Carding Tutorial from A to Z

Carding 4 Carders

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- Credit Card.
Fullz credit card Full Information - large credit card.
Information Cardholder - legal owner of the card.
Shop - online store.
Thorn - the process of buying goods in an online store using stolen credit card information.
Drop (mule) - the person on whom you are making a thorn (If you are afraid of yourself, or to divert your eyes, so that the admins of the shop are confused, since they do not send them to the ru).
Seller- the seller of the material necessary for the carder.
Vbiv (drive) - entering information about the card when paying for the goods like "carding process".
Stuff - goods.

Chapter 1. Stolen CC - Credit Card

CC (cardboard, potato) - all of this means a credit card, but if we are talking about online carding, it is more likely information about the credit card and its owner.

Example CC:
5424181133030572 | 705 | 01/23 | Cyndi Wallace | US | AZ | Tucson |
5121 N Corte deCatalonia | 85718 | 5205778223 | [email protected]
This is how the usual CC looks like, as mentioned earlier, this is information about the credit card and about the owner, now we will write down what and where and what it means:

5424181133030572 - credit card number (16 digits)
01/23 - card expiration date (expiration date)
705 - security code (CVV2)
Cyndi Wallace - name and surname of the cardholder
US - country of residence of the cardholder
AZ - state of residence of the cardholder
Tucson - city of residence of the cardholder
85718- postal code (zip cod, postal cod) of the cardholder
5121 N Corte deCatalonia - street and house of the cardholder
5205778223 - phone number of the cardholder (optional) is not found on all CC
[email protected] - email of the cardholder (optional) is not found on all CC

This example of CC is very convenient and everything is clear on it, but it happens that a seller (seller of material) can give CC in a bad format, without divisions, and with unnecessary garbage, so I advise (beginners) to check with sellers before selling to what format they sell CC, maybe even ask for CC for an example.

Before carding, it is also important to know what brand your credit card is (MASTERCARD, VISA, American expres - the most common credit cards), you can determine this by the card number, as follows. Remember:
If the card number starts with 4 - a VISA, if the card number starts with 5 - a MC (MASTERCARD), if the card number starts with 3 - it Amex (American Expres)

That's actually in possession of this information can be made carding to many services (Skype, Steam, online shops, etc).

Extras Information:
1. For MASTERCARD and VISA, the card number consists of 16 digits, for American expres of 15.
2. The security code for MASTERCARD and VISA consists of three digits, for American expres it is 4.
3. Not in all cc the state can be written in full, very often it is indicated by two letters, examples: IA, AR, DE, etc.
4. Very often newcomers confuse a city with a state in CC or cannot figure out where the city is at all, in this case also use Google.
5. The balance on a regular CC is never known. (there are special checkers, but there are only a few of them, and most of them usually kill the card in 90%).

Chapter 2. Full CC and Enroll

Full CC
or as the people call them fullz - this is CC with additional information about the card holder, namely SSN, DOB, MMN is
SSN - List Social Security number (security number cardholders)
DOB - date of birth (birth date cardholders)
MMN - mother's maiden name (nee cardholders mother) (does not occur always, is optional)

Here is an example Fullz:
4207670054361434 | 259 | 01/23 | Jacqueline Y. Leslie | United States | NY | Brooklyn |
345 Clinton Avenue Apt. 12E | 11238 | 718-864-0882 |
Social Security Number: 050-38-1889
Date of Birth: Dec /22/1947
Mother's Maiden Name: Peets

The following may also be present on the fulk: the cardholder's soap, the cardholder's phone number and the bank that issued the credit card (sometimes required when paying) But this can all be on a regular CC. The main advantage is information about SSN and DOB. What is this infa for? And what are the fullers for?
They take fullers in order to make enroll, that is, create a bank account. To create an account you need additional info (SSN and DOB). As a rule, the cards are rolled in order to find out the balance of the card and gain access to changing the billing address. And now what is all this for?
I think everything is clear about the balance (if not, then no), but about billing - I think not to everyone, and even more it is not clear why it should be changed at all) Duck, the billing address is the address of the card holder (i.e. home address , city, state / region, zip code). The fact is that when registering in an online store, there are two such concepts as Billing adress (card holder address) and shipping adress (delivery address). If they differ, then the order is checked more thoroughly, unlike the case when they coincide (goods are sent within 2 hours).
Thus, for example: we have a usa shop and a usa CC, as well as a drop in the usa, we make a video, change the billing address of the cardholder to the drop address, and then order the goods for the billing address and everything is ok)) But in reality, of course, not everything is so simply. It is not so easy to change the billing address, while at the same time you will at least have to accept the call and have the MMN info - and this is at least.

