Carding Hotel - Travel with 50% discount ✈️


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Hello, in this article I will share my experience and stories in working with hotels.
I will tell you about different payment methods, dispel the myth that if you book a hotel and a flight at a discount, then you will be blacklisted by the airline or drunk, thrown to rot in prison.
After reading this material, you will understand how you can pay for a hotel through booking or direct entry.
What you need to be prepared for and what scenarios may arise in case of problems with the booking.

First, let's figure out what options for paying for a hotel exist in nature, there are 5 of them:
1. Payment through the website
2. Payment through the "Agent" - a site similar to booking
3. Direct payment, also known as "Form" - when the hotel itself writes off money through the terminal (unsafe)
4. Payment with bonuses / miles
5. At your own expense

Payment through, in this case, payment is made through the booking merchant. The safest way to check in. Maximum stay up to 2 weeks. Methods for this payment method?
  1. Logs
  2. Brutus
  3. Self-registration

As with payment for any merch, a competent approach to setting up the system is extremely important; the lower the fraud score, the higher the chances of a successful entry and that your reservation will survive until check-in.

  • There are two main combinations to work with:
  1. Sphere or any antidetect + PPTP/OPENVPN/SOCKS5 (classic)
  2. A more complicated option: Raspberry + Phone, from iPhone 10

What about countries?
  • Depending on the hotel's GEO, booking will have different processing, the top most difficult countries are: Türkiye, Dubai, Thailand, Maldives, Cyprus
  • Countries where you can start practicing: Italy, France, Spain, etc. in the European Union (Europe has always been easier than other directions)
  • The closer the check-in date, the more the fraud system works and the hotel becomes very difficult to pay for. Therefore, if you want to train, I recommend choosing dates 1.5-2 weeks, or better a month before the planned arrival in the countries of the union, this will increase your chances of seeing the coveted confirmation.
In my memory there is only one service that pays for DVD booking (day to day) and only where the write-off is in $, in other cases at the moment people take orders IN ADVANCE! It is important that the currency in which the hotel accepts payment was with the internal currency of KH. If you want to pay for a hotel in Prague with a Taiwanese card, the conversion process increases fraud points.

Criteria for selecting material:
  • In case of working with Logs and Brute, it is important to have 1+ level and 3-5 worn out armors. If you get a lower level in the log, throw away your account.
  • It is also important not to touch anything in the account and not to change the original data. We always take CC for the country of the account, the country of check-in and CH should be different, because if the country of the hotel and CH are the same, the chance of cancellation before check-in or during the stay increases many times.
  • Of course, if you are already an experienced carder and there are 2-3 days before check-in and the stay is less than a week, you can resort to the option with the same country, this will increase your chances of carding, but the main thing is that from the moment of the strike and the guest's departure there should be no more than 1 week!
  • And so I recommend taking neighboring or bordering countries, for example: if you need to hit a hotel in Poland, take CC and the account of France.
    As for the passability of countries now, I can’t say anything, and no one will tell you this, you will have to fill the list by your own trial and error.

