Carding Method Amazon E-Gift Cards


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I publish with permission from the author. I also want to note that the manual is not as important as the mentoring and support of an experienced person, but the manual is good.
well, and also in connection with the latest events:
Disclaimer: This material is published for informational purposes only. We are not calling for anything, we are not selling anything! All this is illegal, do not repeat the steps described in this article! Go to the factory, half of the admins karting channels are already on the change XD
This will probably help so-so, but I will not stop publishing what I like and writing about what I like. There is no reason to hang tags and ban, although I think that support will think otherwise soon. Let's see what happens.


Your main breadwinner

Hello Friend!
If you have this manual, then you contributed your hard-earned money to the Amazon e-gift training.
In this manual, you will learn / remember how to properly work with Amazon logs. How to correctly drive this or that product (digital), your actions during and before driving, and so on.
I want to remind you that all the actions in this manual and the tutorial in general are not true. I only describe the work with the log as I see it myself.
The manual (as well as the training itself) will be supplemented / changed over time. For the most important and most important thing in the cart is up-to-date information. So, let's go!

Table of contents
Part 1. Configuring 911 + portable browsers
Part 2. Log evaluation, work with it.
Part 3. Correct entry and first steps
Part 4. AF and why it is eaten
Part 5. Working with CC / Working without CC
Part 6. Chips
Part 7. Buyers
The final.

Part 1. Configuring 911 + portable browsers.
So let's go in order.

What is 911?

My 911 setup.
Convenient launcher with a choice of socks (Socks5) under cardholder.

I advise you to do everything as indicated in the screenshot above, namely:
  • Change the Proxy Tool to the version with Proxifier (much more convenient than directly via 911)
  • Change ProxyRules to the first option, so that all your traffic goes through the sock.

The tuning options can be seen below:

Choosing a sock
Let's linger here a little.

The ideal sock choice in 2-3 minutes:
  • We put the country cardholder in the first tab
  • We put the city cardholder in the third tab
  • We put IP cardholder in StartIp
  • In EndIp we write the first IP digit, but instead of 2/3/4 numbers we write 255
An example on the screen above.

The main points to pay attention to when choosing and checking a socks:
  • IP cardholder - IP cardholder itself. It should be as close as possible. Amazon reacts very strongly to IP, so we approach wisely. Rarely, but there are times when in 911 we get the IP of cardholder himself.
  • City kkh - In EU / USA, cities are very small, so if you can't find the city kkh, then you should go to the maps and see the city as close as possible. The maximum distance I see is 20-30 km.
  • ISP (provider cardholder) is also a very important thing that should be approached wisely. In fact, the ISP and IP are a bundle for shops and specifically for Amazon.
  • ScreenResolution - It's the same screen resolution. In 911 it gets crooked, But it's definitely worth setting. Maybe you get lucky :) I also advise you to use analogs to adjust to the screen cardholder, it plays a very important role.
What do we do if we come across a stealth that has very little IP information:
  • We go to and look at all the information we need.
You can also use analogs to taste.

Portable Browsers (GoogleChrome / FireFox)
The archive on the Fox was given to everyone, I will also attach the archive with the fox on the channel.
There is a separate article regarding GoogleChrome:

What is needed for what?
Now a couple of rules and instructions:
  • Chrome for work / Fox for checking socks
  • After each sock check, clean the history so that the results do not overlap.
  • Worked out the log / made settings / tests - clean the browser and restart
  • Do not check the socks in the browser in which you work, you can ruin everything
  • Always use Google sync when working with chrome, more on that later

Now let's talk about checking the socks.
  • We go into the fox
  • We drive in / (check the screen resolution)
  • Check


An example of a bad sock


An example of a good socks
  • If there is black, then go to the trash can, except for the black for email senders. We ignore this
  • Ping / VPN should be green
  • Chop off Timka as needed

Part 2. Evaluation of the log, working with it
So, now let's talk about the logs themselves, their types and quality.
As I said earlier - "40% of the success of the drive depends on the quality of the log, the remaining 30% on the cleanliness of the system and IP, and another 30% on direct hands"
Now let's take a look at this log as an example:

The first log in which Amazon gave.

