Carding training - free for you!

Carding 4 Carders

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In Telegram, a lot of channels have recently developed that offer paid training from A to Z to clothing carding. For some of you, this concept is generally unfamiliar, but I am sure that there will be those who have been thinking about buying such a manual for a long time. Almost all sellers of this knowledge offer the same chain. Below is a course from one of the sellers on this topic.

The article is purely for informational purposes and does not call for action!


CC - credit card.
Stick - PayPal (PP)
Amer / Pendos - US Citizen
GB - Britain
DE - Germany
Dropovod - A person mediator with his people (drops, money mules) in different countries
Data Seller - Seller of material for carding (Accounts, dedicated servers, bank cards)
Dedik - dedicated servers
VBV - 3D
Self-registration - account registered by you on the data of cardholder.
BA - bank account
Vanilka (VC) - virtual card
EU - Europe
Dialer - Person with Knowledge of Languages for Call
Instant - Instant Transfer
CH - Card Holder

Many people think that carding is dying and many say that it is not possible to card an Amazon or ebay now, honestly this is all nonsense, Protections are changing, stores are sewing in new chips, they are cutting amounts for an order without VBV. and a lot of other things, for example, ebay began to throw off the CC from aka if you change the address, but this is only in USA, so the nuts tightened the result - USA died for such a carding. But where one dies, 2 others appear. For example, let's take the same fuck again

Our USA is dead, so we are leaving her, she is no longer interesting to us. We just take another country For example, GB, DE is now climbing. with accounts ebey + CC.

Most newbies are wondering where to start?

Many try to start with a PayPal — this is a mistake number of times! A stick by its nature can be compared to a greedy comerice until you convince her that you are exactly the amerikos who regal this acc, she will not give you a penny, and this is not as easy as it seems. firstly, now the USA PayPal gives up to $ 200, provided that you have a Dedicated Server for the state and a tunnel for Zip CH. In no case do not run immediately to the ebay, he will simply deploy you, you will pour money on the mat and leave empty. PayPal is practically one sharaga and she looks at everything. That is, in order to carding ebay off a PayPal, we need to know a lot of information.

Now the PayPal is more detailed, it has 2 directions of "self-registration and brute" as we know self-registrations died about a month ago the last bank that knitted without problems "Chase" tightened the nuts and now asks to receive a message on the phone when binding. Self-registers have disappeared now, making them expensive.

Brutus is cheap and gives up to $ 200, we do not go into ebay and large stores. we take ordinary shops not large. Another important point to choose a store is if you want to beat a PayPal. There should be payment of PP but the merch is not a PayPal then it will go better.

It's better to start with CC, it is not difficult to use. that is, we do not need to bother about socks and tunnels, here we only need to do homework for the state of CH. some take it immediately under the drop state, this is also correct, of course, but not every store will give it that way.

CC price is not high with a check the card costs from $5 (USA, EU is more expensive)

VBV Of course, it is better with VBV, but they are expensive, so for the start we take the Pak of working out BOA or OMAHA Banks. why these banks? They all just roll. and bins from these banks will be useful to you in the future if you decide to do this.

We take the working off, take the deed under the drop state / in the intermediary, select the store and go to screw up our working off, if we got in, we send the pack to the intermediary, save the bin and go on. All bins that you save will be unique, so-called private bins.

If the card has already been in work and has entered it again, then it is good and it has a fat balance, you can later roll this bin.

Now about the sad thing, many people think that $ 25-50 are enough to start, and some in general that you can start from 0. to start, it is better to have $50-100 if you merge them, you will already know what you did wrong and some experience will already appear.

Over time, people who fall in love will appear in contacts such as Data Sellers Material, manual droppers, dialers, punchers, Scoops who will indulge you)) in general, all this comes with time. But if you just want a new apple for yourself and start doing it precisely because of this, then just go and buy it in the store on credit. don't fuck your head)


So, we need:

1. Mail (2 pcs.)

I would advise you to make mails to yahu, since at any time I can request verification to the mail to the gmail, and you will need to receive an SMS. This is not always convenient. So the regeam is two mails to Yahu with an absolutely random name, if there is not enough imagination, we find any generator and go ahead.

2. We need a stolen cretid card (CC in the future).

I think you know where to get them. If not, write to the telegram, I will tell you. We buy a card according to this criterion. Brand = VISA, Type = Credit, Level = Platinum, Valid = 64 - 100%. If you take it on the bypass, then check it for valid, if the card is alive, then be sure to wait 15 minutes before carding, let it rest. In terms of level, take credit cards better, as a rule, there is a balance there than on debit cards.

3. We need stuff intermediary. More precisely, the address in the United States where we will send the goods purchased in the store. (I will attach a list of the intermediary to the manual).

About registration in the intermediary. Buy a scan from sellers. It is better not to take it from the network, because in the intermediary at any time you can request your docks, they can of course be drawn, but why overpay. So we take a set of docks from the seller and use these data to register the intermediary one. Be sure to check the validity of the passport on the FMS website, since problems may arise later when sending.