Preparation for hammering:
  • What with the log, what with the brute, the warming up of the session before the strike is important. How to do it?
  • We pretend to be in a frenetic activity for 1-2 hours, first we fill in cookies on third-party sites, surf the Internet for 30 minutes in the country of the hotel, look at the weather in the country with the hotel, watch the news, a couple of videos on YouTube, porn, in general we imitate the frenetic activity of the hotel for 30-50 minutes, then we move on to filling in cookies on the booking itself:
  • It is advisable to get to the site through a third-party resource, for example, we write a request "Best hotels in Krakow" looked through the links with selections, then went to tripadvisor and from there we go to booking. If this is brute - log in to the account, if it was a log, then you are most likely already logged in.
  • That's it, we're on booking, we're in the account, it's time to warm it up further, how to do it correctly? Write the necessary city and start surfing for at least 1 hour, open the hotel, look at the rooms, scroll through the photos, be sure to read the reviews, occasionally put reactions. Open the map, look at the hotels nearby and click on them too. Spend from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes on 1 hotel, do everything smoothly and without sudden movements.
  • You should imitate a really interested client. It would not be superfluous to warm up several sessions during the day, hung up openki or pptp and started warming up 3-5 accounts, entering each of them at intervals of 2-3 hours and filling in cookies, the more and better you warm up, the higher the chance of success.
  • If you need to pay for an apartment, choose an object with 100-150 reviews, since they have more trust than new apartments, the fewer reviews, the less chance of payment.
  • When you have already warmed up your account enough and are ready to make a payment attempt, be sure to set the CH mail to flood 5 minutes before the strike, flood for a total of 20-30 minutes
  • Enter the guest's name. Reach the payment window, select "Pay now", enter the card, cross your fingers and click "Pay", if there is enough money on the card, the system is set up perfectly, the account is warmed up to the bone - you are doomed to success and will see the coveted confirmation.
  • The fraud system is quite sensitive to names, I will not reveal all the cards, here understanding will come with experience. I recommend trying different combinations (Write the name of the CH as a guest. Enter the name of the CH in the section with the CH and specify the guest additionally, Beat on the CH and change later, etc.)
  • If you have access to your mail, then after successful entry at the moment when the mail is flooded, you need to go in and delete all messages from Booking + add it to the blacklist


All possible payment methods, if you have access to the material from NFS, I recommend to hit with the linked Gpay/Applepay.

What payment errors are there?
  • 3D knocks out - the account is not warmed up well, in this case we take the mat from the CC+OTP panel and simply pay for 3D or leave the account to rest for a couple of hours and warm it up for another 40-60 minutes, 3D can also indicate that it will not be possible to pay from this country in the one we need, you can try to enter something in another place, in general, understanding will come with experience.
  • "Short" error - the account is frozen, you can throw it away,
  • "Long" and writes about the declane, everything is clear here. The maximum you can try to squeeze in is 1 more card, if it works, the chance that the reservation will survive until check-in is 40/60.
  • The most correct option is 1 session = 1 card


What are the risks for the client with this form of payment?
  • The hotel sees only the data from Booking, the booking is paid, everything is in order. Any problems are always solved exclusively through the intermediary - Booking. Even if CH has burned the transaction and started actively trying to do something, first he goes to the bank, reports an unauthorized write-off, then the police, then with a statement again to the bank, this already eats up a lot of time, let's say one of them wants to contact Booking about this transaction, they call tech support, they are dragged around to different branches, no one will tell on the phone where this transaction went, to what country and hotel, for this you need to go through 9 circles of hell. Just imagine how many transactions are made daily through the Booking merchant and resolving the issue on a specific transaction out of a million daily ones will take more than 1 month.
  • Also, since the payment was made through the booking merch itself, it takes on all obligations to the hotel, and it pays the money to it. The guest in this case does not take any part, he simply lives his best life with a 50% discount.
  • In 99% of cases, the biggest problem is cancellation of the reservation before check-in. In 1% of cases, which in my experience happens 1 in 1000, the reservation can be cancelled during the stay, in which case the guest simply pays the full cost. But in my memory, for more than 6 years of work in this field, I cannot recall more than 5 such precedents! If this did happen, no police, no threats, since the hotel is only informed by booking that such and such a reservation was cancelled, without giving a reason. Accordingly, the hotel simply asks the guest to come to the reception, says that the reservation was cancelled and it must be paid.
  • But even in this case, you can save the situation by saying that the booking was made through an agency, they will contact you. We call the hotel and request a link to pay the full cost, in 75% of cases the hotel sends a payment link to the email we specified and we take it to a specialist who closes it with CC + OTP.
  • If the hotel refuses our offer, the guest will simply pay the full cost in cash, as he would have done if he had flown on holiday at his own expense, but I repeat, this is exactly the outcome = 1 to 1000

Now let's talk about the Form, aka direct payment!


