Carding - wiki


Reaction score
— To become a carder, you need a sledgehammer and a laptop. Use a sledgehammer to break the ATM and take the money.
- Why a laptop?
- What kind of carder are you without a laptop?
— Bearded joke

— What happened to the money on my card account?
- They were stolen...
— Dialogue with the bank’s call center


Carding is a highly intelligent go-stop. A technique for taking money from users of painted plastic. An epic hire business on a global scale. In the vastness of “these Internets of yours,” hacking and phishing are rampant hand in hand. Prosecuted by law.


  • 1 Reasons for popularity
  • 2 Carder's Dictionary
  • 3 Educational program
  • 4 Track + PIN = loot
    • 4.1 How does it work
    • 4.2 Safety precautions
    • 4.3 What to do if you get fucked
    • 4.4 How about participating?
  • 5 Track + plastic similar to the real one = product
    • 5.1 How does it work
    • 5.2 Safety precautions
    • 5.3 What to do if you get fucked
    • 5.4 How about participating?
  • 6 Online
    • 6.1 How does it work
    • 6.2 Safety precautions
    • 6.3 What to do if you get fucked
  • 7 Carder stole corals from carder
  • 8 Close relatives
    • 8.1 Other problems with cards
    • 8.2 Don't worry
  • 9 Links
  • 10 Notes

Reasons for popularity​

There are three of them:
  1. Technologies as outdated as mammoth shit. It was possible to extract information from a card back in the 80s of the last century using the head from a Mayak-232 tape recorder, let alone in the current age of gadgets. Since the 90s, the topic of switching to chip cards has been discussed, which are getting better and better, but replacing equipment requires so many hundreds of oil that no one gives a damn about losses from carders. He is already actively moving towards a well-deserved retirement, due to the fact that Sberbank has already distributed cheap chip payment cards, and cashiers and gas station attendants have been weaned from holding skimmers due to plugs from banks;
  2. The total stupidity of card holders, that is, 95% of the population, shoving cards anywhere without any hygiene and entering numbers in any e-shop;
  3. The service staff, especially the store clerks, don't care. Pendos conducted an experiment: on the card there was a photo of a white fapable chick, and the card was purchased by an elderly male nigga, 80-90% of purchases were successful. You don’t even need to mention checking the microprint, signature on the card and/or special characters. However, there is now a camera in even the most musty liquor store, so the police can simply look at this nigga and increase the detection rate if the girl notices the loss in time (and she will notice: banks spam notifications on the phone, which unfortunate cardholders cannot turn off )

Carder's dictionary​

  • ATM (automatic teller machine) - ATM. Slang - loot thrower.
  • CC, cardboard (credit card) - credit card.
  • A cardboard puncher is a person who processes purchases using stolen credit cards in electronic stores. And this is really not such a simple matter. To avoid getting burned, you need to sit under the American version of Venda, make purchases at a certain time, go through a Pindos proxy (the closer to the card owner, the better), etc. important little things.
  • Track - magnetic stripe data. In addition to the card number, it contains service information, without which electronic use of the card (in terminals) leads to a failure.
  • DP (dump + pin) - track + PIN.
  • Drop is a figurehead to whom goods ordered from an electronic store using a stolen credit card arrive. Most often these are niggas or poor immigrants. Less often - naive housewives.
  • Fraud is an illegal operation, fraud. Another name for carding.
  • Cardholder (card-holder) is a real card holder. The card owner is always the bank.
  • Chargeback (money back) is a procedure for withdrawing money back if the card owner notices something is wrong.
  • Ripper is a carder who does not hesitate to fool his colleagues in the criminal business.

Educational program​

So you have become the happy holder (yes, the card is the property of the bank, and they gave you to hold on to it) of a bank card. They gave us a beautiful or not so beautiful piece of plastic and a tricky envelope - it is believed that its contents cannot be seen in the light - with a piece of paper with four numbers on it. These four digits are called a “PIN code” and are always needed to receive money at an ATM, and also, for some types of cards, to purchase goods in stores. The card has a number and a magnetic strip on which is the same number and something else. On the reverse side there is a place for a signature and a CVV/CVC code [1] , which is used when paying, for example, in online stores. Increasingly, cards come with a chip.

