Carding: Where did you end up?


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What kind of place is it? What is the darknet? What is carding? If you purposefully found our forum, then these are quite obvious things. I am only publishing information from personal experience, and how you manage it is up to you.

Darknet is the dark side of the Internet. This is something that will never be said on TV in the context of answering your questions. The very essence of a dark place hardly suggests comfort and cheerfulness. This is why your mother will take away your computer and why the district police officer Pavel Vasilyevich can look at you in his polished shoes.

Here we delve deep into the topic of hacking. To be more precise, carding. What is carding? Simply put, it is taking funds from the victims’ credit or debit cards and using them for your own purposes. Be it buying things, drugs, advertising budgets, hotels, plane tickets, taxis, etc. It's not that important. Anyone can master this direction, even a schoolchild. And don’t worry, you don’t have to lift your ass from your chair or move away from your computer even a centimeter to do this. Everything happens online.

How to do this and what methods are there? I have already described it in other articles. Who am I? Not so important today. But for you, I can become a person who gives you the opportunity for a comfortable future. A man who taught to have everything and remain invisible.

Educational and simply useful original articles will be published here.

Why do all this? The answer is outrageously simple. Money. There is too much money in carding, enough for everyone. Just take it and do it. You can do more in a day than your parents put together in a month.

To begin with, you should understand that you will start breaking the law even before you get your first iPhone. No, you won’t be put on Interpol’s wanted list and, by and large, no one gives a damn about you, so it will be. Of course, until you start stealing more than $10,000 a month, you still need to come to this. It's worth starting small. Therefore, the same thing, a duffel bag, is an excellent option for starting.

With all this, you shouldn’t openly give a damn about security; it’s important to observe the required minimum, which we’ll talk about in the following articles, and we talked about in previous ones.

Now, offhand, I’ll sketch out a few obvious pros and cons of the hammering profession, and you can decide for yourself whether you need it.

Free clothes, gadgets, etc. You can sell the stolen goods to the hoarders for a percentage, or you can send all the staff to you and figure out what to sell and what to keep. This also includes free travel.

Money. There’s nothing to say here, as much as you eat, you’ll get as much. I’ll throw in a little simple math. Let’s say we sell at least one iPhone overnight for $1000, sell it cheaply for 70% of the cost and get our $700. If you enter at least one pack for $1000 per day, then you can earn good money in a month.

The main rule of carding is not to work in your own country. If department K can forgive your pranks behind the hill (until you start playing big), then in front of their nose they will not allow this. Never steal from your own!

Carding, no matter how strange it may sound to you, is a WORK, it is not a BUTTON-LOUND. And you need to treat it like work, otherwise you won’t be profitable. There are many pitfalls here, this is a huge area of shady business, you must be on trend and have the necessary knowledge in order to start making good money.