Carding CC for beginners in 2024


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Credit Card (CC) - a stolen credit card. Other names: cardboard, potato. With its help, we can pay in services/online stores (shops)

By typing in - the ordering process

Receiving material:

- buy from sellers

- get it yourself

When purchasing, you will receive material in approximately this format:

4318274827182912 | 10/25 | 118 | Mike Corleone | 27 Grower street | New York | 27817 | NY | USA | 281-827-7281 (all data is fictitious)

4318274827182912 - card number

10/25 - expiration date

118 - security code CVV/CVV2

Mike Corleone - First and Last Name

27 Grower street - address

New York - city

27817 - zip code (index)

NY - state

USA - country

281-827-7281 - telephone number

The first 6 digits in the card number (431827) is the BIN (number of the bank that issued the card). To find out which bank issued the card, go to Google (find out the bank by bin).

Also, in some CC (especially in US) there is additional information (SSN - social security number, DOB - date of birth, MMN - mother's middle name)

The first digit in the card number corresponds per system, there are:

4 (Visa)

5 (MasterCard)

3 (American Express)

6 (Discover)

In these systems there is protection, in Visa - Verified by Visa (to put it simply, the card owner has a code and he must enter it at the time of buying). MasterCard, American Express, Discover have similar systems.

Card types:

1) Debit - you can buy within the amount on the card

2) Credit - you can buy within your credit limit

3) Prepaid - similar to debit, but it does not have personalization (that is, it is essentially anonymous for stores/services)

Payment process with CC when purchasing online:​

For the buyer:

1) Placed the item in the cart

2) Entered delivery details and card details

3) Entered confirmation codes (if required)

4) Received confirmation of payment

For the system:

1) After placing the order, you will be redirected to the processing center page. This center makes it possible to coordinate the issuing bank and the acquiring bank.

Issuing bank - the bank that issued the card with which the buyer is trying to pay for the goods (the money is in this bank)

Acquiring bank - the bank that provides payment processing services to the store

2) Accepts your data cards

3) Confirms the status and parameters of the shop in the system

4) Checks the generated request and transmits the authorization request to the acquiring bank

5) Next, the request goes to the appropriate payment system (Visa, MasterCard...), where the issuing bank is determined

6 ) After which the request is sent to the bank’s processing center

7) The issuing bank confirms the payment

8) The processing center transmits the result to the store (and at this point you receive the result)

Process after payment:​

What does the store do after payment?

1) Performs an automatic check.

It is checked differently at all stores (read the article about anti-fraud systems)

2) Performs a manual check.

Checks the delivery address, can check the phone number specified in the order (just call it) and other information regarding delivery

If the store has suspicions - he requests additional data or photos (for example: a photo of the credit card with which the purchase was made)

3) Sends the goods

Usually the goods are sent within 1-2 days. You will receive a track by email to track your order. You track the goods and the drop/shipment/buyer receives the goods, and you are paid a certain amount or further shipping is carried out to your address.

It is not recommended to order the item on Friday (as it will most likely be sent on Monday and the owner will have more time to return the transaction)

- What if the real card owner finds out that I ordered something without his knowledge?

- He calls the police, calls the store directly, calls the bank. Then they try to reverse the transaction so that it returns back to the card balance

- What happens to the package that is already on its way?

- The parcel may also turn around, or maybe not. This is where the card falls

Warming up the shops:​

Of course, we always want to do everything faster. Immediately go to the store, choose the latest laptop from apple for $2500, enter your card details and have it sent to us right away. But in reality, everything happens differently.

Let's analyze ordinary people and how they make purchases, this will help us understand the general essence of working with stores and systems!

- What does an ordinary person do when he needs a drill, for example?

He goes to the search and types in: buy a drill (only in English, of course)

A bunch of sites come up there and he clicks on each one and looks at the best price.

Moreover, he has a lot of tabs that just hang in the browser and he goes to each one.

And so he finds a site that has fast delivery and a good price.

He starts looking at the warranty section, reviews on the site, studies all the drill options in more detail.

Then he adds the product to the cart and sometimes buys it right away, and sometimes he saves the site as a bookmark and comes back a week later and only then buys

- So what else can he do?

Call by phone and ask questions regarding delivery and other things, he can also write, he can ask about the packaging of the goods, whether they can give a discount, etc.

And only then he orders the goods.

And suppose he cannot order the goods because the card payment does not go through. What does he do in this case?