The card can be used like this:
  1. Withdraw money from an ATM. This complex mechanism will read the magnetic stripe, ask for a PIN code and issue crisp pieces of paper. Hence the conclusion is as simple as two times two formulas: track + PIN = loot;
  2. Go to the store and buy some unnecessary crap. In 99% of cases, a PIN is not required, but the card will be rolled in a piece of iron and the track data will be checked. You will be asked to sign the receipt, which the correct cashier will compare with the signature on the card. Formula two: track + plastic, similar to the real thing = product;
  3. Go to the pron website, enter your card number, maybe they will ask you for something else, and fap while the money flows out of your account. Formula three: card number + information about the owner = some profit on the network, but you still need to get fucked up and transfer it from the virtual world to the real one.
Below we will look at these magical enrichment formulas in more detail.

Track + PIN = loot​


The skimmer disguises itself as an anti skimmer.

How it works​

There are several methods that allow you to get a track and PIN card in one bottle. The most famous:
  • Fake loot launcher. A decommissioned piece of hardware is bought at a trash heap, washed and filled with simple software that can display three phrases on the screen: “Insert card”, “Enter PIN code”, “Sorry, the ATM is temporarily not working.” Loch shrugs and goes to look for a working ATM.
  • Lebanon loop. A funny-shaped loop cut from photographic film is inserted into the throat of an honest ATM. The sucker inserts the card, and... And nothing, the card is neither here nor there, the ATM writes some kind of crap. Then, SUDDENLY, a friendly native appears, who explains in broken language that yes, the ATM works somehow strangely, he has encountered this and is ready to help. During the process of assistance (in emptying the account of money), the native asks to enter a PIN code. Then he shrugs his shoulders, saying it didn’t work out. The sucker shits bricks and goes to call his bank. The native pulls the “string”, receives a card, and the PIN is already known to him. Naebalovo of this type is common in all resort towns of Churkestani, which is where it got its name. Without an accomplice in the bank, who must turn a blind eye to alerts regarding reader failure, it is poorly implemented.
  • Skimming at ATMs. A simple gadget is hung on the reader’s throat that reads cards when they are inserted. PINs are removed either using a keyboard overlay or a camera installed nearby. Now the most common method, so common that banks on the screensavers of ATMs draw the correct type of reader and keyboard, with a warning - if the ATM does not look right, then do not insert the card and call the specified number.
The resulting tracks are written onto blanks. Since they will be inserted into a piece of hardware that doesn’t give a fuck about beautiful designs, white blanks are often used. Hence the term white plastic. White plastic is a carder’s blue dream, the quintessence of carding, the philosopher’s stone, a bludgeon that turns into gold with a snap of the fingers.

Safety precautions​

  • Never tell anyone your card PIN code, repeat the mantra 50 times before going to bed. Bank employees do not need it, since it is not stored anywhere, even closed.
  • Pay attention to the reader and keyboard, as written on the ATM screensavers.
  • Enter the PIN code in such a way as to prevent spying, including by surveillance cameras.
  • Do not use unknown ATMs in gateways.
  • Do not store the written PIN with the card. Those who are especially gifted write it on the map, if only the door to the apartment was opened and a notice was hung up: the door is open, the money is in the nightstand.
  • A recipe for married men: your PIN codes are on a piece of paper in your wife’s wallet, hers in yours. If you forgot, call and ask. Lost your wallet - no problem. Relevant for holders of several different cards. Perhaps it’s fucked up on the part of the other half, but that’s a completely different story.
  • If the card type does not provide for entering a PIN in retail, the cashiers in the store should be immediately sent somewhere, since a considerable part of the PIN + track sets come from “upgraded” POS terminals [2]. It should be especially noted here that in these European countries it is easy to run into terminals that don’t care that the card does not require entering a PIN: they will ask anyway. In some cases, the reason for going on an erotic journey on foot will even be the absence of a chip on the card. So you need to look at the situation and not fall into unnecessary insanity about entering a PIN code in trading terminals.

What to do if you get fucked​

If you have some change left in your pockets for a bottle of cheap vodka, buy it, drink it and howl at the moon. But before that, call your home bank and shout that the transaction is not yours, run to the police, and then go to the bank office with a statement. Bank employees will tell you what and how to do, although reluctantly.

There is an opinion that PIN transactions are not reflected either according to the rules of payment systems or the Civil Code, since a PIN is analogous to a handwritten signature, but this is a lie. There is an opinion that they fight back on the basis of other evidence, for example, not your face on the security camera (and there is one in almost any ATM). But this is also a lie.

