions cannot be answered, for this you either practice bumping up and pay with leaked dough for experience, or ask questions to someone who knows in order to minimize losses in the form of money.
In carting, a lot is about logic. You need to think and act on the basis of the consistency of certain body movements.
For example: You have a shop and only one address where you can send a pack.
Will you be entering the same shop from the same log or another, again on the same evening after a successful order?
The answer is no.
We look. You vbbled 2 times, from different logs or from the same but different orders.
The store manager looks at what he has in the base of 2 orders for one address, with different payment data (logs) or one. It will make him suspicious and most likely you will be left without a pack. When I started, I made such a mistake. For the night I went to one shop for 2 addresses, for 5k euros. In the end, how many were sent? 0.
Therefore, look at what you are doing from the side of the store employees or from the side of the anti-fraud PayPal, which may raise suspicions about what can and cannot be done.
All the best.
Slap like for your diligence, this will not tell you anywhere else. They will pour a ton of fucking unnecessary water.
Disclaimer: Everything is written for educational purposes. The author does not call anyone to anything and is not responsible for the actions of people.
In many manuals, you will see a lot of water about setting up the system and how dreary it is. Alya virtual machines, Dedicated computers, software for changing the hardware of your PC - USELESS SHIT, let's move on.
Start over.
What is Antifraud? This is a service protection that we need to bypass in order to make a successful carding. All services have absolutely different protection, somewhere it is stronger, somewhere it is weaker.
Antifraud can read your pc's data.
1.IP address
2. User agent. It looks like this - Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 78.0.3904.97 Safari / 537.36
It lists your system and browser version.
3. Screen resolution
I wrote the most basic ones. The fattest services, with the best protection, look vidyuhu, canvas, RAM and a bunch of other things.
If you are interested in more details, google Vector's lecture on this topic. She is long.
You can talk about anifrod for hours and ask what is needed and what is not.
Since I work with paypal logs, I will only speak for paypal antifraud. Working with CC - cards, things are a little different there, so it is essentially necessary that the zip cards and the zip of your ip coincide or be as close as possible, the ip must be crystal clear and the language of the system must not be your cuntry. For this, either RDP or Antidetect browsers are used. This is essentially all that should be for CC.
Working with logs is a different matter, because we receive data from the browser cardholder. Who does not understand some words. Read the dictionary.
Since we have the data of the browser cardholder and his pc, we essentially need to adapt to it, it’s as if by logic, since the services burn many pc data, but paypal doesn’t give a shit. And here all unnecessary garbage for settings is removed.
User agent - give a shit, the PayPal doesn't check it.
Time zone - shit, PP does not check the time.
The system language is shit.
Screen resolution is shit.
And the most important IP remains, it doesn't give a damn. It should look like cardholder and not be super dirty, clean is best.
When working with pn logs, the number of PayPal is important. How many lines are there in the cookie file.
All about the logs in the article below:
Logs, what is it? How to work with them? Everything from A to Z
Greetings, today I will tell you what logs are, what they do with them and how to work with them.
What are logs?
Log, this is data from the browser, I already wrote this in one of the articles, but now I will tell you in more detail.
The log looks like this. What's in there?
1. Autofill is an autocomplete from your browser (addresses, phone numbers, card details). The folder contains a textbook with this data.
2. Cookies - this folder contains the main base of the log, a textbook with browser cookies. By downloading them to the browser, you turn it into the victim's browser.
Most likely you will be authorized in his mails, social networks, etc.
3. Downloads - data about the downloads of your browser.
4. Files - textbooks, documents, pdf files, from the victim's computer. (Not everything, it all depends on how the stealer is configured, what it robs)
5. History - the history of the browser does not interest us.
6. Cookies list - a list of sites for which we have cookies.
7. Cookiesbro - my file is working, do not pay attention.
8. Information - this file contains information about the victim's computer, what kind of operating system it has, screen size, IP address, what processes are running on the computer, etc. etc.
9. Passwords - a file with logins and passwords used by the victim. (What he saved to the browser)
10. Screen - a screen of the desktop during the launch of the stealer.
Where do the logs come from?
There is only one answer to this question - the stealer.
Stiller is a virus that, when it starts, collects information from your browsers and transfers it to the owner of the virus, he receives, just a log.
Stiller you can pick up everywhere. Downloaded the program, caught the stilak, downloaded the cheat, caught the stealer. There are craftsmen who hide the stylus in dock and pdf formats, as well as music, films.
Stealers are sold on the forums, the average price is $ 100.
How to work with logs?
1. We need Mozilla
Get Firefox browser — Mozilla (US)
Choose from Desktop, iOS, Android, or let us email you a mobile download link.
When installing, you don't need to import your bullshit from other browsers.
2. We need 2 add-ons for cookies.
Cookiebro - Cookie Manager – Загрузите это расширение для 🦊 Firefox (ru)
Загрузить Cookiebro - Cookie Manager для Firefox. Advanced cookie manager for easy cookie management and automatic deletion of unwanted cookies. Supports whitelist & blacklist and provides an easy-to-use interface for whitelisting domains. View, Edit, Create, Search cookies in Cookie Editor.