4. We also need a tunnel, socks, vpn, dedik (dedicated servers).

Who has enough imagination. In fact, you can hit and vpn, but to sleep more calmly, throw on a tunnel or sock. You do not need to pick up anything for a zip card, the most important condition is that it is CLEAN. Let's go to ipsocks and take some kind of tunnel, copy the ip and go to the site, look at it for cleanliness, if everything is fine, put it on and go to, check the tunnel for blackouts, if everything is clean, we twist the time on the system , we close the Web RTC and go ahead. To be honest, the shops do not care at all about this, so you can not twist and close anything, I do this for my own confidence. It's not difficult. After each drive, we clean the system with a cleaner.

We throw in the ip yusy, go to Google and insert this golden phrase inurl: /giftcertificates.php into the search engine and that's it. Before her, write what interests you and go ahead. (wear / nike / adidas) in general, as far as imagination is enough. In the search settings, you can also set the site domain, site language, store country, so as not to look for unnecessary shops.

Google will give us what we are looking for, namely those shops that are made on the bigcommerce engine. We will work with them.

Now I'll tell you how to select shops. The most important thing that interests us first of all is the "Gift Certificate" button.


Using this shop as an example. Most often it is on top, sometimes it is below, but it should be. It's just that some stores simply remove them from the site. You can also look at "Alexa"

This is the so-called shop rating, the lower the Alexa, the more popular the shop, so you don't need to go into the top shops, I made 22 million dollars in stores with Alexa. and everything is fine, as well as the orders entered the shops where alexa was 300k. so it's better to get your hands on the smaller shops. SEO quake is a browser add-on that will show you this alexa. And be sure to look at the merchandise shop, I think you know what it is. If we see a merchandise PayPal or when paying you throw it on it, then we do not waste time, we close the shop and go to another. There are few of them, but there are.


It looks something like this.

So we figured out what was absolutely necessary, now we go directly to work.

We find a shop in which we will carding and go into it. Insert the address into the search engine and go through the search to the shop. There is no need to wander around it, hang in the shop for a couple of minutes and immediately click on the Gift Certificate. Now I'll tell you how to fill it in.


Now, in order:

Recipients name
is the name of the card recipient, i.e. the name to which you will then redeem the card and, accordingly, send it to the intermediary. So here we indicate the name to which the account was registered in the intermediary. Mail, respectively, is also the recipient. A letter with a gift will come to it and then you will redeem the card from it, so do not lose access.

Your name - here, respectively, the name and mail of the sender. We write the name from the card, and the mail indicates the one that you yourself registered.

Amount is the denomination of the certificate. Here, first of all, we look at the product, and its cost, and its quantity on the site. There should be a lot of goods. If the average price tag, then feel free to put the amount of $ 300. If the price tag is higher, then you can put both 500 and 600 and 800, but again, do not forget that the card may not have enough balance. I set 300-600 according to the standard and the orders go like clockwork.

The theme of the card is always birthday and in the message of Happy birthday by standard.

So, that's it. Click Add to Cart and move on.


Here we press Proceed to checkout, in no case press on the PayPal. Further.


You do not need to register, click on the guest and move on.


Everything is very simple here, we take all the data except the mail from the card that we bought. The phone can be changed anywhere one digit. Next, click Bill to this address.


Here we do not touch anything, go further.

If you are thrown onto a PayPal as in the screenshot below, then, as I said, we are leaving this store.



Here we fill in all the data from the card and click pay. If everything is fine and the card is live, it will be written for the purchase and the order number, the higher the number the better, it shows how many orders were in this store. If everything went well, we go to the recipient's mail and there should already be a letter with the long-awaited card. This is the beauty of sites powered by the Bigcommerts CMS, that Gift drops instantly. For a couple of days, I make Gift for about $ 3k without problems and the amount can be easily increased. Out of 10 orders, Gift falls in 95% of cases. Gift looks something like this. The same code that is on top, then you will insert it when shopping. So don't waste it.


The most difficult thing is behind now this card needs to be purchased.

It is not necessary to redeem immediately, and it is obligatory for the time of USA. Those. if in the morning you received a Gift, then at 6-7 Moscow time you can safely go to buy it. Here, again, we will need a clean tunnel and, ideally, if it is zipped in the intermediary, that is. the address to which the goods will be sent. If there are no tunnels for the zip, we take it under the city, if not, then we take it under the state, but always clean. We don't need anything else. We go to the shop.

I do not recommend taking several items of the same position, for example, 5 pairs of sneakers or 3 T-shirts, take a little of everything. You can forget about electronics, they are sent extremely rarely. Everything else can be taken.

Go to the store, select a product and throw it into the basket, after that we go to checkout. We also register through the guest, no need to register.


Here we fill in all the data from the address data of which you were given on the intermediary.

Write an arbitrary phone number, only select the city code for the intermediary's city. In the address number 2, insert the number of your box on the intermediary, there you will receive the goods and put a tick that you want to send the parcel to this address. Let's go further.