From January 1, 2014, you don’t have to prove anything; the bank is obliged to return the money if you notify it in writing no later than the day following the day of the theft that you were screwed. And the bank itself is obliged to sue you and prove that you are a fraudster. If he succeeds, of course.

How about participating?​

Remember, my young friend with criminal inclinations, collecting tracks and PINs is 99% of the job. Converting them to grandma is a petty, insignificant bullshit. Guys who can pull off such a combination don’t need assistants, unless they hire a homeless person who, for a shirt, will show off his unshaven face in the surveillance cameras when withdrawing money.

Track + plastic similar to the real one = product​

How it works​

  1. The tracks are poked with skimmers. The term refers to both the gadget and the people involved in this dirty business. As a rule, these are service workers at gas stations and in feeders.
  2. Falshak. With the modern level of printing, it is possible to fake a card, but you will have to invest several tons of greenery in the equipment. Somewhere to buy holograms and special symbols for the embosser.
  3. Shopping is done by youngsters who have decided to make money the easy way. It takes some time until the first attentive cashier. Then a completely different life begins, in which the words “lawyer”, “court”, “maybe conditional?” are heard much more often. Consumables.
  4. Sales of goods. Everything is simple here, there is something unnecessary that is for sale. Anonymous people who are not moralphages are happy with the opportunity to purchase a redneck device for 50% or 30% of the cost.
The scheme is multi-stage, so there is a clear specialization. Of course, someday gloomy guys will figure out that the cards are compromised at such and such a point, so skimmers prefer seasonal work or places with a high staff turnover. Cards are printed by individuals. Shoppers shop, sometimes they get caught. It’s much less common to shut down a printing house, then Management “K” promotes itself and proves that it’s not in vain that it eats the taxpayers’ bread.

In the last decade, this scheme has faded somewhat, since it requires more fiddling compared to network carding. However, it is still thriving.

Safety precautions​

Find a piece of paper with the rules for using the card, in it find the words “it is prohibited to transfer the card to third parties, it is forbidden to lose sight of the card when making payments.” Now remember how many times a week you violate this at gas stations and in vomit shops? Advice from a paranoid person: if payment by card is not happening before your eyes, pay in cash, tip the Chaldean, it will be cheaper.

What to do if you get fucked​

In this case, you can do without vodka.

Rule 1: the sooner you discover that the money has been stolen and inform the bank, the greater the likelihood that it will be returned. Regular checking of statements and SMS notifications will help here. Don’t be lazy, after calling the bank, get your ass off your chair and go write a paper application. The bank has the opportunity to return the money if the deadlines have not passed. Having returned them to himself, he will gladly return them to you. If the deadline has passed, or the plastic in the bank is handled by complete idiots, the bank will have to return it from their own, and they don’t like that.

Rule 2: your relationship with the bank is governed by the Agreement and the laws of this country. You don't give a fuck about the rules by which the bank itself plays these card games. Memorize Articles 847 and 854 of the Civil Code and prove - first at the bank, then in court - that the write-off was made without your order. If you prove it, the money will come back.

How about participating?​

Get involved. If you have no brains, buy a fake one and try to sell it. Don't forget to set aside a nest egg for a lawyer.


How it works​

The fun times when only pron was sold on the Internet, and you could download it simply by counting the Luna code, are long gone. Nowadays you can sell anything on the Internet, even the Motherland, even the sky, even Allah, and buy accordingly. But, when entering letters and numbers from a card into the form on the screen, few people think about the question - what is stopping them from entering the same letters and numbers to another person. That's right - only ignorance of this data, and nothing more.

