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The principle of operation of carders


Carders need directly the payment card number and other information about the card. It also happens that carders obtain data on the bank cards of their owners by purchasing databases.

For example, it is quite possible to purchase information on bank cards on the darknet for a fairly small fee. Scammers use a VPN that shows that they are located in another city or country in order to remain completely anonymous.

It happens in another way. A carder can create a phishing firm. For example, an attacker can create a copy of the page of a banking organization where the account login or a copy of the application is located. Then, by sending spam, the carder sends links to this application to potential victims.

If you believe the opinions of darknet users, then the initial investment of a carder to start his criminal activity is about 50$. But the carders do not manage to implement their plans right away, since the attackers need to gain skills and experience in their criminal case.

The meaning of the term "card"


The essence of card (carding) is in the process of entering bank card information into any payment system. For their own safety, scammers break into computers of ordinary users and work with them.

Some carders use an Android smartphone emulator or a virtual machine for their activities. When the attacker finishes driving, then he just needs to remove the programs with which he carried out his activities. Thus, it will be very difficult for law enforcement agencies to calculate it.

Carders do not always buy goods

In addition to the fact that the carder can purchase any product using the victim's bank card, he can also cash it out. In addition, the fraudster can use the stolen money to gamble on the Internet or spend it on something similar.

In addition, if the money is debited from the victim's card, then it will hardly be possible to return it.


Stores in the USA and Europe refuse to send goods to Russia if the payment was made through a PayPal linked to a bank card belonging to a citizen of the United States or a European country.

Special systems block suspicious transactions.

Although the attackers still carry out their illegal activities.

With the help of someone else's bank card, carders receive an additional gift card. Then they get access to the victim's mail by hacking it and the carders receive data on the card code. The scammers then order the product using the gift card code.

Some attackers create "self-registers". Carder is using a bank account that is already hacked. Next, he indicates information by mail and phone. Using such an account, a fraudster can borrow money.

Can a cashier in a store be a carder?


Cashiers in a supermarket usually receive a small salary, but if they are carders, their income is much higher.

If you pay for goods in a store with a card, the cashier can see its details and remember them. Often, when paying for a certain product, the buyer is only required to have a card number and a three-digit code on its back. It also happens that the cashier-carder can install a special "reader" and receive data on the victim's bank card.

As a result, the funds may disappear from your bank card, and you are unlikely to suspect the cashier of the store of the crime.


In conclusion, I would like to say that if the law enforcement agencies find the carder, then in any case they will need to provide evidence of the attacker's involvement in the crimes. But the carder can cover up the traces of his actions, and there is a high probability that he will not be condemned.

Even if the police become aware of the transactions committed by the attacker, then this will not be enough to prove the guilt of the carder. It is very difficult to get a conviction for a carder and put him in jail.


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Who are carders?
No, my friend, we are not cardeballet artists. Rather, economic terrorists and Robin Hoods rolled into one.
Carding is partly a science, partly an art. However, Wikipedia reports that this is a type of fraud, in which an operation is performed using a payment card or its details without the owner's knowledge. Well, she knows best.
This trend, originally as a subspecies of hacking, appeared at the dawn of the 2000s, when even in our dense forest, progress came along a crooked path, and a strange creature called a personal computer began to brighten up leisure in still narrow circles.
And despite the fact that banks appeared much earlier, now they are at a loss. Banks, funds, and stock exchanges. They print paper, inflate bubbles, create the illusion of ever-available liquidity, then bring the crisis down on our heads, plunge the world's population into poverty and ruin. The old scheme. Too bad, unkillable.
But what do they say?. Who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne? And even if I like whiskey more, I like this phrase. Once we risked shaking the slave system of evil and calculation and simply did not want to stop.
So we don't steal, but cut off some of the broth. It was yours, it was ours. Just like with Crimea.
I could give lectures on morals and ethics in this case. It's a fucking philosophy, but as long as I'm not Hegel, Mann, or Nossack, I won't be breeding a five-volume treatise here. Take notes on what you have, and you will be defending your diploma in front of the American economy.
By the way, why exactly in front of her.

-you are gangsters?
-no, we are Russians


We are Russian carders, and there are thousands of us in the post-soviet space. And none of us would think to steal from our own people, because that's what it means.
A) ugly;
B) very, very criminally punishable.
And why, if all of America is ours? All of Europe, and even exotic countries like Australia.

Usually they come here for:
Money (big bucks, right?)
Acute sensations (in the area below the lower back)
Venting political hatred (America was invented by russophobes)
And to test yourself for strength. In short, carding is a special sport in which the winner gets everything, and the loser either cries or fights with a cellmate for shit. Everything is simple-you sit either behind the wheel of a lamba or on a bottle. Roulette? Not at all. No one canceled knowledge and experience. And together they give one very good thing-a pattern.
If we ever purge the community of school kids, mom's hackers, antisocial parasites, and other unsavory passengers, we'll leave no stone unturned. In the meantime, you have to maneuver between idiots and extract valuable information through valuable connections. They take months to build up, but it's worth it.
How did I end up here? Makarevich will sing "do you remember how it all started" for a long time, but I don't remember. Actually, I stupidly do not remember how it all started and what kind of case can be considered my current position. I only remember that I got my first knowledge here, in a telegram, but as for that, I had amnesia. Therefore, there will not be a beautiful story about how I quit Gazprom because I didn't want to work for my uncle, washed down a dry eat with tap water for two months, and then turned on the computer, fell, woke up - gypsum carding. Let's assume that my story was not so beautiful.
Further more. To be continued.


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Hello everybody. After yesterday’s poll, I’m chasing thoughts in my head and I wanted to share with you:

90% of people have not seen the life that the other 10% live. They don't even imagine that you can live like this at all.
Whatever these 90% of people want, these 10% don't even perceive it as something cool. For example: Go to a restaurant in the evening for $ 500 +. For these 10% - this is self-evident and does not cause any emotions. Or ride the same sports car. Well, yes, it's cool sometimes. But the attitude is already to this, how do you feel about the taxi. I will not even talk about the views from the apartment and apartments. You get used to it as soon as it appears in your life. We will also include travel, girls, parties and all this tinsel there. This naturally does not mean that this should not be striven.

I sincerely hope that some of this group will be able to get good results and they will try on this life. It may not be as fabulous as you imagine it to be. But this is much better than the way you live now. I know that) Eternal depression, problems, you can not afford nichrome (even devour as you want).

Okay. This is me, thoughts in the text) Good luck to everyone and have a good weekend. And please don't get lost on the way to your goals and destroy this crazy world?