In this log we can see:
  • AutoFill - saved information of what was typed in by cardholder. For example, in 80% of logs you can find a fullz, in another ~ 30% of svv from one of the cards. So I do not advise you to miss this folder.
  • Cookies are what makes a log out of an ordinary brute. Cookies are saved data of actions on a particular resource. They are needed so that the site understands that we are not the first to be here and already with this understanding give or, on the contrary, restrict us from that or other information.
  • CC - saved credit cards cardholder. Are in the format FULL NAME I CARD NUMBER I EXP DATE
  • Comment (aka information, aka system, etc.) - infa by ip / city / cardholder system.
  • Passwords - passwords from certain resources.
  • Screen - a photo of the desktop. Often you can see what the cardholder got on and already evaluate the quality of the log.

What can also be found in the log:
  • Downloads - a file with links of what was downloaded by cardholder.
  • Files / Desktop - Desktop files in .txt
  • Coins / Coin - crypto files in .dat format. Usually already checked by the den, but it's worth trying your luck.
Now let's talk about evaluating the log before using it.
I will also take a good / bad table as an example and add further on my own.

Which suggests that the log is really high quality:
  • In total, there are no more than 2-4 "types" of passwords, while passwords are scattered according to the "importance" of this or that log, ala for the stick / soap / shop the same password, but for other services are already different.
  • Number of cookies. The more, the better. The number tells us how often the user used a particular service.
  • No crypt. This means both the files themselves and the presence of logs. Such logs are usually processed by logs or launched into hundreds of hands.
  • Autofill has fullz cardholder. A lot of where it can help when checking / restoring.
  • There is Google mail. Yes, this is quite common, but cardholder can jerk off various disposable / unknown mails.

Which suggests that the log should be replaced / discarded:
  • There are no soaps, there is only an amaz log and a couple of cookies on it. It will not be difficult to understand the quality of the log, however, even in this case, you can shave off a couple of goodies from the log.
  • Cooks are no more than 3-4. As I wrote above - "the more cookies, the better".
  • The opposite of the plus: a lot of crypto, but in this case it is still worth trying.
  • On the screen, there is some paypal / minecraft balance cheat cheats and so on. We understand what kind of dumbdown we have and remove the log for better days.
In general, we consider the log as puzzles. Piece by piece we collect a picture of who cardholder is.
Our ideal is an ordinary middle-aged uncle who occasionally loves to buy game for $ 200-300 or a couple of games (a schoolboy is rarely suitable for games)

Now let's imagine that the log suits us and let's get down to work!
The first place we go is the IP folder.
If the log, for example, is from azor, then everything is much easier, because we have an IP, city, country and so on at once.
If there is only IP and 2 letters of the country, then go to and see where our cardholder comes from.
Now we take all the data we need for cardholder (see the first topic) and scatter everything over 911 / chrome.
If everything is intuitive with 911, now let's talk about chrome.

How to insert cookies correctly?
If everything is clear with the fox (import of a textbook is stupid), then with chrome it is a bit more complicated.
Go to
And convert .txt to .json

Next, we insert ready-made cookies into chrome. Then we will help us with EditThisCookie, which I mentioned in the article on chrome settings:

Actually, we click on the liver itself and insert our kuks already in .json format.
Voila, now we have almost a browser cardholder, but not really.
Something that will update our cookies. Something that will insert a password for us. Something that will give the saved card without question.
Before the synchro itself we go to
It flew in - success, it didn't fly in - we look / select the password and insert it.

We get the following error:


Do not get lost, enter everything you need in the mail / synchronization field (you can find it on the right by clicking on the avatar icon) and then synchronize the mail with our chrome by calling this window:

I am the window
We open the mail itself in incognito mode and sit at the mail already there.
And voila, we = cardholder ;)

Part 3. Correct entry and first steps
So we flew into the mail and turned off the synchronization, now go to or what is your log?
Btv, we go without a second thought with a direct link. I really don't give a fuck to Amazon.

