Carding methods


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There are 4 ways of carding:

1. Hacking an ATM and installing malicious software on it.
This method of carding is a great option for intruders to gain access to funds inside the ATM. What methods can be used to hack an ATM:

- Hacking a bank server. This server is responsible for various banking operations. This can be the issuance of money to bank clients or the issuance of information on the account of each individual client. As a result, the carder gains control over this system and can give his commands, including for the transfer of funds to his account;

- Implementation of hacking an ATM using special technical means. Here the attacker needs to open the ATM using a special key. The key, as a rule, is not difficult to get. You can buy it online or make a copy. After access to the ATM is obtained, the attacker connects a special device and with the help of it he can withdraw all funds from this ATM;

- Various special software can also be used to break into an ATM;

- Some cybercriminals prefer to force open ATMs. They can, for example, gain access to an ATM safe using an explosion or other impact. But the criminals will have very little time for the entire operation.

2. Installing infected software on the terminal. Attackers often use RAM scrapers. As a rule, RAM scrapers collect data on customers' bank cards and send them to carders, who further analyze the information received. But there are advanced RAM scrapers that allow you to receive information contained on the magnetic stripes of payment cards. This software can even remember the PIN code of the card, which is entered by the bank client.

3. There is another method of carding, called skimming. The principle of the method consists in installing a special device on the ATM, thanks to which the carder can receive card data. Knowing the PIN code of the card, fraudsters can create a copy of the payment card and cash it out. As a result, the victim is deprived of money and it is a very difficult task to prove the guilt of the attackers. In general, the device itself is made very cleverly and even has a video camera in order to record the pin-code of the card. Often, the device is installed on a cell for accepting bank cards and it is very difficult to recognize it, since even the color of the device is similar to the original card reader.

4. The final method of carding is called phishing. If you translate this term into Russian, then it translates as fishing. This method of carding differs from others in that here carders work directly with people and try to deceive them. The goal of carders is to obtain information on bank cards through phishing by interacting with people.
If the victim visits a phishing resource, the computer can instantly become infected with virus software.
There is an option that the victim downloads an infected file or enters data into a fake window, and thus the information on the bank card will become available to the carder.

Examples of phishing attacks include:
- An e-mail will receive a message that the mail will be blocked and in order for this not to happen, it is necessary to carry out certain actions;
- Newsletter about adding to the black list and the need to pass the check in order to understand if it is a robot;
- Important documents can be sent to the mail for review, and if a large number of them, the victim can accidentally click on the wrong document and go to a phishing resource;
- Newsletter about the need to increase the volume of the mailbox;
- Newsletter that it is necessary to change the password;
- Spam mailing lists.

Basically, carders create copies of websites of banks and online stores in order to steal payment card data.

You should always remain vigilant when entering a website and planning to enter payment card details. Better to make sure if this is an original site or a fake one.

Carding 4 Carders

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General Method of Carding
This is a general carding method is easy and straightforward to do on any online shopping site but may differ depending on a site.
All you just have to buy is a valid cc and you can start carding but make sure there is balance in cc otherwise order will be failed (You can buy live cc from your trusted vendor if you don’t have, I can guide).

1. Create an email account with a CC matching name.
2. Now Run Remote Desktop Connection and connect with your RDP Host. But if you are not using RDP, then follow the below steps.
3. Run MAC address changer, change all MAC addresses.
4. Run CC cleaner. Analyze and clean.
5. Set socks in Mozilla Firefox. (I’ll explain that).
6. Now Restart Firefox and go to and check if your IP is blacklisted or not and is it the same as CC holder address.
6. Now open any shopping site. I will recommend a shopping site in your country. Why? Because you don’t need to wait a lot to get your package.
7. Now Register with credit cardholder information, name, country, city, address, and email you made just for this order.
8. Choose your item & add it to the cart. (Never choose a large amount of items first).
9. In shipping address enter your address or your drop address, where you want to deliver the product.
10. Go to the payment page, choose Credit Card as a payment method
11. Enter your CC details. Like CC Number, CC holder name, CVV/CVV, Exp. Date. (NOTE: Don’t copy & paste info. Type it one by one. Cause most sites have copy paste detector script).
12. In Billing address enter CC holder address. Now proceed to payment.
I am sure if you do everything right, then the order will be successfully placed. Wait for orders to arrive at your shipping address. When they arrive the courier boy will call you and in case, they ask for any ID card. you can make a fake ID card.

How to use socks in Mozilla Firefox:
1. Open your Firefox
2. Go to Options
3. Click on Advanced setting.
4. Select Network and setup port and proxy.
Now the screen will pop up with various options like
1. No proxy;
2. Auto Detect;
3. Use system proxy;
4. Manual proxy configuration.
You mark 4. Manual proxy configuration.
Now type in socks host IP you have, For example Socks Host: Port: 1080.