Carder will be jailed for 13 years


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In the United States, a hacker and former security specialist was sentenced to 13 years in prison - this is the longest sentence in the history of sentences in cases of hacking computer systems.

Max Ray Butler, known in the hacker world under the nicknames Iceman and Max Vision, received such a sentence on charges of computer fraud and identity theft. In addition to the 13-year sentence, Butler will also be under the supervision of law enforcement officials for another five years after his release from prison.

In addition, the Pittsburgh District Court ordered him to pay $27.5 million in damages to his victims. According to Assistant District Attorney Luke Dembosky, Butler pleaded guilty to computer fraud last June.

The hacker first gained widespread notoriety after he hacked into an online forum for carders (cybercriminals who steal money from credit cards), where stolen credit card numbers were sold and bought, and forced its users to conduct their transactions through Butler's own website -


Carder given record prison sentence for stealing money from credit cards
American hacker Max Ray Butler, creator of the world's largest online marketplace for selling stolen credit card numbers, was sentenced to 13 years in prison.

In the United States, a hacker and former security specialist was sentenced to 13 years in prison - this is the longest sentence in the history of sentences in cases of hacking computer systems. Max Ray Butler , known in the hacker world under the nicknames Iceman and Max Vision, received such a sentence on charges of computer fraud and identity theft. In addition to the 13-year sentence, Butler will also be under the supervision of law enforcement officials for another five years after his release from prison.
In addition, the Pittsburgh District Court ordered him to pay $27.5 million in damages to his victims. According to Assistant District Attorney Luke Dembosky, Butler pleaded guilty to computer fraud last June.

This hacker first became widely known after he hacked into an online forum for carders ( cybercriminals who steal money from credit cards), where stolen credit card numbers were sold and bought, and forced its users to conduct their transactions through his own website - .

Max Ray Butler was previously in prison. While working as a volunteer security consultant for the FBI, he was arrested for writing malicious code that installed a special backdoor program on computers (allowing a hacker to gain access to a hacked system and control infected computers ). Among the systems infected with his code were the networks of the FBI, for which Iceman worked.


Max Ray Butler received the longest prison sentence for hacking in history

The hacker was charged and the court sentenced him to 18 months in prison. As Butler said during his appearance in Pittsburgh District Court, he fell on very difficult times after his release from prison.

“I was homeless, living at a friends house. I couldn't find a job," Butler said. Desperate, he returned to cybercrime. By the time of his arrest in September 2007, the talented hacker had managed to create the largest marketplace for the sale of stolen credit and debit card numbers in the world.

“It is unfortunate that a person with such abilities chose to use them in such a way, harming many other people. This sentence should send a message to all hackers that cybercrime is now punished very seriously,” Dembowski said.