So we flew in and see something like this:

Here we can see what we managed to fly from the cookies, but this is half the trouble.
In case it didn't fly, we go in ourselves. PASSWORD INPUT WITH KNOBS
If he asks to enter a code from the mail, then this means one thing: Amez freaks us.
Let's analyze the situation if everything is ok:

Ooo, situation

Go to the menu, click on two tabs, where:
  • In the orders, we evaluate the log and see what cardholder ordered (it will be useful later)
  • In the cards, we save the info on cardholder and leave the tab until the end of the work (it can knock out from the account and request information on cardholder. Usually it asks for exp. Date of one of the cards, but it can also ask for ZIP / name of CH / etc.)

Now if we got it:
  • Frod let us in. Congratulations, you are great!

If it doesn't work for us:
  • We enter the password with the pens and go in again

In our case, it started me without any problems.
We go to the orders and see what the cardholder ordered.

I got a strange cardholder, but with an order of some fucking:

In such a situation, without thinking, we warm up our log by viewing his purchases.
Example: Our cardholder has phillips columns in the orders, a € 50 dress and a houseplant sprayer. In this case, we take the average price of all orders and look for a product to warm up.
  • We follow the link of the dress that is already in the orders and almost immediately follow the link of another dress from the recommendations
  • We behave like a crow and poke at everything we see. More specifically, we look at it sold, its products, recommendations, reviews, poke and unfold questions / answers under the product. In short, we fill cookies in every possible way and along the way we stretch the session time, which will be useful farther.
  • Then the game is in doubts and indecision. We add 10 products to the basket, discard half, look through the other half again and so on in a circle until there are 1-2 things left, we order them.
  • At the moment of going to the basket (already before buying clothes) we turn on the mode of a braked vegetable, depicting what we supposedly think "do we need this clothes or not?" On blunts we spend 10-15s of each transition.
  • Specifically, we buy clothes from the first tabs, because the lifetime of such tabs is much longer.
  • After buying the clothes, go to the orders and check 2 things, namely: Track Package and Order Details. Here I will make a small digression in order to clarify a couple of points regarding the next part.
Track Package is a kind of alternative to tracking your goods from the store to your door.



Here we can see 4 points:
  • Ordered - writes to everyone, means that the order was given to us (gives it to everyone, so it's too early to relax)
  • Shipped - if you, dear friend, have reached this point, then congratulations! Af missed you. And so it is indicated that the tree / dress / other shit were sent kh
  • Out for delivery - on the way to the door of the cardholder, is in the car / plane / train for transportation
  • Arriving + date - actual delivery date

Also, in addition to the points, there is a moment that allows us to understand whether everything is okay for us or everything is bad, namely the dynamic green bar going from Ordered to Arriving. From its position between the points, you can understand how AF relates to us.

The distance from Ordered to Shipped is very important and is divided by about 3 points:
  • The order is passed by Amazon (passes to everyone)
  • AF missed the order (here it is much more serious and in this case it is better)
  • The transaction itself and its processing went
Order Details - the details of our order. Here we can see the tranza itself and understand whether it was approved or not. Also, if someone warms up with a serious product, then you can immediately find an invoice for our product (check)


Here we look at the state of the tranza, if any.
Now we have figured out which is which, now we will continue with what we are doing next.
After the warmed up nonsense order, we wait about 10 minutes (as Amazon says - orders are processed in 5 minutes, but we will take a little with a margin).
Next, we just check the Track Package and Order Details.

If there is a speaker:
  • We go to the Amazon search engine and look for the gift we need
  • We repeat almost the same procedure as with warming up the clothes.

If there is no speaker:
  • We give the log a little rest, because perhaps we got into the loading hours of the Amaz
  • We repeat the procedure, but with one product and in flash mode in 5-10 minutes
And in the end, if the orders are empty, but there is a card, what do we do?

Yes, everything is the same, although there are two points that are worth remembering in such cases:
  • We warm for at least 30 minutes
  • We beat popular goods (clothes / covers / game for the house or children)

Part 4. AF and why it is eaten
Here we come to one of the most important topics.
I would probably compare the anti-fraud of the Amazon with the Anti-fraud of a stick. He is just as capricious and demanding attention, the same incomprehensible at any stage of the work and the same awesome for all of us. However, there are a couple of interesting points in it that help us bypass the protection, instead of catching a lock on the account.

