Carding mini FAQ for new carders


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Let's start that is, “what and how”:
Carding means the use of “borrowed credit cards (as a variant of data from a credit card) for their own selfish purposes. Hereinafter we will call the Credit Card (CC or cardboard). There are several most popular options for using the cards, namely:

1) Thing carding
Means the use of CC in IM (Internet Shop). The essence is incredibly simple:
Select -> Drive in the data -> Select delivery -> We receive the goods

2) Digital carding
Buying any digital product. From Steam to pins, game currency, and so on. Payment method:
Select the product -> We drive in the data -> We get the details of the product on the e-mail.

3) Dumping
The most profitable, and probably the most dangerous type of carding. In fact, this is cloning a card using all sorts of interesting devices:
Card reader - a device for reading card data (dump). Only the second strip (track) of the card is of interest, because only it contains all the data. The first and third pages contain a service kind of information, which will never be useful to us.
Embosser - squeezer (embosser). Actually, it's clear why.

There were also such things (tippers). They served to roll out card data on a check. Already these checks have dried up almost everywhere, but for the sake of the horizon, I will mention them.
In general, everything is clear on dumping. The moral is this: everyone who works with real carding exponentially approaches bunks every time they cash out. It's a tough business. At least 7 years in general then). So I won't write about it, and I can't find good dump sellers now.

Before mentioning driving, I must warn you: It is highly undesirable to work (card) in the RU and UA zone. I will make a reservation - it is prohibited. While you are killing the economy (albeit by spitting into a dump truck, but you are killing) other countries, the law enforcement agencies are of little interest to you.

All in all. Before Vbiv himself, we are looking for a slut shop (store). It is very easy to find it on such forums (section Purchase and Sale). Or, as an option, google yourself. In fact, it is quite possible to find a shop for the necessary masks, using such qualities of a human character as: perseverance and dedication. As a rule, such shops are not particularly promoted, not fancy, not catchy in general.
We immediately forget about Ibey and Amazon. They, take my word for it, are already trained on their millions of losses :)

Tax. We have a shop, CC and a desire to enslave the world.

GREATS. Shotakoe? -Service of remote access to a computer (dedicated servise). Serves for:
A) safety
B) bypassing protection system (if any). Ro-Russian speaking: you drive in the data of Mike Jackson from NEW YORK, and your ip is a pancake Saratov (or in which village you live there). This is NOT a kid, your purchase request immediately flies into the basket. Do we need it? No, thanks. Use RDP, you will be happy. You can also use proxy 4-5 socks, but I have not used them. All of them are called socks, and they are sold again in the "buy and sell" Hacker.

Dediks are sold in the following form: login / password
To log into the Dedicated Server we use: "connect to a remote desktop" in Windows, enter the IP address, login password and voila, we are on.

Dedicated Server (RDP) There are different countries, states, cities. In fact, this is just a rental of a computer anywhere in the world for your own selfish purposes.

Tax2. We have a purchased (googled) shop, CC (borrowed), Dedik (rented) and a desire to shop J. Continue:

For greater clarity of this manual, I let you see a CC:
Erik | Kaymin | 711B Seagirt Av # 20L | Metfield | MA | USA | 02052 | 6011002332544211 | 0124 | 825 |

In order:
1 and 2 - Name of the cardholder
3 and 4 and 5 Address, city, State
6 - country (In this case, Pindos)
7 - zip code (Ala postcode)
9 - "use up"
10 - CVV code

Some cards indicate the holder's phone number. You shouldn't use it (whatever you want).

When driving, I recommend having a pre-registered soap (preferably similar to the cardholder's name) Erik @gmail, Erik @yahoo, Erik @aol. In general that the thread is Pindos.

We drove a cardboard box into the shop, choose delivery. I strongly advise you NOT to choose the most expensive delivery for a lot of American rubles. This is alarming for store managers. What a thread for 10-30% of the value of the goods you ordered.

After driving in (I hope you had a good cardboard and the required Dedicated Dedicated and the system did not automatically send you J), we will refresh the soap for the order.

An order is a confirmation of your order. Actually, it reflects what, how much, you want to buy and where you need to take this stuff. Well, your details (card, name of the holder). We ignore this letter and wait for the TRACK.

The track is the most enjoyable part of the ordering process. If he came, you stopudova (100500%) will receive your goods, unless of course the plane is attacked by terrorists and your iPod is not stolen. The track itself means the transfer of your order to the postal service. Usually alphanumeric gibberish. You can also track your parcel along the track. Well, it's not that important.


Shops may require additional information or proofs:
1) correspondence on soap
2) scan ofCC
3) order on the source + scan of CC
4) call the store to re-confirm the order
5) name of the issuing bank
7) Bin of the bank (serial number of the bank registration)
8) well, I can invent a lot of all kinds of crap.

Draftsmen are at your service for points 2 3 8
Brain and will help in point 1
Ringing , the name of the issuing bank, bin bank, DOB, SSN can be punched / ordered on special forums.