The whole point is already in the name, with this method the hotel itself writes off money from the card through the POS terminal. How does it work?
  • For the reservation you can use even a slipper, because the only fraud system in this case is the presence of the required amount on the CC.
  • Scheme: We make a reservation, after which we receive an email with the hotel details.
  • If you are a "budget traveler" you can simply write a reply message or directly to the hotel's email, with approximately the following content: "Hello, I am an agent and would like to pay for my client's stay, booking no., send me an authorization form or write off the money from the linked card", this can be resolved within 5 minutes or a day, depending on how the booking department works.
  • Therefore, to speed up the process, instead of writing a letter, it is better to call the hotel and communicate directly in person, so in 3 minutes you will have a complete understanding of whether it is possible to enter this hotel directly or it is ready to send you a payment link at most, as I said above, paymentlink can only be paid with swear words from 3DS, so in this case it is not suitable for us.
  • If the hotel is ready to write off through the terminal, there are 2 options under which conditions it is ready to do this:
  1. He will send the authorization form to the email, you need to draw the card from both sides and the passport of the private farm, and also fill out the document form itself. We go to any drawer, draw up all the documents and send them to the email.
  2. The hotel will write off the money without any forms or confirmations, it will simply enter the card details into the terminal and write off the amount for the stay.
  • If there is not enough money on the card the first time, in the option where you need to send a form, the maximum I recommend is to try to send another CC, if there is no money on it either, change the hotel. If the hotel writes off money without a form/by phone, you can try another 3-5 pieces, with this option, everyone has nothing to lose!)

What about countries?
  • Countries where the form still works well: Latin America, Africa, Some European countries: Denmark, Portugal, Netherlands and 3rd world countries.
  • In which countries you can not even try? Turkey, Dubai, Thailand, Maldives, Cyprus, Spain, Germany
    And again by trial and error, it all depends on the country of the hotel, somewhere the possibility of writing off the form will be 9/10, somewhere 1/10 - 1/100, but even in the most difficult countries you can find an option with this payment method.
  • It is important to understand what kind of swearing you are putting under the write-off, do not under any circumstances even think of sending the CC of the same country as the hotel! For this, they will 100% get to the client, if not at the moment when he tries to check in, then after a couple of days of his stay for sure.
  • With this payment method, the CH can immediately see where his money went, since there is no merch and the hotel itself writes off the money. For a safe stay, as much as possible, you need to use bins with a long charge, not neighboring and bordering countries, so that it is more difficult for the CH to get to the hotel) Pension and savings cards work well, since the CH does not use them and does not monitor the balance.
  • Sometimes it's not just about the balance on the card. There is a territorial block for specific bins. And it is not necessary to make a reservation through Booking. In 90% of cases, I prefer to negotiate directly with the hotel.
  • At one time I had 1 such bin, Finland which gave 7-10k$ each, when I wrote it off at 0, it lived for another month or two. But not everyone has a pool of bins, so if you still want to experiment, be extremely careful to start with, check in for 2-3 days, pay for the hotel day by day or maximum per day!


It is from this form of payment for hotels that the myths originated that you will be put on a bottle and given a tour from the hotel with a private transfer in a police car, but is this really true?
  • The worst thing that can happen is that the CH will call the hotel and say that he didn’t pay anything, the client is a scammer, call the cops.
  • In this case, the hotel may not be as polite to you as if your booking was cancelled, but again, it will only be interested in the full amount of money for your stay.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to solve this somehow by requesting another form, but PaymentLink can help out even in such a stalemate in 50% of cases.