You shouldn't bother about Enroll - it's for general information.

Chapter 3. Additional protection of credit cards.

If you think that life is easy for a carder and that carding is a freebie, then you are wrong. Every day, bespectacled people in banks are working hard to make life difficult for you and me. And then one day they came up with VBV - Verified by Visa. The essence of the system is that when paying for goods or services on the Internet, you must enter an additional verification code, which the cardholder receives from the bank that issued the card. However, this does not solve the problem of payment security. The problem is that the customer cannot deny transactions that are not Verified by Visa protected. And even by paying only in those online stores where Verified by Visa is used, the client can easily steal data (card number, owner's name, expiration date, cvv2 code) sufficient to make legal payments on behalf of the client.
In short: VBV - this is an additional protection of visa cards (when paying, it requires entering a password) there are cards with vbv and without vbv - some sellers (material sellers) check (check) on vbv. If you bought from a seller who does not check for vbv and it ended up with vbv, then such a card can only be thrown away. Therefore, check with the sellers.
As you understood VBV is additional protection of visa cards. The master card has a similar security called SECURITYCODE.

Chapter 4. Tales about department "K" (russian cops like FBI)

I don't even know where to start. I will try to be short and convincing. To begin with, I will write down the order of events after the order of a product, from a store. And so we ordered the goods from the store and they send it to us, then two options are possible:

1. The cardholder does not burn the loss of money (the smartest option in this case, the purchase is completely legal and there is nothing to write here (by the way, this often happens if the amount of money is small or the cardholder is temporary) does not have access to the card)

2. The cardholder fills the loss of money after some time (the goods have already been sent to us), then something like the following happens: the cardholder calls the bank, says this is how the money was lost, the bank tracks the last payments and says that this amount was debited for the purchase goods in an online store, the cardholder is all nervous, etc., says that he did not order anything and cries, after the proceedings (possibly long) - the online store makes a chargeback (refund to the cardholder) Thus, we get that losses carries the shop. Perhaps, of course, there is still such a situation: the cardholder is a brainiac and will not be able to prove that he didn’t make any purchases and sew him and not the money back, for us this situation is also beneficial (I think it’s clear, if not, then go ahead for the pills of iodomarin to the pharmacy), but Let's return all the same to the situation when the shop bears losses. What happens next? There are again two options:

1. The shop clogs and then sells its junk (99% probability, because if the parcel goes to another country, it is called ends in the water, and if to Russia, then it is called ends at the bottom of the world ocean - the Americans also understand this).

2 The store owner is a principled person, a veteran of the Second World War, and so on. Such a serious Maine, of course, goes to the police station (to a regular police station, to a serious cybercrime department with a statement about the theft of an electric kettle, he will not be allowed in) and so he comes to the station writes a statement, the cops of course listen, but after that when they find out that the kettle has left for Russia, they regretfully tell the "poor" store owner that it is more expensive to get involved with these psychos. and this is where it ends).
Perhaps some of you are not catching up with the simplicity of online carding. After all, you've watched videos on YouTube and read articles on how to catch carders. So: firstly, do not confuse real carding (they often catch in the ass there and successfully) and online carding (I don’t know anyone who would be given for a thing for a period of time), and secondly, do not work on RU and CIS, here you are also very easy to catch. In addition, in 90% of cases, Russian carders are caught on the territory of other countries (again, they consider it useless to turn to Russian cops for help).
Now about the "K" department. Who do you think works there? And there are former hackers and carders working there, who know that today there are several thousand small carders operating in Russia (who card for amounts from $ 2000-3000 per month) this is the same as trying to drink the Black Sea (my sick comparison). Who poses a threat to our country (these are idiots who work on RU) and serious guys who make from 100k bucks a month. And this is not to mention bribes and the fact that Russian cops hardly imagine how to shop online with a credit card. And they don't catch anyone for clothing carding and it's true.