Step 1. Where to get card data .
  • Phishing or, in other words, fake sites, fake bait that stupid but fatty fish bite on. Most often they create a fake porn site. A wanker goes to it, sees an inviting advertisement “a whole month of porn for just $0.99”, and as a result, much more disappears from the account. Yes, and with pronom it’s usually also a breeze - and in our time there are plenty of free resources .
  • Hacking an online store. A hacker or bribing an employee of a given store in order to obtain the necessary information. There is also some intermediate option - for example, a failing tyrnet store is specially bought inexpensively along with all the databases of real purchases, a store is a private store, and the database is used.
  • Use of official position. Pissing of data by a processing employee.
  • Social engineering methods:
    • By mail. A letter is written (with all sorts of headings, pictures, links to websites, etc.) like: “Hello, our bank is switching to a new database from the first day of next month, so please fill out the attached form and send it to [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation. Form 7B-2 Full name: ____ Address: ____ Card number: ____.”
    • On the phone: “Hello! Hello, this is bank employee Ivanov. I'm calling to confirm your order. Did you really order a herd of elephants? Why didn't you order? What's your credit card number? Exactly. What is your name? Wow, it also fits. Okay, don't worry, I will cancel your order." The sucker himself will blurt out all the information and also say thank you.
  • Specially sharpened Trojans and Viri.
Step 2. Laundering and withdrawal of profit .
  • Through “laundries”: any systems that allow you to both deposit money from a card and withdraw it:
    • Auctions. Selling from one account to another some HEX.
    • Electronic pseudo-money systems (electronic wallets).
    • Electronic casinos, poker rooms, bookmakers.
  • Through a real product. A highly liquid product is purchased that is easy to sell (usually equipment). The addresses to which the order is made are called drops . Finding the right drop is the most difficult task in this scheme.
  • Through a virtual product. Hosting is purchased, a server is rented, domains, shells, etc. are purchased. All this crap is sold to naive users through electronic payments.
Each participant has his own narrow specialization. A person with intelligence and hands suitable for collecting card data will never waste his time on punching, the puncher will never indicate his real address in the order. The drops don’t know how to do anything, so they are left to communicate with the bloody KGB.

Safety precautions​

  1. All information necessary to make a payment is printed on the card. Therefore, light the map less. Sending a scan of both sides of the card is the same as sending all the money.
  2. Pay by card only on well-known sites with serious business. For other places, use e-wallets.
  3. Enter data only in a window with an SSL connection (in the http s address bar ), make sure that the server certificate is verified by the browser.
  4. For online payments, it makes sense to have a separate card with a separate account. For example like this:
    1. We open a second account with the same bank and issue another card linked to this account. Many banks allow you to issue a “virtual” card, which can only be used to pay online. This is exactly what we need.
    2. When opening this second account, repeat the phrase “OVERDRAFT ON THE ACCOUNT MUST BE ZERO!!!111” 150 or more times.
    3. Now, if we want to pay on the Internet, we go to the Internet bank of our own bank, transfer the required amount + 10 rubles to the second account, and pay with the second “virtual” card.
    4. Thus, if the card data is leaked, we risk only the balance on the second account. Bingo!
  5. Wash your hands before eating and update your antivirus.
  6. Some banks allow you to flexibly set card limits: a maximum for online purchases per day, a maximum for withdrawal from an ATM and a maximum for in-store purchases. In combination with SMS monitoring of transactions, this is a good way to reduce risks to these amounts. Since large purchases are usually rare, before each one you can call the bank in advance and authorize a specific large transaction. It’s a little more hemorrhagic, but you won’t lose more limits, plus, with small limits, the bank will easily return the stolen funds (sometimes the bank’s security service won’t even bother with the investigation, but will simply reimburse from its account, but you shouldn’t abuse this - often those who cancel card payments will get caught under close supervision).
  7. Some banks in Mobile Bank and similar ones offer activation of payments on the Internet via SMS only for one time. Before purchasing, activate payments online, make a purchase, after which purchases will not take place without your permission.
  8. To pay via PayPal - many online banking services have a function to block online transactions. Therefore, by default, we keep the card blocked, even if some cool hacker wants to, he will suck dicks online. To pay: go to Internet banking, remove the block, pay for the purchase (the payment on the stick usually goes through immediately) and immediately after that we block Internet transactions.
  9. If you lose your card, we BLOCK IT IMMEDIATELY. There is no need to explain why if you have read the article up to this point.

What to do if you get fucked​

The same as in the previous case.

Carder stole corals from carder​

Rap on topic

As an alternative to online carding, scammers scam the carders themselves, and more often, under-carders and suckers. The profit, of course, is not much, but for the student it’s just the thing. The main thing is to be safe; abandoned carders won’t show up anywhere. Well, the moralfag can be happy.

The scammer scours the forums, finds a noob who wants to buy something - this can be easily identified by the number of posts on the forum, as well as by the style of the ad - contacts him, introduces himself as a “seller” who has just what he needs. Next comes the process of divorcing the money, since in a transaction the money is always paid in advance. A noob, as a rule, does not know about basic security measures, such as reputation checks, guarantors, etc. If he knows, then it is better to immediately look for a new one.