Here we select the delivery method. As a rule, I bet, leave a little money and choose the fastest delivery so that it all arrives at the intermediary as soon as possible. Further.


Here we just insert the code that was on the gift card and the amount is reset to zero. We press to pay and that's it. You became the proud owner of what was in your basket.

As a rule, they send 6-8 shops out of 10. Sending is different for everyone, someone can be on the trail. Day to send, and someone in 2-3 days. If the store is delaying shipping, do not hesitate to email them. Indicate the order number and ask what it is, they do not send the order. It helps. If the shop has sent you everything, after a while you can return again, only the address needs to be specified differently and the mail, respectively, too. I almost forgot. Better work is from Sunday to Wednesday-Thursday. It's better not to carding on the weekend. Well, I think you yourself will figure out what's what in time.

It was a free education for noobs-carders.


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Carding training - is it worth the money?
“Carding from scratch”, “draining carding training”, “carding course” - dozens of telegrams from channels, forums and websites are inundated with similar messages. Various craftsmen offer their own course, which will allow you to start working with cards tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow - to earn your first hundred thousand rubles. But are they worth it?
In this article, we will analyze what their disadvantages are and where a beginner in carding should really start.

To begin with, are the courses worth the money?
It should be said right away that there is no general carding instruction. Each situation and scheme of work has its own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, when purchasing a carding course from someone, keep in mind that not only you, but also dozens of other people own it. How reliable, safe and profitable the scheme is, you will know after using it.
Often, learning carding from scratch will not only be useless, but also harmful - any field of activity should be studied fully, especially if you want to work for a long time without having problems with the law, and productively, adjusting to the situation. In this case, just buying a course is not enough, because no one in it will give you experience, and often completely useful information.

Then where to start?
You can start learning carding really for free - from carding forums. Of course, they will not give you full information and direct instructions on how to work, but you can definitely get the basis.
First, explore the issue of anonymity. On our carding forum you can find information on how they will look for you and how to deal with it. Learn to configure a virtual machine, learn what Dedicated and Socks are, how a proxy works, and what fingerprints and voice impressions are. Without the knowledge and use of all this, your first drive will end with a visit from law enforcement officers or arrest, which does not at all fit with the desire for big earnings.
After you understand the anonymity, you can start thinking about the further area of your work.

Which area for carding should you choose?
There are two main areas most accessible to beginners - duffel carding and bay. Real carding requires an understanding of the operation of banking equipment and structures, as well as money for equipment and experience with it. It is really better for him to learn from professionals, but it is rather difficult to find them, and they themselves are not willing to take students - in their business, deanonymization threatens with huge terms.
If you are ready to look for buyers for goods with a cost of about 50% - start working in the clothing industry. If you like to work with bank accounts and drops - turn to the gulfs.

What to learn?
First, learn how to work with the cards and accounts themselves. Study carding instructions for working with them - for example, what is an asset / inactive, balance, limits, TANs, MagicWords. Also, it will not be superfluous to study the work with mobile phones and methods of social engineering - in order to easily and without problems get information from the cardholders themselves.
After that, learn the driving process itself. Learn the intricacies of working with shops and banks, learn how to find stores that will not pull a huge amount of information from you (knowledge of fingerprints will come in handy here). Find out what billing is and how to work with it correctly.

And where?
You can find a lot of articles in the "Learning carding" sections on the forums. However, here again, refer to the information check - it will not be superfluous to look into the posts in the topics to find out what exactly the carders write about the published information. However, you will have to acquire most of the skills through trial and error. Here, by the way, your anonymity, which you studied earlier, can help you - you will make mistakes with less damage.
If you nevertheless decide to turn to the courses - pay attention to the plums on the forums. Often, even good carding manuals are publicly available, however, it is better to use schemes from them only as an example. The fact is that if a scheme turns out to be widely known, it quickly becomes irrelevant, because a large influx of carders working on the same system leads to attention from law enforcement officers or site owners, who cover the "shop".

What will be required when I start working?
In addition to the above mentioned Dedicated Servers, Virtual Machines, Proxies and Antidetect Systems (like the well-known Linken Sphere), you will need bank cards and accounts. It is better to buy them on carding forums from trusted sellers who have made a deposit. This will allow you to return the funds in case of anything and not lose your money.
Also, you need drops - people who will accept money or goods. You can search for them both on the forums and in the telegram. You should also learn how to work with them - remember that a drop risks its freedom many times more than yours, because often its real data are involved in transactions.

What if you can't find out everything yourself?
If you could not master all the pages of forums and articles, that's okay. In this case, you can refer to carding courses, however, they must be verified. Often, experienced carders are looking for partners or apprentices - for them it is a chance to scale their business, and for you - to learn everything you need to have a successful carder life.
When choosing a mentor who will teach you carding, pay attention to his account. Usually it is worth trusting the "old-timers" of the forums, who have a reputation for being experienced people. Also look at the carding forum itself - its activity and general trust in it. However, in this case, you are still more likely to receive quality training.
Remember - carding is not a field in which you can start working in 1 day. Only those who are ready to constantly develop and learn new things become successful here.