Chapter 5. Drops (mules)

Drop - the person to whose address you make a spike. Personally, I advise you to resort to the services of a drop, in the event that the shop does not send to your country, now there are few shops that send, for example, to Russia, in which case carders are looking for drops, for example, in yus and make spikes on them - this increases the likelihood that the product is successful will be sent. And if you have a store that sends to Russia, then you can send it calmly to yourself (this is what all normal people do). You should resort to drops in Russia if you work on RU, that is, you fizzle from Russian stores and onto Russian cardboard (but only bastards work on RU), so see for yourself. To better understand why you need drops, consider two situations:
1. You have a USA cc + USA shop, you order the goods to Russia (the probability that the goods will be sent is small).
2. You have a USA cc + USA shop, you order the goods to the address of the drop, who lives in the USA (the probability that the goods will be sent is high).
Now I think it became clear to you that they are looking for drops not so much for safety, but for a successful carding. You should also know that drops are of two types:
Adjustable (a person does not know that he is working for a carder, such drops are often caught).
Indelible (a person knows that he accepts a carved product, observes security measures, etc.).

Chapter 6. Breaking through additional information about a credit card

To begin with, a few definitions:
Bank issuer - the bank that issued the card and controls it
Bin - the first six digits of the card number, which can be used to determine the following: bank issue, card type, card level, card brand. How to punch information and what it looks like now I will tell you:
1. Go to the site
2. Press SEARCH BIN (above)
3. Enter bin and captcha, after entering, press Search

And then you should get information like the following:
Bin: 421766
Card Brand: VISA
Card Type: DEBIT
Card Level: PLATINUM
Iso Country Name: UNITED STATES
Iso Country A2: US
Iso Country A3: USA
Iso Country Number: 840

What is this information for? Information is the most important weapon of a carder, in carding everything revolves around information, roughly speaking, the more you know the better. Issuing Bank sometimes requires when paying, Card Level depends on the card's fatness, the higher the level, the more likely it is that a card with a large balance. In general, a lot of useful information can be extracted from any information.

Chapter 7. Cardable Shops

Shops I think the chapter about shops is the most important. Why? I'll tell you now. The fact is that many beginners think that all carding is directly driving it in. But carding it in is easy and not difficult (stupid filling in the fields). It would be safe to assume that this is all carding. In fact, there is a lot of tedious and boring work in modern-day carding. Let's figure it out. And so we have CC, but where to carding? Where can I get a shop that can be easily sent? To carding the first shops that come across is nonsense) To begin with, let's introduce a few more concepts that you need to know before "going to the store":
1. Billing address - Billing adress (alt. Payments information) - the address of the card holder, ie the billing address.
2. Shiping address - Shiping adress (alt. Delivery information) - delivery address, ie your address or drop.

Now, in fact, we will learn to identify POTENTIALLY sending shops (ie shops in which it makes sense, try to do it by carding). To do this, go to Google and carding various requests (I think it's clear that in English) and browse online stores. And now a few nuances that need to be seen in order to understand whether this shop is suitable for us:
1. The shop must accept a credit card for payment (if you do not see the credit card symbols in the store, such a shop can be discarded immediately)
2. The shop must send to a separate Billing adress (i.e., there are shops that are sent only to the cardholder)
3. Is there a delivery method to Russia (it is not uncommon that Russia is on the list of countries, but there is no way to deliver there).