Let me congratulate you on your successful driving! Now YOU ARE CARDER!

+ put in turnips!


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This article, I hope, will help beginners answer the age-old question "how to cheat smartly". First, we need to understand that here, as in any business, there is a chain and if you just drive in a card somewhere, no one will send you the goods home. As a rule, this chain is implemented by 2 people, the one who card the product and the one who accepts it. It is almost impossible for a beginner to do both at the same time. We will consider these two links in more detail below.

First you need to find a store, of course an online store in which we will make a purchase. You should not be greedy, tk. getting a plasma TV with a cinema for 10K will not work for many reasons. We choose a product such as a laptop or a fotik, in general, at a price below 1K -1.5K - for beginners this is optimal IMHO. Next, we take the card itself, you need to prepare it to buy it. Because ordering to the address of its owner will not work and it makes no sense. You need to order for a drop. Drop is a US citizen who was divorced so that he would accept the parcel and send it wherever they say, and for this he received his 30-50 bucks (+ hemorrhages for life ahead - yyy). But let's not rush, suppose we have a map like this:
name_on_card = mark s messina
address1 = 60 plainfeild ave
city = west haven
state = CT
zipcode = 06516
country = US
credit_card = 4 ***** 0101504612
exp_month = 03
exp_year = 2008
cvv2 = 282

I hope no one needs to decipher these fields.
Next, you need to make an Enroll.
For This we need SSN (Social Security Number) + DOB (Day of Birthday) + MMN (Mother Maiden Name). You can find such information from shEn or ™ (for advertising purposes) By the way, in some banks for Enrol, in addition to the listed data, you also need to know PIN or ATM. Passing this degree of protection is extremely difficult and fucking not necessary for such a case. You can find out which bank the card belongs to by bin, ie by the first digits in the card number. Use the CC2Bank program. Then we go to the bank's website, go to the Enroll section (if you cannot visually find this section, use the search on the bank's website). Then we go through all the proposed countries, gradually entering data on them, you can enter any e-mail, preferably not Yahu and not Hotmail of course. (I hope that you do not need to remind that you need to use a proxy, etc.). You have received Online access to the map, here you can see the balance on the card (it should be at least 2-3 times higher than the planned purchase) and there is a section where you can change the data on the card. (I will not describe how the sections are called, where to look for these buttons, etc., because this is stupid, in each bank it is different). So if the balance is good, go to the section to change the information. Only Address1, City, State, Zipcode and Phone number can be changed. We take the drop data, for example it will be: (I will not describe how the sections are called, where to look for these buttons, etc., because this is stupid, in each bank it is different). So if the balance is good, go to the section to change the information. Only Address1, City, State, Zipcode and Phone number can be changed. We take the drop data, for example it will be: (I will not describe how the sections are called, where to look for these buttons, etc., because this is stupid, in each bank it is different). So if the balance is good, go to the section to change the information. Only Address1, City, State,

Zipcode and Phone number can be changed. We take the drop data, for example it will be:
70 Tunstill Loop Rd

The question of the phone remains open, which will have to take a call from the shop and, possibly, then call from it. Fortunately, for this there are various Ip Telephony (we use Google), where you can buy an external number. We buy a phone from the same state as the drop. In this case, Tennessee.

Then we interrupt the data in the card to ours, write how long it takes to wait for the application - usually a couple of days, but everywhere in different ways. Therefore, we will postpone the card for a certain time. After two days, the card needs to be checked, if you do not have a merchant at hand or your own x-login - you can make it easier, go to a site like or the like. trading software and buy unnecessary garbage there for 20 bucks. If the payment was successful, then the card is alive and you can shop. When driving in a card, you need to use the OLD Name, number, exp and CVV code, we take the rest of the data changed the other day.

We go to the store's website and order. (do not press to pay for the fastest delivery of the goods.) The billing and shipping (ie delivery) addresses are now the same for obvious reasons. After the order is made, you will be sent a letter telling you that you need to call or they will call you, so be online (do not forget about time zones). If you yourself cannot speak eng, ask an experienced dialer. After school “Hello. My name is Tom. How are you? "with a nasty Katsap accent, they will send you fuck)) Then, if you successfully confirmed the order by phone, you will be given a Track number, which will show (through the store's website in a certain section) how and where the goods are now and when the drop will receive it. (By the way, never call the store yourself, if you were not asked about it - the delineation is guaranteed). Then there is the work of the drop guide, he needs to call the drop with an indication of where to send the goods, what service, etc. - you can send the goods to the buyer, some send them home =)) This is your business.


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Hey I need real and legit Carder for online smartphone purchase..


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Because past year I already scammed by one telegram group Person..?


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And after that I think the carding not exist in real life.


