Clothes carding. Answers.


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Hello anon!
Quite a number of questions have accumulated, so I would like to answer the most interesting ones related to clothing carding. You can find a detailed article on working with Facebook on the forum. Let's begin.

Does the timing of driving matter?​

In fact, this is a misconception and a stereotype invented by novice carders who cannot explain their incompetence. Time will not affect the number of chargebacks in any way. If anyone didn’t know, online stores are 24/7. The human factor is a rather unpredictable thing. Therefore, neither antifraud nor bank security reject purchases due to drunkenness at 4 o’clock in the morning. No matter what country you are in. The time of your computer also affects. If you have the Russian time indicated at 21:00, and you hit an Australian shop with a time of 5:00. Naturally, you will catch a charge, and you will have to start from the beginning (preferably not on the same day, it is better to wait three days)

When is it easiest to hit?​

Of course, before major holidays in the time period of 0-7 days. Let's take for example Catholic Christmas, which is already around the corner (December 25). From 18 to 25 inclusive, it’s worth working like the last time. Most online stores simply cannot withstand the load and antifraud multiplies by 0. Remember this and learn the main holidays of the region in which you work!

Does the gender of the CH (cardholder) affect anything?​

The answer is yes. Women make far more purchases online - that's a fact. Believe me, if it weren’t for my work, I would never have bought anything on the Internet in my life)) I’m sure many will support me in this. A warmed up Internet payment card will enter the store like clockwork. Moreover, the balances on such cards will also be larger. We just turn on the logic. Women are much more thrifty than men. This has nothing to do with their race or mentality. Nature did its best. In leading countries such as the USA, Germany, Australia, Canada - Women receive higher salaries. But you shouldn't feel discriminated against. And no matter how funny it may sound, my dear gigolos, but you have to rob women))

What is a stealer?​

Stealer is malicious software designed to steal passwords stored in the system and send them to an attacker, says the founder of Internet Search. I’ll add to this that stealers are used by phishers to mine not only logs but also CC. And if you have the opportunity to drive traffic to such software, you will get rich. But driving traffic is not enough. Stealler needs to be written independently. Demiurge forbid you to download a stealer from the Internet. Darwin Award guaranteed)) Try not to download anything at all and not follow suspicious links. Or, full time, use a virtual machine without your personal data and associated passwords.

Why can’t you use card checkers and what is it?​

As was said in the previous article: checkers were originally invented by labor carders to steal material, people are still being fooled, for many years now they have either been killing cards and complaining that nothing works, or giving checkmate to just anyone, and simply do not have time to work it out. You will learn how to do this safely for you and your material while communicating with me on the forum. Why do they kill mate? The entire card is driven into the checker. A 16-digit number, card expiration date, and the treasured 3-4 digits on the back. The check occurs by debiting a coin from the card. Each such write-off increases the chance of the card getting into the block! That is, the choice is yours. Write off the dollar and find out that the card is valid. Or drive in a product. The choice is obvious, because even this damn dollar will not fall into your pocket.

How dangerous is carding?​

So much so that you can sit for ten with confiscation. But, this is only relevant when committing crimes involving citizens of the country in which you are located, or in countries with extradition. In simple words - don't shit where you eat. Otherwise, you will have to eat gruel on schedule. It is much more dangerous to write or store malicious software. And in general, it’s not worth dwelling on this again. Learn to keep your mouth shut. There should be no boasting, no selfless help to one’s neighbor. Create a legend for yourself and stick to it. Both for friends and for your soulmate. Lying is bad, but trusting information that can cost 10 years of your life is even worse.

How much can you earn per month on clothing carding?​

You can do from 0 to 15k$. It all depends on several factors.
- how quickly you can get used to the work and drive on your own (without my support)
- how much time you will devote to work
- how much consumables for the work you can find and process as a plus

Everything is very simple. But it will be much easier to start with an experienced mentor who can help carry out quality driving. Will teach you how to use the necessary software. And in total it will tell you where to press now and where five seconds after that. So that your expenses for the mat not only pay for themselves, but also bring ×8 in 6 hours of work. Free training in clothing carding is carried out in the same format - on our forum.