Cookie Quick Manager – Загрузите это расширение для 🦊 Firefox (ru)
Загрузить Cookie Quick Manager для Firefox. An addon to manage cookies (view, search, create, edit, remove, backup, restore, protect from deletion and much more). Firefox 57+ is supported.
Install these 2 addons in the fox.
With the help of the second, we will load cookies from a fresh log.
And with the help of the second, unload cookies for further work and load already cookies that were unloaded earlier for work.
It looks like this:
In the upper right corner there are 2 addons, 2 cookies.
Click on the brown one.
Click the manager all cookies.
Further in the lower left corner is the folder, click on it
Click the last line, restore cookies and select cookies from the cookies folder in the log.
We choose the one in which there are more cookies. If you are not dependent on a service, if you need a specific service, choose the one with more lines of this service.
I chose the largest file because I don't care which service.
That's it, the cookies are loaded, now I can poke around on the cardholder services.
But my ip must correspond to cardholder, if it is a European log, the usual vpn for the country of the log will be enough, if it’s USA socks are needed.
Here I am in the victim's mail.
To save cookies for further work (this should always be done).
Click on the second cookie.
Click on the cookie editor
And click on the arrow to the right, pointed with the arrow.
I downloaded such a file, put it in the folder with the log.
Further, to work with the same log, you will download the same file.
That's all for today, council time.
Dig into the logs, look for interesting services, try with them, do something and find your own, from where you can pull the loot or something else.
I work with stick and amaz logs, also Google. Today's vidos are made using PP logs, the Goods are driven from them.
Well, yes.
Where can I get the logs?
You can buy logs from sellers, I will not indicate anyone, I was not paid for advertising.
On the forums that I indicated earlier, as well as others from the deepweb, you can find topics about selling logs.
I also uploaded a lot to the bot, take exercise.
Over time, I noticed that the longer I work on the same hardware without changing anything, the less the PayPal starts to give. I think this is due to the fact that she fixes my car and puts it into the base, but over time.
I found the solution to this problem in changing the Canvas. Canvas is the fonts in your browser. You change the font and its size in the browser settings and your canvas changes.
Clever people may start arguing that it doesn't help, the fingerprint (your fingerprint on the network) does not change, in practice it changes and it helps.
I tried to work with Browsers Antidetect. Antidetects are browsers that help you change your fingerprint and better tune in to cardholder there are many different ones. The main ones are Linken Sphere and Indigo. I did not notice any special differences between the work, that from the usual Firefox, that from the Linken Sphere.
To work with a PayPal, antiques are essentially for convenience, because you can run many logs at once and profiles are created inside the antika, that is, you will not need to load and unload cookies every time. This, of course, speeds up the work, but is it worth $ 100 per month, as for me, if you want to work faster, yes, it does, but it won't help much to bypass the anti-fraud of the software.
As I said in the video, forget about the virtual machine once and for all.
The choice should fall on either antique or regular Firefox.
Personally, I work with PP from an ordinary Firefox, that's quite enough.
I work from the main system, other browsers are open in parallel, where Youtube is enabled and so on, my main browsers. This does not affect performance in any way.
What do I use for anonymization?
I always have vpn turned on, just take it as a rule, turn it on and let it always work. I have it for the whole system, and for a working browser I use a proxy. That's all.
If you have fear, ala you are being fired, double ssh manager. Google about the software. It will redirect your later through several nodes (you specify the number of them yourself).
You can also buy a Dedicated Server and work with it, and then roll up the ssh manager on it and then the proxy for the working browser.
I think it should be clear here. In fact, nothing complicated.
I touched on the CC and specifically PP, everything seems to be setting up.
I did not begin to paint everything in detail, because develop a rule in yourself to google and look for information yourself. What you can google, I did not begin to tell.
If you learn how to get information yourself and not run to ask a question about the elementary garbage that can be found in Google, it will be of use. for example, the question "How do you know if the ip is dirty or not?" - Google to the rescue.
In this life, you do not need to wait for heavenly mana on a spoon, stir the rolls yourself and strain the gray matter, and then everything will be fine with you. Self-education is the key to success. Of course, some questions cannot be answered, for this you either practice bumping up and pay with leaked dough for experience, or ask questions to someone who knows in order to minimize losses in the form of money.
In carting, a lot is about logic. You need to think and act on the basis of the consistency of certain body movements.
For example: You have a shop and only one address where you can send a pack.
Will you be entering the same shop from the same log or another, again on the same evening after a successful order?
The answer is no.
We look. You vbbled 2 times, from different logs or from the same but different orders.
The store manager looks at what he has in the base of 2 orders for one address, with different payment data (logs) or one. It will make him suspicious and most likely you will be left without a pack. When I started, I made such a mistake. For the night I went to one shop for 2 addresses, for 5k euros. In the end, how many were sent? 0.
Therefore, look at what you are doing from the side of the store employees or from the side of the anti-fraud PayPal, which may raise suspicions about what can and cannot be done.
All the best.
Slap like for your diligence, this will not tell you anywhere else. They will pour a ton of fucking unnecessary water.
Disclaimer: Everything is written for educational purposes. The author does not call anyone to anything and is not responsible for the actions of people.