Examples from my life with this method:
  1. At one time, like many others, I actively used this method in Russia, it was about 5 years ago, when many hotels were still actively writing off everything. And six months after staying in one of the Moscow hotels, my girlfriend received a letter from the court that such and such a hotel requires compensation, since a refund was issued for your booking, although we had 2 rooms, one for me and my beloved, the other for her friend. But for some reason the letter was sent to 1 person. As a result, this letter was successfully ignored and the situation was hushed up by itself.
  2. There were cases in country houses where people were partying hard and in a drunken stupor simply dictated their card details to the woman at the reception desk to close the bill for the table and successfully wrote off 100-150 thousand rubles, and then simply quickly disappeared into thin air the next morning.
  3. There were cases when hotel managers wrote to people on FB 1-2 weeks after departure and threatened, saying "Why the hell did you cancel the transaction, I'll screw you", but as in any other cases, it never went beyond threats and real actions. This is about a fun holiday in the CIS, how were things with other countries?
  4. Once I lived a reservation with friends, it was a wonderful week 5 stars and all inclusive, with a total bill of about 400,000 for 2 rooms, we had a great time, flew home and the next day after arrival I received a letter in the mail "Why did you return the funds for the stay?" - a charge came, but who cares, I'm already home)
  5. There were also a couple of times when a charge arrived during their stay and people simply ran away at night with their suitcases, changing their place of residence)
  6. As far as I remember, it got to the cops once, maybe there were other cases, but I don't remember them. And that case with the cops was resolved by paying the full amount for the cash, since the client was only the victim in this situation, and they were called because the client also successfully tried to leave without paying)
  7. There were also a couple of times when a charge arrived during their stay and people simply left at night with their suitcases, changing their place of residence)


Bonus story, I remembered it while I was formatting this article 😁
Once a client said that a cancellation had come and the cops had come, taken him to the police station and sent a photo. That time the payment was made through Booking, so there was no talk of any red-finned ones. I immediately realized that he was lying and simply did not want to pay for the reservation. I started googling the query "Police in the hotel" and literally the 3rd photo was the one the client had sent me. To which I successfully sent him a screenshot, cancelled the reservation, called the hotel, said that a scammer was living there and threw him out. What happened to him next, I don't know) So it's better not to deceive the services, they can ruin your raspberry.

To summarize:
  • The most reliable payment option I've ever dealt with, if you know the bins and how everything works.
  • The payment form can be relatively safe if it is done for you by a person with experience and the necessary bins. If you did it yourself or turned to an idiot who does not understand what he is doing - expect adventures.
  • Much has changed in 5 years, hotels have already figured out how it works. But nevertheless, the authorization form remains relevant for many countries. Since real agencies make hundreds of real bookings daily using it. Many sellers on WWH use this method...
  • Bins, of course, decide. 90-99% of success depends on them. There are just nuances, but for beginners it is not essential

A little about payment through an agent:
  • This is a third-party site similar to Booking, where you can also pay for your reservation in advance. For example, Agoda and Expedia, someone can still pay through them.
  • No service will ever tell you which agent it makes reservations with, this information is more valuable than any work with BA!)
  • As a rule, they give easier, the chance of cancellation is lower and through them you can pay for complex destinations. If you want to start looking for your agent, start combing through the subsidiaries of Booking, Agoda and Expedia.
  • But I wouldn’t recommend getting into this swamp and leaving this matter to professionals, personally I’ve never worked with agents and always fucked booking, so I don’t have much to tell.
  • The risks are even less than when paying via booking, payment is made 3-5 days before check-in or the same day, depending on the merchandise and the agent itself, in some cases, it happens that the agent does not work on weekends or starts working after 14-15:00 Moscow time, which indicates its time zone.

Payment with bonuses:
  • From the category of working with agents, not a popular direction, I have not seen active services who are currently working with this.
  • From recent examples, reservations for bonuses were posted from the site
  • As a rule, they buy brute with balance or logs, after which they go in and pay for what the bonuses are enough for.
  • The risks in this case are the same as when paying through booking.
  • I repeat, this is the least popular method, which you are unlikely to encounter now.
  • Because you need to find a service with a bonus system, find accounts for it or create a brute, and one of the main conditions is the absence of additional verification when logging in, and also the accounts must have accumulated bonuses of at least $ 500

To summarize everything said above:
  1. When paying through the website, the guest's check-in is absolutely safe, since the merchant takes full responsibility. It is he who will decide the issue of payment in the event of a charge, even after the guest's check-out.
  2. The worst thing that can happen to him is paying the full check. I do not recommend using direct input, especially to settle clients using it.
  3. Always leave a deposit in cash, as there have been cases where the hotel has written off funds from cards after a couple of months without explanation. If you left a deposit with a card, it is better to reissue it.
  4. You can easily start working in this direction if you put in the necessary amount of effort and follow the recommendations.
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