An experienced carder, seeing that he has come across a newcomer, launches a well-established scheme - he chats in a friendly manner, as if by chance, he begins to remember himself at the beginning of the “Great Path”, how he made his first income from carding, what he bought, where he went on vacation, etc. Noob Naturally, he associates himself with the interlocutor and wants even more to buy everything he needs. Purchase amounts vary widely - from $20 to $1000-$3000. It happens that a loser even borrows money just to pay off the scammer.

Experienced scammers have a bunch of tools in their arsenal: amateur photos of white plastic, encoders for recording on magnetic stripes, photos of credit cards, screenshots of stolen cardboard bases, with blurry numbers, of course. All this is slipped to the noob if he wants to see evidence of the presence of the goods. If a sucker wants a cardboard base, then you can simply create a text file, calling it “USA_creditcards_visa_valid_new.doc”, throw it there to create a volume of “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, then into a RAR archive with a password and email it to the sucker. To get the password, you need to pay a lot of money for the base, about $200-300. In situations where a sucker wants to buy a skimmer, white plastic or an encoder, the sucker is given a photo of the desired item, then they arrange shipping - DHL, FedEx, UPS, Pony Express. Then she photoshopped a screenshot “from the postal company website”, in which the site itself and the photoshopped sign or text “item accepted for dispatch” are visible. It is preferable to initially tell the sucker that the scammer lives over the hill, so that the sucker is not aware of the package tracking interface on the company’s website, and the company should be chosen that is not particularly widespread in the Russian Federation, definitely not EMS. Next, they demand money from the sucker, threatening to “cancel further delivery of the parcel.” A tracking number is not provided “for security reasons.” Loch sees that the parcel has already been sent and happily pays...

Actually, that’s the whole simple process of cheating. There are also scams not for money, but for stuff like cardboard bases. You need to have working scam cards on hand, because when selling large databases with credit card numbers, the sucker often asks “to give 1-2 to try.” This is where these numbers come in handy. When a sucker tests the product himself and sees that it WORKS, then nothing will stop him from giving you the money.

Advantages of scammers:
  • Security - you can engage in scamming without fear of bloody KGB, “computing by IP”, or claims from banks. No scammers will ever get you, especially if you are from Sukhodrischensk, in the Mukhosran province.
  • The process itself is extremely fun if you approach it creatively. The abandoned suckers start shitting bricks, writing tons of angry messages, you can start trolling them, calling yourself a kind of Robin Hood, defending the rights of credit card owners.
  • What a profit, you can have your $20-40 a day if you sit closely at the computer, the main thing is that your mother doesn’t know and doesn’t forget to pay for the Internet.

Disadvantages of scammers:
  • Scammers can't make a living. But there is enough for pistachios with beer and kebabs in nature.
  • More and more suckers are demanding a guarantor, a person with an impeccable reputation, a moderator who will act as a mediator.
  • Electronic payment systems are becoming more and more secure, fewer and fewer new carders mean fewer and fewer suckers to scam.

Close relatives​

Other problems with cards​

Double write-off
Crooked cashiers have a habit of sometimes writing off the amount twice. How to fight:
  • Check the amount on the check.
  • Sign only if the amount is correct. Otherwise, demand the cancellation of the operation and a new one for the correct amount.
  • They will give you two checks to sign, but you need to keep one for yourself. It is advisable to make sure that these are checks from the same transaction: the transaction number and authorization code are the same.

Blocking money
In Europe, car rentals and hotels like to block a certain amount of money on the client’s account to insure their risks; block it, not withdraw it. Everything would be fine, but sometimes they forget to remove the lock, reasoning that if it dries out, it will fall off on its own. It will, of course, fall off in 30-45 days, but this is little consolation if you cannot use your money, which you were counting on here and now.

How to fight:
  • Keep in mind such quirks and some reserve of money in case the blocking is not lifted.
  • When returning the car or checking out, I wanted to remind the service staff so that they don’t forget to unlock the money.