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Hi, I'm a beginner, please help me out with phone verification. I tried to purchase giftcard on 2d gateway payment site such as and Everything was fine until they ask me to give them my phone number for receiving a verification code as I don't live in the card holder country. Please help me.
Let's start that is, “what and how”:
Carding means the use of “borrowed credit cards (as a variant of data from a credit card) for their own selfish purposes. Hereinafter we will call the Credit Card (CC or cardboard). There are several most popular options for using the cards, namely:

1) Thing carding
Means the use of CC in IM (Internet Shop). The essence is incredibly simple:
Select -> Drive in the data -> Select delivery -> We receive the goods

2) Digital carding
Buying any digital product. From Steam to pins, game currency, and so on. Payment method:
Select the product -> We drive in the data -> We get the details of the product on the e-mail.

3) Dumping
The most profitable, and probably the most dangerous type of carding. In fact, this is cloning a card using all sorts of interesting devices:
Card reader - a device for reading card data (dump). Only the second strip (track) of the card is of interest, because only it contains all the data. The first and third pages contain a service kind of information, which will never be useful to us.
Embosser - squeezer (embosser). Actually, it's clear why.

There were also such things (tippers). They served to roll out card data on a check. Already these checks have dried up almost everywhere, but for the sake of the horizon, I will mention them.
In general, everything is clear on dumping. The moral is this: everyone who works with real carding exponentially approaches bunks every time they cash out. It's a tough business. At least 7 years in general then). So I won't write about it, and I can't find good dump sellers now.

Before mentioning driving, I must warn you: It is highly undesirable to work (card) in the RU and UA zone. I will make a reservation - it is prohibited. While you are killing the economy (albeit by spitting into a dump truck, but you are killing) other countries, the law enforcement agencies are of little interest to you.

All in all. Before Vbiv himself, we are looking for a slut shop (store). It is very easy to find it on such forums (section Purchase and Sale). Or, as an option, google yourself. In fact, it is quite possible to find a shop for the necessary masks, using such qualities of a human character as: perseverance and dedication. As a rule, such shops are not particularly promoted, not fancy, not catchy in general.
We immediately forget about Ibey and Amazon. They, take my word for it, are already trained on their millions of losses :)

Tax. We have a shop, CC and a desire to enslave the world.

GREATS. Shotakoe? -Service of remote access to a computer (dedicated servise). Serves for:
A) safety
B) bypassing protection system (if any). Ro-Russian speaking: you drive in the data of Mike Jackson from NEW YORK, and your ip is a pancake Saratov (or in which village you live there). This is NOT a kid, your purchase request immediately flies into the basket. Do we need it? No, thanks. Use RDP, you will be happy. You can also use proxy 4-5 socks, but I have not used them. All of them are called socks, and they are sold again in the "buy and sell" Hacker.

Dediks are sold in the following form: login / password
To log into the Dedicated Server we use: "connect to a remote desktop" in Windows, enter the IP address, login password and voila, we are on.

Dedicated Server (RDP) There are different countries, states, cities. In fact, this is just a rental of a computer anywhere in the world for your own selfish purposes.

Tax2. We have a purchased (googled) shop, CC (borrowed), Dedik (rented) and a desire to shop J. Continue:

For greater clarity of this manual, I let you see a CC:
Erik | Kaymin | 711B Seagirt Av # 20L | Metfield | MA | USA | 02052 | 6011002332544211 | 0124 | 825 |

In order:
1 and 2 - Name of the cardholder
3 and 4 and 5 Address, city, State
6 - country (In this case, Pindos)
7 - zip code (Ala postcode)
9 - "use up"
10 - CVV code

Some cards indicate the holder's phone number. You shouldn't use it (whatever you want).

When driving, I recommend having a pre-registered soap (preferably similar to the cardholder's name) Erik @gmail, Erik @yahoo, Erik @aol. In general that the thread is Pindos.

We drove a cardboard box into the shop, choose delivery. I strongly advise you NOT to choose the most expensive delivery for a lot of American rubles. This is alarming for store managers. What a thread for 10-30% of the value of the goods you ordered.

After driving in (I hope you had a good cardboard and the required Dedicated Dedicated and the system did not automatically send you J), we will refresh the soap for the order.

An order is a confirmation of your order. Actually, it reflects what, how much, you want to buy and where you need to take this stuff. Well, your details (card, name of the holder). We ignore this letter and wait for the TRACK.

The track is the most enjoyable part of the ordering process. If he came, you stopudova (100500%) will receive your goods, unless of course the plane is attacked by terrorists and your iPod is not stolen. The track itself means the transfer of your order to the postal service. Usually alphanumeric gibberish. You can also track your parcel along the track. Well, it's not that important.


Shops may require additional information or proofs:
1) correspondence on soap
2) scan ofCC
3) order on the source + scan of CC
4) call the store to re-confirm the order
5) name of the issuing bank
7) Bin of the bank (serial number of the bank registration)
8) well, I can invent a lot of all kinds of crap.

Draftsmen are at your service for points 2 3 8
Brain and will help in point 1
Ringing , the name of the issuing bank, bin bank, DOB, SSN can be punched / ordered on special forums.

Let me congratulate you on your successful driving! Now YOU ARE CARDER!

+ put in turnips!