So, AF Amazon can be divided into several types:
  • You got burned! Well, brother, earth with concrete. Throw an account in a lazy place and try to understand what you slept on (it depends on the severity, because if it was pale at the entrance / checks, then it did not go anywhere else, and you do not fall asleep at the moment of buying clothes, or it is much more difficult for gifs)
  • AF checks whether you do it or not (code to the mail / knock out from the account). This is easier to understand. Here we can just look at the root of our palette and quickly fix everything.
  • AF makes a gift. After knocking out the account and the subsequent request for the exp date card / zip CH / FN and LN cardholder. After this, amaz usually stops asking for a card number.

The main mistakes that beginners make:
  • Haste. Don't rush, remember, rushing is the worst thing you can do. Work on relaxation, think more and evaluate every action. Calmness from large sums will not come immediately, nevertheless, at first I advise you to keep yourself in hand.
  • Curve system / half-dead toe. Here I told you at the beginning, but I will repeat once again - Amaz is looking very closely at the system with which you are hitting, namely Windows / Screen Resolution. I generally keep quiet about the sock, because this is the very first thing absolutely any service pays attention to.

A couple of tips I could give regarding AF topic:
  • The more you warm, the more you can get. There is no need to think a lot, the more session we have and the more cookies we have, the more Amazon has confidence in us.
  • In the first couples, I advise you to write down everything that you managed to do on each log. Thus, out of a hundred attempts, it will be possible to select ten and work on their example.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Do you think how people will learn methods to pull tens of thousands of evergreens from one direction or another? Precisely by tests!
  • He will always be aware of all the events that relate to your direction. Everything changes in a clothing carriage every day. The old is replaced by the new.

Part 5. Working with CC / Working without CC
Now let's talk directly about the work itself, and specifically about those moments when we have an CC and when we don't.
CC - aka credit card - the main method of paying for goods on the Amazon. No sticks, google drink and other things amaz does not accept. Do you want to pay for something? Prepare your BA or SS.
The topic of the difference between working with the CC and without it is touched upon:

If we have a CC:
  • You can drive in almost anything with proper warming up and a clean system.
  • The warm-up time is reduced significantly.
  • You can calmly warm the Gift with a curling iron on the cardholder and under the reroute (option with YUSA)

If we don't have a CC:
  • Amazon so easily can not give a commodity more than 1k $.
  • Even the smallest $ 10 gift will require warming up or a card right away
  • It takes a lot of time to warm up

However, taking even these couple of insignificant points, you should not think that your spain log in a bundle with CC cardholder already gives millions of dollars with Gift.
CC makes work easier, but certainly not a substitute for it. With high-quality warming up and good rest, having a CC holder, amaz will easily spit out a couple of Gift for us for $ 100 each.
About examples, everything is clear, what about work?

The option when we have a regular log without CC:
  • We check all possible information in the log and, not finding a single mention of the SS holder, we go to rape the amaz.
  • We warm with views, then some clothes / equipment on kh
  • After a certain time, we try to take a gift for $ 20-30 (if you feel that the chances are 50/50, then it is better to immediately $ 100, because af pays attention to the gift itself, and not to its amount)
  • If it doesn't, then we give it a break and try to stuff it along with the clothes
  • If it doesn't work like that, then we warm it up with another piece of clothing (the option is if everything is successful after the first warm-ups, namely, there is a positive dynamics)
  • If it doesn't go at all, then it gives the log a couple of hours to rest and try to enter, in particular, it knocks out the question about exp date / zip / name here then we can bypass entering the full card number
  • If Amazon completely spits and refuses to give anything, then the log is on the far shelf, and we ourselves move on to the next one (however, do not forget about the periods at AF Amazon, they come about at the end of the month )

The option when we have a CC in the log:
  • We warm with views
  • We randomly beat the game for $ 20.
  • We go to Gift and warm it up for about 20 minutes with views and clicks
  • Beat gift
  • Picks up and sell stingy

Part 6. Chips

Chip number TIME
  • Obviously and kind of silly to insert here, but no. Time. More time on Amazon, more new cookies = more chance of driving without a CC number. Works 100%

Chip number TWO
  • We ebash the Amazon like a piggy bank, shake it for hundreds of orders so that we are knocked out of the account and asked for the expired date of the card. We choose and voila, the card number will not be asked for. It works well, but it's worth finding the very vulnerability in which we are kicked out of the account under such a request.