He will call the store and say: What kind of system do you have, I entered my card details and for some reason my order did not go through and you canceled it or the bank canceled it. Let's figure it out. And the assistant, of course, will help him and say that this is how it is, there are some inconsistencies here/you didn’t have enough money, etc. And the real card owner will already do something about it

What can we take away from this little analysis:​

1) We go to the site from a search engine

2) It is advisable to also open other tabs with other stores (perhaps it will have some effect, shops can see what tabs you have open)

3) Next, the desired site can be warmed up for 5-10 minutes in passive mode ( look at something on another tab)

4) Then we go to the desired store, where we want to order

5) And begins to study all the information about delivery and other things. We start asking questions in the online chat (if there is one). In short, we fill the cookies.

Fill for 10-15 minutes and add the desired product to the cart

6) Next, you have a choice: either order immediately or leave the product in the cart and come to order in 1-3 days at the time you need

7) Next, fill out all the data, enter the card details and wait for confirmation of the debit

8) And then monitor your mail for a successful order (or not)

9) If the order is unsuccessful, write to the chat/email and ask: what? and why? but I just decided to order and something went wrong

They ask for a photo of the card - go to the renderers and there for 10-20$ you get a photo of the card and send it to the store

They ask for other data on the card - go to the punchers and there they will punch you for 5-25$ whatever you want

They ask for a call to talk with you about the order - go to the callers, describe the situation and they call for you

1rd part - linked data​

In some countries, such as the USA, the card has an owner linked to it, the address where he lives, telephone number, email, etc. If the data does not match yours, this will significantly increase the risk of order cancellation.

What to do in this case?

Option 2: (there will be articles about both options soon)

1) Look for shops that don’t care about the address indicated on the card from which payment is made

2) Buy cards with Enrol initially

2rd part - liquidity of the product​

What will be more liquid: the latest version of an iPhone for $1.5k or a baby stroller for the same amount? Of course, iPhones and shops that sell goods know this. Therefore, you will be awarded more fraud points, which we have already talked about, specifically for liquid goods. And also, when ordering liquid goods, there is an almost 100% chance of getting stuck for additional checks. But often it’s worth it, because the buyer’s percentage for liquidity is higher.

3rd part - modification of CC​

Let's say you bought a CC and entered it into 1 shop. And you shouldn’t waste time - go to another store and also enter 1 more order, or maybe several.

Therefore, it is advisable for you to have already pre-warmed shops with cookies in order to quickly enter them and pay for goods from the basket. Also, if when you try to pay in 1 store, the order cannot be received for some reason. Be sure to try placing an order in another store.

It is recommended to make 2-3 orders in different shops, if the CC allows you to do this

Also, if after a day or two all the shops sent the order, you should move on to the next shops and try to place an order from the same card.

Thus, by purchasing a card once, you can even make a total of several thousand evergreens on small orders.

4rd part - adjustment of First Name, Last Name and Address​

Do I need to adapt to the cardholder? Or should you adapt to the address of the drop/buyer/intermediary? The question is actually multifaceted and everything, as always, depends on the store and the security system it uses.

Let's assume that you are Alex and you live in a small town in Arizona.

You want to order a gift for your significant other who is currently in Texas. Will you indicate that the first and last name on the card is yours? Of course yes, but the recipient's address and full name will differ from what is written in your card billing. So what should Alex do in this case? Of course, handle the support and explain the whole situation, so that later a cancellation letter does not arrive in the mail. In this case, Alex used his first and last name, but used someone else’s address, last name, first name, and backed it all up with an appeal to support. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases: When paying, we take your last name and first name from the card. But in the order we indicate the last name, first name and address of the drop.

Also, from 1 detail you learned that the card’s billing also contains the phone number and email of the card owner. What to do with them and what should Alex do? He would indicate his phone number and his email. But this option is not particularly suitable for us, because we will not be able to understand whether the order went through and where the track is for tracking. Therefore, the only option is to insert your phone number (Skype/Google Voice) and your email. The system will, of course, give us fraud points, but nothing can be done about it.

5rd part - adjusting IP/time zone​

In the situation described above, adjustments, of course, need to be made for Alex. That is, find the closest proxy for its zip/address.

But if you present a different story to the support service in the store, then you will need to adapt to the address of the drop/buyer/intermediary.

Other stories could be:

- there was a flood in the apartment and I had to move out, so I’m now living at a different address

- I moved to another state for work

- a relative recently died and now I’m at my parents’ house

Come up with your own stories and adapt to the situation. The easier the story is to understand, the better. Also, when communicating with support, try to evoke a feeling of compassion for yourself, this will give you more trust from the shop.


Quality material - different stores have different quality materials. I will say more, even in the same store throughout the year there may be material of different quality. There is no need to despair, because you can get it yourself. Difficult - definitely yes, but in some cases it's worth it.