Carder's personal financial plan: how to draw it up, maintain it and achieve financial goals in carding!


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Greetings! Ask yourself: would you like to achieve financial well-being? What does this mean specifically for you? How to pave the way to financial freedom?

If you are interested in these questions, then it will be useful to learn about a tool that can maximize the speed of achieving financial freedom. It's called a carder's personal financial plan. This is a document in accordance with which personal finances are managed. It allows you to transfer carder's actions in relation to their money from the category of spontaneous and emotional to the category of conscious and planned actions. This is a map that takes into account the achievement of all your goals in carding. Moving along it makes life as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

How and why does it work? Surely, there are many motorists among the readers of this article. For example, before driving to another city for the first time, any driver will open a map and plot a route. He will mark the main intermediate villages and cities that he will have to pass through in order to check the correctness of his movement against them. Checks the performance of the car: oil level, brake system, tire pressure. He will also calculate the gasoline supply and take a certain amount of money for unforeseen situations. A spare tire is also the most important thing on the road.

How to create a carder's personal financial plan? It is not difficult :)

How do the driver's actions described above differ from the daily actions of a person? More often than not, life is more like Brownian motion: no goal, no map and no plan of action.

But is it important for you to fulfill your dreams? Wherever there is a need to achieve a goal accurately and on time, a carefully thought out plan is used. No investor will participate in a venture without seeing the business plan. Because only its presence indicates how carefully everything has been thought out, what will be done and how. Systematic action appears that brings maximum results.

Again, carders think that achieving financial well-being and creating personal wealth occurs after receiving some large amount of money from carding. At our financial literacy seminars, participants complete an exercise where they are asked to distribute $ 100000 in a minute. Many people don't have enough time. They do not know in advance where to direct this million. When you ask why they need money, the most common answer is: “We'll figure it out.” But wealth is formed gradually, in relatively small amounts.

And if there is no plan, then even occasional and large incomes are usually spent on something “urgent” and “very important”; relatives and friends ask for loans, and then not everything is returned. Naturally, there is nothing left for creating personal capital. Therefore, you must know in advance where and how much to send money. In order not to forget anything or get confused, all decisions are entered into a carder's personal financial plan. Let's move on to the methodology for its development.

Drawing up a carder's personal financial plan is done in four stages:
1. Defining goals.
2. Assessing your own financial capabilities.
3. Adjustment of the plan: changing goals depending on your capabilities or increasing income.
4. Determination of investment strategy and selection of financial instruments.

Let's start in order. Why is it necessary to define goals? The answer is very simple: after all, we need money precisely to achieve them. Simply increasing capital or increasing assets is not the main thing. This is just an intermediate stage in order to allow yourself to realize larger goals.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the specific characteristics of the target: for example, a Nissan Teana, 2024, black, with leather interior, engine capacity 2.0. The more specific, the better. Next, you need to specify the cost and deadline for achievement, ie date of purchase accurate to one year.

This is an approximate list, which is then adjusted and refined. For example, we need to change a car every 4 years, educate all children, etc. The total cost of the goals is a very specific amount of money that we need to earn. The destination has been determined, the first stage of drawing up a personal financial plan has been completed.

Why do you need a carder's personal financial plan: goal estimates, achieving goals, reasonable planning​

The next step is to determine the starting point and the step with which we will move towards our financial well-being and our goals. For this purpose, two financial reports are compiled: Assets-Liabilities and Income-Expenditures (personal budget).

Assets we call all your property that is worth money. Next comes the division into real assets and other assets (property). Real assets are those that generate income: bank deposits, shares, mutual funds, apartments for rent. Other assets or property do not bring in money, for example, the apartment in which you live.

On the contrary, you pay rent of $ 100 every month. But imagine that you don't have your own home. You will have to rent and pay $ 500 per month. Those. own apartment saves $ 400. As they say, if you save, you earn. We record the value of all assets, and for real assets we add the amount of annual income and interest rate to analyze the effectiveness of investments. Again, all information must be reflected on paper by filling out a table.

The next step is to determine the size of your liabilities, ie all the money that needs to be returned: bank loans, loans.

The difference between assets and liabilities is the starting point from which you begin to move towards your goals. In our example, this is capital in the amount of $ 50000. It's worse when this difference is zero, but even worse when the difference is negative. Then we add debt repayment to the events table.

How to implement a carder's personal financial plan: setting earthly goals​

Next, we determine at what pace we will move towards our financial well-being. Where do we get money for our goals? From income. But part of it is spent on food, transportation, communications and other expenses. It turns out that only what remains is used for the purpose. In an article devoted to planning a family budget, we said that it is advisable to immediately save a certain part after receiving money, and spend the rest with peace of mind.

The difference between monthly income and expenses is the invested amount. It is the “step” with which we move towards achieving our goals. We will demonstrate the work done in the form of a drawing.

Now we can show a diagram according to which competent management of personal finances should be organized, leading to financial well-being.

Based on the positive difference between income and expenses, a column of assets is formed, which, if selected correctly, increases our income. Then, in accordance with the plan, money is withdrawn from financial instruments to achieve the goals.