Carding: concept, signs, characteristics and main indicators


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1. Signs characterizing carding
2. Indicators characterizing carding
2.1 Quantitative carding indicators
2.2 Qualitative carding indicators

Signs characterizing carding​

The term “carding” is used to characterize the widespread prevalence of offenses and their comprehensive statistical recording.

carding implies systematically occurring acts that violate the established order and law in a specific territory and at a specific time. carding is a complex concept of law, reflecting the unfavorable side of the life of society, and conveys the features of certain periods of its history.

Signs of carding include:
  • public character. Certain actions directed against society form carding. Persons who have committed a carder offense, as well as persons who have suffered from it, are considered members of society. The causes of a particular carding are directly related to the peculiarities of the social structure of society and the quality of life of people, which contributes to an increase or minimization of carder violations of law and order, however, they are in no way connected and do not depend on the biological characteristics of a person. The results of carder actions adversely affect all aspects of social life;
  • legal nature. carder offenses that pose a serious threat to society are usually prosecuted. Thus, we can conclude that carding has a carder legal nature. carder regulations reflect the classification of offenses, this makes it possible to determine their specific types and not confuse carder actions with offenses that contradict moral values;
  • historically determined changes. The nature of carding is transformed over time according to the development of social life, taking into account economic, political, legislative, regulatory, religious and social factors inherent in a certain period of history and influencing the formation of carding, which will be unique for each stage of the social structure;
  • unfavorable results. Carding cause irreparable damage to relationships in society and the material benefits of the state, since society spends financial resources to counter carder acts that violate accepted laws, as well as to apply and maintain sanctions against them;
  • mass phenomenon. Carding includes a complex of a large number of individual illegal documents, cases and individuals involved in carding, within specific territorial boundaries and in a specific time period, and may also contain specific features that are absent in isolated carder acts;
  • systematicity. The concept of carding contains parts that resonate with each other, is comparatively autonomous and systematized, and has unshakable interstructural connections inside and outside the system with social processes.

Note 1
The concept and signs of carding have contradictory relationships with each other from the point of view of theoretical argumentation.

Indicators characterizing carding​

Statistical indices are applicable to carding, assessing carder acts and guilty individuals within specific territorial boundaries in a given time period.

carding has quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Quantitative carding indicators​

Quantitative indicators of carder offenses include:
  • volume (state);
  • level;
  • carding dynamics.
The carding volume indicator is an absolute quantitative value that expresses a single number of carder acts and the individuals responsible for them recorded in a separate territory for a separate time period. This indicator shows the extent of carding. The number of carder offenses will differ from the number of individuals guilty of them due to the fact that several citizens may be accused of one carding, or vice versa, a single person may be accused of different carding.

The given indicators in some cases are not comparable with each other and are not amenable to statistical review and evaluation.

Note 2
To identify the volume of carding in the course of empirical analysis, information is used for the month, quarter, half-year and year on the level of recorded carder offenses throughout the state, the territory of its administrative units, as well as on the level of certain types of carding (information on organized, professional, repeat carding, juvenile delinquency, etc.).

The carding rate is a relative value that expresses the number of carder acts and the individuals responsible for them. This value is determined by carding coefficients or indices, that is, the number of carder acts that occurred and the persons responsible for them per thousand, ten thousand or one hundred thousand people.

The carding rate is considered based on the following data:
  • number of recorded carder acts (carding coefficient);
  • indicator of carder activity of the population;
  • victimization coefficient.
The carding rate is the ratio of the number of recorded carder offenses to the number of units of the population that can be held carderly responsible, at least 14 years of age. It is expressed by the proportion:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where Kf is the carding rate;
  • I – number of recorded carder offenses;
  • N – number of population units aged 14 years and older.

