Carding schemes: how to protect yourself from theft of money from cards


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Bank card fraud schemes are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

According to information from law enforcement agencies, carders have improved their methods of stealing money from bank cards. Along with already known schemes, criminals are coming up with new ways to siphon funds from people’s accounts.

Every day, carders deceive hundreds of people and write off tens of millions of tenge from their accounts. Having gained access to a person’s account, scammers transfer them to the accounts of dummies - droppers, in whose names the cards are issued. Next, the droppers withdraw money from ATMs and give it to the scammers, keeping a small reward for themselves. They are usually accompanied by "torpedoes" which provide security for the criminal operation.

Call all​

The most common method for withdrawing money from another person's bank card account without their knowledge is to make a phone call and then send a code. Moreover, if you call these numbers back, the scammers will not answer, since the numbers were generated through a special program, with the help of which these numbers cannot be traced or listened to.

There are different types of calls, and scammers use the most sophisticated methods. Whatever the calls, their essence is the same, to get your money.

Victims receive calls from specially trained people who work in fraudulent call centers. They introduce themselves as employees of banks or law enforcement agencies, utter typical phrases, for example, that a suspicious transaction is being carried out from a person’s bank account, and ask whether the person makes this transfer on his own. The man, of course, says that he does not send anything to anyone. The scammer then offers to “protect” the person’s bank account and transfer all the money to another secure account. Another option is to send a code that will be used to “cancel” the operation.

The development of technology has not spared scammers. The work of fraudulent call center operators is more expensive than the work of... a bot. Thanks to artificial intelligence, victims now receive calls from bots and conduct dialogue in real human voices. They simply call everyone, get the person to the point where they send him an SMS link to a website where he enters his card details and doesn’t understand how he got caught. Even if the victim realizes that he is talking to a robot, the scammers do their job convincingly.

Phishing sites look like real ones​

Another way to steal money from cards is SMS phishing. This type of fraud occurs when a person unexpectedly receives an SMS or message in instant messengers with a link and accompanying text: “Look at the photos,” “Vote for my daughter,” “Update your account details.” When a person opens the link, he is transferred to a phishing page, where he will be asked to enter certain registration data, or a username and password for applications.

There is a well-known case in the world where a Mexican sent an SMS on behalf of banks with a link that redirected to a phishing page that was exactly similar to the real one. Clients, unsuspectingly, entered card details on this page, because they did not know that this was not a real bank, and as a result they lost all the money in their accounts.

Another method of phishing is advertising on social networks or, again, through messages from some kind of survey conducted on behalf of banks or government agencies. The advertisement promises to pay for participating in the survey, and then, when a person enters the card number, they inform that the money is already being transferred, but they need to pay a commission, which is supposedly compensated when the money arrives. And only at this stage the person is forced to enter a CVV, which gives fraudsters full access to the card. The danger with these well-made fake banking websites is that their customer support is faster than that of real banks.

Also, phishing pages of banks may appear first in search engines. By switching to such counterfeits, a person gives his card details and money to the scammers. To avoid ending up on such fake sites, you need to check whether the proposed link is an advertising mailing (usually advertising is flagged in search engines).

Be careful when withdrawing money from an ATM​

A very ancient, but still relevant way to steal money from cards is the unauthorized connection of various reading devices to ATMs. Such “bugs” read card data and passwords and send them to scammers. If not immediately, then after a while this information will help criminals steal money from your account.

How to resist​

When a scammer or fraudulent bot calls you, know that there is a whole team on the other end of the line that will deceive you until they achieve the desired result. Using social engineering methods, scammers can convince even financially literate people. Therefore, in order not to lose money from your card, always follow simple rules.

When going to a bank's page, make sure that the page is real and not a phishing one. This can be done by typing the page address in the address bar, as well as by typing the name of the bank into a search engine and checking which pages are offered.

Download banking applications only in official application stores - Play Market AppStore; under no circumstances download banking applications by following links from SMS or instant messengers.

Do not send photographs, scans or screenshots of documents, cards, or ID cards.

Regularly track your credit history and the history of money flows in your accounts

If they offer easy money, then this is most likely a bait. After all, there is no such thing as cheap money for free

If you are asked to speak on the phone or write card details or a code from an SMS, do not do this under any circumstances.


When you dictate a code from an SMS, enter card details and CVV on phishing sites, or send this data in the form of messages and photos, you personally give money to carders.