Don't worry​

Check forgery
It has not received proper distribution in this country for a number of reasons. Firstly, this is the very unpopularity of using checks. Secondly, there is a long waiting period for money and the inability to withdraw money anonymously. To cash a check, you usually need to go to the bank and fill out a bunch of papers with the obligatory indication of your real name and tax identification number. In addition, the bank will not pay you anything right away, but will first send a check for collection (verification of the authenticity and availability of this amount from the party issuing the check), which usually takes from a couple of days to a month, or even more. At the same time, the banks themselves like to charge interest and individual amounts for each movement of their finger. You will probably be charged for cashing, and for collection, and for postage, and a percentage of the check itself, just because of the impudence of the bank and for other reasons. As a result, you will get money out of hand, and up to 50% (sometimes more) will be grabbed by the bank itself. It gets especially funny when a shkolota tries to cash out the 30 bucks he honestly earned from clicks and registrations, sent by check. In this case, it often gets to the point of being funny - to cash a check you have to pay more money than you receive. This is what the underage clickers are screwed about: it is not economically profitable to cash checks for small amounts in this country, which means that the money remains with the organizers of the scam.

There is an elegant way of posting checks, and it is absolutely legal. A respectable burgher buys some harmless video content in an online store, “The Christmas of Little Animals.” The “trailer” comes with a hard pron in his order. The burgher, in shock, makes an angry appeal to the store, there - oh, there was a mistake, we will, of course, return the money. And they return it. By check. The receipt states “return of the order “Three horses and an elephant fuck a minor whore.” The cashing rate of such checks is much less than one hundred. This method is described in “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.”

There are two concepts: “chargeback” - a full refund of the amount paid and “refund” - the buyer’s refusal to purchase and a refund minus a small penalty to the merchant for a headache. Usually ten percent. Or a fixed amount - the same 10 greens.

Declaring a charge is like hemorrhoids: you need to write a statement to the police and the bank. Then there was a showdown in payment system arbitration. For a long time. And the most important thing is the necessary seasoning for the charge - re-issuing the card (for many banks, even to this day, this is a paid procedure of 10-50 greens) and, accordingly, from two weeks to a month - without a card at all and the dough lying on it. Declaring a charge when the purchase amount is less than 50-100 greens is simply stupid. You will spend more on accompanying processes.

Therefore, when a merchant invites a cardholder to make a refund, he happily agrees. Because the alternative is a charge and a sea of hemorrhoids.

Well, the rest is clear. We are opening an online store with 100,500 items of goods and warehouses “filled to capacity.” And after payment, we kindly write soap to the buyer with our deepest apologies, or rather a soulless, specially honed robot writes, about the impossibility of fulfilling the order and offer a refund. We have an absolutely legal 10%, even a little less, because the bank also wants to eat and taxes must be paid without doing absolutely anything.

Otake on i-bank
The topic is relatively new, but rich in all respects. The scheme is simple to describe, but not simple to implement: a Trojan is used to steal the keys to an i-net-bank account, and the money is debited. You can lose everything you have acquired through backbreaking labor, and even more. Small offices that manage their accounts through online banks are at greatest risk. If malware like Zeus has penetrated, drain the water...

It may happen that the account page into which the password is entered was programmatically generated on your own computer. And the web bank works quite stably, but not on your machine. Attacks on accounts in network pseudo-money systems are carried out in a similar way.

Imaginary carding

Option one from card holder
It is recommended that two people participate. One, the account holder, sits at home, recording in every possible way his presence in this country. Another, with a card or its duplicate, drinks, eats, buys clothes and squanders money abroad in every possible way. When fed up, the account holder protests the transactions. The bank is freaking out. Used by goons who calculated two moves, but didn’t have enough brains for the third. It won’t be possible to get your money back right away, but after a very long fuss, if it works out at all, that’s it. It rolls only once, you can’t build a stream of babosiks - it’s two. The doors to this bank for cards and loans will be closed, and to others, most likely, too - that’s three. For these reasons, it is rare.

Option two from the merchant
They are creating their own business that accepts cards from the public (selling pron, software, music, anything, even a travel agency). Pre-purchased and tested cardboard is mixed into the flow of real sales. Some of the transactions will be returned, and the merchant’s money will be squeezed out, but some will remain in the form of profit. It doesn’t last long, since fraud monitoring will point its finger at the increased background. But no one is stopping you from registering a new clone of the same thing.



  1. ↑ CVV2 is the name of this code for Visa, CVC2 for MasterCard.
  2. ↑ The open PIN in the correct terminals does not go further than the keyboard and the encryption module, but this is in the correct ones.