Chip number THREE
  • We beat together with cardholder on a weekend (suitable for accounts with activity). Cardholder orders game, and we track it, wait for the moment when the order passes to Shipped (BUT DOES NOT PASS THROUGH IT) and make cancel orders. Grandmas go to the gift account, and from him we already tariff ourselves Gift. Works 50/50

Chip number FOUR
  • Rather, an addition. If you have an SS, but you are afraid to hit often, but also do not want to lose your acc? You hit at 1: 00-4: 00 at the time kh and then in the morning (combined with your time, it can go very much) ie in the morning you catch 1 Gift and immediately hit the second one. Profit - 200 $ with Gift;)

Chip number FIVE
  • Balance auto-replenishment is like a baby's well. Go to Payment methods, find gift-balance, click reload, then 2 menus drop out to choose from - go to the bottom. We put the amount of replenishment $ 100 and the minimum amount at which the replenishment will be - $ 10. We empty the map cardholder ;)
The rest of the chips will be replenished with the time of their disclosure.

Part 7. Buyers
At the moment, I discovered such stingy ones:
@buykey - good stingy with turnips, there is a topic on carding forum. Sells quickly (within 4-6 hours it is already possible to catch the payment), but the percentage may be less than expected. At the time of this writing, psn eu is buying 55% at a time
@cytrongift - reception of dirt / different countries of gift / glass containers (shyutka). I sold my $ 100-200, and $ 500-700 from various countries. The percentage is good, but he makes payments once a day (writes of course 12h-24h, but we know these are stingy)
@cdkeymasterskup is another wwh stingy, but I don't work with him anymore for my own reasons. But I'm kind of clear and makes INSTANT according to the verification on vvh. The percentage is delicious.
On my own behalf, I will add the following about the stingy - they are all alcoholics and parasites. Always offline and payments go for years. For yesterday's psn, the grandson will receive a payment, and for today's tunnel, perhaps the next form of life. Jokes as a joke, but you should be prepared for long expectations. That is certainly not a thing with expectations of weeks, but all the same.

Tips for work (updated)
Countries that we do not touch:
  • India - for any purchase asks for svv or confirmation from the cardholder phone
  • Germany - may request ID as proof of 18 years
  • France - asks for UHV

Recommended countries:
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Hungary
  • USA
  • Brazil

In addition, there are quite a few MIX countries where psn / steam / xbox gifs simply do not exist. The list will continue to grow!

The final
In conclusion, I want to say a few things about learning and working with Amazon in general. The site is open to its "dreamers" and "experimenters". Only the lazy will fail. Relying on only one method of work is stupid. I advise you to always squeeze the maximum out of the log. First, search for CC, then warm up and rest and constant attempts. I regard this manual as a training manual. I strongly advise against using a template. you can do it!
Now for the manual. The manual itself will be modernized and improved as new information arrives. Also, if you have questions about any points or if you are interested in additional information. topic - you can always write to me about this in HP. Thankfully you know the contact ;)

And so, to the one who has read it, I wish you good luck and success in our not easy business, WORLD;)

Thanks again to the author.


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hello Is it possible for anyone to card digital gift cards for me such as PlayStation Network, or Razer Gold? If you are successful I can instantly buy these digital gift cards from you and Pay u in crypto. This process is 100% anonymous and both of us can make serious cash. Let me know if it interests u or message me on telegram @mythicalcmd for faster communication.

Best regards


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I can sell Amazon and other gift cards
Forum secured transactions can be accepted, and the guarantee fee shall be borne by the buyer