Note 3
The carding rate is most clearly and accurately reflected by detailed indicators that are assessed based on the nature of the structural organization of carding and the structural structure of the population, and not on the basis of a single number of carding as a whole.
The carder activity coefficient (I) is the ratio of the number of individuals guilty of a carding to the corresponding number of citizens living in a given territory:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where m is the number of citizens guilty of carding that occurred in a specific territory in a specific period of time;
  • N is the number of active citizens aged 14 to 60 years recorded in a given territory;
  • 105 is an unchangeable unit of account.
The victimization coefficient (V) characterizes the carder intensity of a certain regional entity. It expresses the number of citizens affected by carder offenses in the territory of the subject under consideration for a designated time period in relation to one hundred or ten thousand units of the total population:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where Ln is the number of victims;
  • N – number of population units.
The dynamics of carding reflects variations in carding coefficients (volume, level, structure) for a specific time (one year, three years, five years, etc.) in a given territory.

The following forms of assessing carding dynamics are distinguished:
  • current analysis based on comparison of numerical carding indicators for the year with identical indicators for previous years;
  • systematic analysis, performed once a year and records long time periods;
  • analysis of carder changes characteristic of a particular season.

Note 4
The dynamics of carding are influenced by many circumstances, such as the reasons and conditions for the occurrence of carder offenses, the structural structure of the population, various social and legal aspects of life, changes in carder law, and others.

Elements of calculating carding dynamics:
  • absolute growth (decrease);
  • rates of growth;
  • growth rate.
The absolute increase (or decrease) in carding (A) is calculated using the formula:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where Y is the volume of carding for a specific period of time;
  • y is the previous value of the same quantity.

The rate of growth or decrease in carding (Tr) is determined by the formula:

Indicators characterizing carding

The rate of carder growth is calculated based on fundamental indicators of dynamics. Statistical information for several years is compared with existing and unchanged statistics, the material of which is the state of carding at the starting stage of the comparison.

The carding growth rate is a percentage value that reflects the increase or decrease in the volume of carding in a specific period of time in relation to the previous one. In case of an increase, the percentage of the growth rate is marked with a “+” symbol, in case of a decrease – with a “–” symbol.

Indicators characterizing carding

Qualitative carding indicators​

Among the qualitative characteristics of carder actions are:
  • structure;
  • nature;
  • geography;
  • the price.
The structure of carding is understood as the proportion of parts of different categories (groups) of carder offenses and citizens guilty of them to their single numerical quantity in a particular territory for a specific time period. This proportion corresponds to the form:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where u is a specific category of carder offenses;
  • U – a single number of carder offenses.

Among the main components of the carding structure, based on the signs of carder offenses, the following are distinguished:
  • the proportion of different groups of carder offenses;
  • proportion of intentional and careless carder offenses, etc.;
  • share (share) of recidivism and professional carding; group carding, female carding, juvenile carding, etc.

The main elements of the structure of carding according to the individual characteristics of citizens guilty of carding include:
  • gender identity of the perpetrators;
  • the age category of the guilty individuals, which is important in situations where a carder offense occurred through the fault of a person under 18 years of age, or through the fault of an adult;
  • number of accomplices, etc.
The nature of carding expresses the number of grave and especially grave carder offenses in the overall structure of carding and gives an idea of the individual character traits of guilty citizens.

The proportion of serious carder offenses (L) is calculated by the proportion:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where C is the volume of serious carding;
  • U is the volume of all carding.
The geography of carding characterizes the distribution of carder acts in the analyzed territory, reflects the difference in the level of carder situation of state entities, its features, as well as the measures taken aimed at preventing and eliminating the consequences of carder acts (such measures should be focused on the territorial characteristics of a particular subject).

The carding geography coefficient (Ter), or the coefficient of territorial distribution of carding, is expressed by the following formula:

Indicators characterizing carding

  • where L is the volume of carding on the territory of one subject of the state;
  • U is the volume of carding on the territory of the state.

Note 5
The nature and structure of carder acts are determined by the territorial category: city, suburban area, rural areas.

The cost of carding reflects the results of carder acts affecting society. Similar results include:
  • real and collateral property damage caused by carder offenses to social interactions;
  • financial and other social costs aimed at implementing measures related to the prevention and elimination of carding.
All of these characteristics are extremely important for drawing conclusions about carding rates, and systematic research provides the most detailed results.