But only when all these points satisfy your situation, only then you are already driving. But the best way to determine these nuances is to issue them by carding, that is, you stupidly go to the website of an online store: choose a product - register (all the data on the ball) - well, then go to the payment itself according to the way, looking and determining all that as written above. Thus, you select, a certain number of shops and then you already make real carding in them)

And now ATTENTION! I repeat! And so: to find out whether the shop is sending or not is IMPOSSIBLE without carding it into it! But this does not mean that you need to carding the first shops that come across . For this, we first look through the shops on our computer (that is, we hang out there as an ordinary visitor - we register - we reach the payment and along the way we look at all the nuances) - what are the nuances of us interested look above! Sure does not have to constantly register, because "bad shops" can be immediately identified (by pictures, etc.) - but I insist that you jerk off your claudia and your eyes, because there is no place without these nerdy skills. CARDING - THIS IS NOT A FREEBIE.

Chapter 8. Additional information before carding (nuances)

And so we already figured out that carding is nothing more than a regular payment (only from someone else's account). Now let's look at the small nuances that can positively carding affect.
If you think that having bought a grandfather and CC (valid) you will succeed 100% - this is a delusion.

And so we will analyze the points:

1. Grandfather and CC should be selected necessarily from one country and preferably one region (region, state).
2. It is better to carding before lunchtime (local time of the deed).
3. The most favorable days for carding are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
4. You cannot order several times from the store to the same address! (Just kill the shop).
3. It is better to use 1cc on one carding (if you have not driven into one shop, you can try to carding another, but after a successful carding, it is better not to touch the card anymore!
4. If you order goods to one country, but pay with a card of another country, then most likely nothing will work for large amounts.
5. And in general, remember: the smaller the amount, the more chances that they will be sent.
6. Payment for delivery is also included in the order amount, so you can save on it (do not choose the fastest way, choose the cheapest).

Chapter 9. After a successful carding. What's next?

And so: let's say we did all the rules, the payment in the shop went through (that is, the card was hammered in), what's next?
I will say right away that this does not mean a fig. Ie not the fact that the goods have already been sent 100%. This only means that your order has been accepted for consideration, and people will already be considering it.
All further information about our order will go to our e-mail (which we indicated during registration). If there are problems with English, I advise you to use a translator .. But as a rule, standard letters come to the mail. The types of letters are as follows: The first letter is most likely a notification and gratitude about registration on their website.
The second letter is a notification that your payment has been accepted and will be reviewed shortly (this is called an order). If it didn't work out for you, then most likely a letter with the opposite content will also be sent.

But the options for the third letter may be different:

1. A good option! You will be sent a letter that your goods have been sent or will be sent soon (this is called "hurray track given") Track is the number of the parcel by which you can track its position in the flesh before staying in your city. By the way, a parcel can be sent to you without this track (depending on which delivery method you have chosen), as a rule, the cheapest methods are sent without a track number.
2. Semi-sad option! You will be sent a letter in which they ask you to prove the fact that you are a legal cardholder. You may be asked for a photo of a credit card or its scan or a scan of some other document, I can also ask you to call them and again confirm by phone the fact that you are a cardholder. The forums are full of services that draw scans and receive calls.
3. Bad option! There is nothing to write here. A letter will come in which you will be sent to heaven for an asterisk.

Chapter 10. More about the delivery of parcels

Here I will try to describe everything about deliveries.
Go. In general, there are three main delivery services, they are: DHL (almost all over the world), EMS (almost all over the world), USPS (USA).
In general, in order not to paint a lot, I will say right away that I advise you to punch the track here:, but here the information will start to appear if the parcel is already on the territory of the Russian Federation.

And here are other sites: - track a parcel by order number around the world from almost anywhere in the world - 97 countries are here! - EMS official website
http: // EMS in China - EMS in America - DHL general site

That's the principle and everything about delivery!

Chapter 11. Frequently asked questions. And contacts of sellers.

1. Question: Is it possible to buy СС and withdraw money from it to the WebMoney?
Answer: NO! In general, on a straight line with a regular CC, you will not bring anything anywhere and the schemes that are sold, such as CC => WM (fake method).

2. Question: The package came. How to get it. Stupid to go to the post office and that's it?
Answer: YES! Most likely you will receive a notification and go to the post office (I can ask for another passport at the post office).

3. Question: How to find out the balance per CC?
Answer: NO! (that's why they cost so little, because sellers are not responsible for the balance.

Never get involved with activities in Russia. (In general, nothing) If they catch it, it will be too late.
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