Carding - information security glossary


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Carding is fraudulent activity involving the use of personal data of bank card holders.

How the scheme works​

Criminals first need to obtain the card's bank details in order to exploit any carding scheme for personal gain. These include: card number, owner's full name, CVV2 code, etc. The easiest way to find out information is to buy a database that was stolen from financial organizations.

The second option is to use phishing to lure confidential data from the victim. To do this, a fake website or application is created that is similar in appearance to the original.

The victim receives a phone call or SMS with a request to go to the bank’s website using a link. As a rule, the message contains information that contains false data about blocking a bank card.

If the victim clicks on the received link, he is taken to a phishing site. On the web resource you are asked to enter your bank card information and then confirm it with an incoming SMS. As a result, the criminal obtains the necessary information and uses it for personal purposes.

Types of carding​

Carding is used in various fields:
  1. Online stores. The attacker uses a bank card to purchase items or household appliances from online stores. To deliver the goods, they use a fake address where the fraudster’s accomplice lives.
  2. Payment systems. The criminal, using bank details, transfers all the money from the card to an account in the payment system. As a rule, this is a one-time account with a minimum of information about the owner. Subsequently, the received funds are withdrawn in various ways that are difficult to track.
  3. SIM cards. The attacker transfers funds from the victim’s bank card to a fake mobile phone number. Then they go either to payment systems or to a crypto wallet.

Remote carding​

A separate type of hacking to obtain bank card data in an illegal way. This type of attack is used most often, as it is anonymous and reduces the risk of criminals to zero.

There are two possible options here. In the first case, the attacker calls the victim using a regular phone and introduces himself as a bank employee. During the dialogue, he tries to obtain data through various means.

In the second case, the attacker uses social networks and a special bot. It distributes spyware that steals user data from their personal computer.
