Часто задаваемые вопросы по PayPal


Reaction score
Вот палка приколола 5 акков с охуенной историей транзакций, не свежереги. Лимитнула, и попросило чуть-чуть больше информации обо мне. Сука.

Apr 5, 2013	Confirm your bank accountConfirm your bank account to help confirm your identity.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Confirm your credit cardTo confirm you are the credit card owner, we'll charge a small amount to your credit card. After you confirm the amount, we'll credit your PayPal account for the amount charged.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Photo IDTo help confirm your identity, please send us a copy of your photo ID that shows your name and address.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Bank Account StatementTo confirm you're the bank account owner, please send us a copy of your latest bank statement that shows your name, address, and complete bank account number.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Credit Card StatementTo confirm you're the credit card owner, please send us a copy of your latest credit card statement that shows your name, address, and complete credit card number.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Proof of AddressTo confirm your address, please send us a copy of a bill that shows your name and address. Helpful documents include a utility bill, a cell phone bill, an insurance bill, or a tuition bill.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide InvoicesPlease confirm that you own the merchandise you're selling. Helpful documents include copies of sales receipts, itemized lists of goods sold, and original bills of sale. Invoices must show date of purchase, name of wholesaler or supplier, a description of the items sold, quantity of items purchased, and the amount you paid for the merchandise. We will handle your information in accordance with our privacy policy.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Supplier Contact InfoPlease provide your supplier's phone number and address to confirm the origin of the goods that you're selling. We will handle your information in accordance with our privacy policy.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Organization and Payment InformationPlease provide us with information about your business.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide Proof Of SSNProvide documentation that shows your Social Security number. Helpful documents include a copy of your Social Security card, a pay stub, or a government-issued document.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Proof of shipping/delivery of items to buyerPlease confirm that the merchandise was shipped. You can provide online tracking information or a receipt issued by the shipping company that shows the full name and address of the recipient.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Proof of shipping/delivery of items to buyerPlease confirm that the merchandise was shipped. You can provide online tracking information or a receipt issued by the shipping company that shows the full name and address of the recipient.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Proof of shipping/delivery of items to buyerPlease confirm that the merchandise was shipped. You can provide online tracking information or a receipt issued by the shipping company that shows the full name and address of the recipient.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Proof of shipping/delivery of items to buyerPlease confirm that the merchandise was shipped. You can provide online tracking information or a receipt issued by the shipping company that shows the full name and address of the recipient.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Proof of shipping/delivery of items to buyerPlease confirm that the merchandise was shipped. You can provide online tracking information or a receipt issued by the shipping company that shows the full name and address of the recipient.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide a copy of your business licensePlease send us a copy of your business license.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide information about your productsPlease send us screenshots or itemized lists of products you sell and countries you sell to.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide proof of business addressPlease provide proof of business address	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Confirm Social Security numberTo help confirm your identity please add your Social Security number to your PayPal account.	Waiting for your response	Resolve
Apr 5, 2013	Provide business informationPlease provide information about your business to help confirm this Business account.(Alternatives available)	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide proof of deliveryPlease confirm that the merchandise was delivered.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Set credit check addressWe need to check your credit history.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Provide more information about paymentsWe need information on certain payments sent or received from your account.	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Confirm IdentityWe need to confirm that you're the account owner.(Alternatives available)	Waiting for your response	Resolve

Apr 5, 2013	Complete Processing ACH TransactionThis limitation will automatically be lifted once all outstanding transactions are complete.	Wait for transactions to complete

popcorn popcorn popcorn


Reaction score
Развеиваем мифы о саморегах Paypal

За долгое время работы с палкой, пришел ко многим выводам, которые сейчас распишу для вас.

1. Не задавайте вопрос "а с чего лучше работать ssh / socks / vpn!?"
- на самом деле каждый работает, так как ему удобно. Одно время я работал только с ssh, после мне стало удобно работать с vpn и я забыл про тоннели.

2. Saving или Checking? Какой счет лучше вязать?
- нет понятия, что этот даст а этот нет. Любой счет если не кредитный - дает.

3. После скольки лучше работать по мск, чтобы проход был лучше и меньше лимитов?!
- нет определенного времени для работы с саморегами. При правильном подходе, дает всегда.

4. GV или Textnow?
- суть в том, чтобы принять вовремя смс! А с чего у вас это получится , решать вам.

5. а что лучше депать, сендить или вбивать под реф?
- надо попробовать все. чтобы понять где удобнее.

6. Какой ба лучше дает!?
- все дают. Удобнее чейз, бофа. так как вяжется инстой. А в остальном такие же как и все.

7. Есть смысл юзать cookies?
- есть. Они крайне необходимы.

8. Нужна ли карта в палке?
- мой совет - НЕТ. Это мешает дальнейшей работе саморега с БА

9. Вирта или основа?
- тут тоже, как удобно. Я работал и с виртуальной машины и с основы, ну сейчас остановился на основе, мне так удобнее.

10. Сколько давать отлеги для пп?
- нет конкретного срока для отлеги. Все индивидуально

11. На какой Windows лучше дает?
- на любой дает

12. чем подменять WebRTC?
- его лучше не подменять и не отключать. PayPal это увидит.

Пока на этом все. Главное помните все ответы на вопросы вы должны находить сами, только так вы найдете для себя оптимальный и удобный способ работы над самореги PayPal!