Can you tell me your phone number? Carders have learned to steal money from bank cards, knowing only the victim’s phone number!


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Carders have come up with a new scheme to embezzle citizens' money. Now they only need to know a phone number to gain access to a bank account.
Experts from the antivirus company ESET have identified several cases of money theft through online banking applications. At the same time, the scammers did not even need to find out information about the victims’ bank cards - they gained access to the account by creating duplicate SIM cards. This scheme is complex in its implementation and it is almost impossible to prove the guilt of the carders.

How does the new deception scheme work?
First, scammers need to find out the phone number of a potential victim. It's very easy to do this now. Since it is mainly entrepreneurs who suffer from this type of fraud, their contact information is usually available to a large number of people.
Sometimes a phone number can be found directly on a person’s personal page on a social network. If it is not there, then scammers can simply write to the victim in a DM with some tempting offer, and then transfer the conversation to messenger.
Having found out the phone number, scammers create a duplicate SIM card through the telephone operator. They provide a fake power of attorney as a supporting document and the operator does not have any questions or suspicions.
An application for a duplicate SIM card is usually completed at an office on the other side of the country. When the duplicate is ready, the scammers contact the bank to recover the password from the banking application. Access to the victim’s online banking gives scammers the opportunity to carry out absolutely any operations with funds in the account.
When a victim robbed in this way turns to his bank for justice, they can do nothing to help her. Because formally, all transactions were carried out using the number linked to the bank card, which means they are not fraud...

How to protect yourself from money theft: tips from TRAPPERS!
To avoid falling into this trap of scammers and losing money, use the tips below:
  • disable SMS authorization and instead use push notifications directly from the application;
  • issue a second virtual number in the mobile operator’s application and link banks and social networks to it;
  • prepare a “power of attorney ban” so that no one can issue a duplicate SIM card without your personal presence;
  • Do not post your mobile number in the public domain.
REMEMBER! Neglecting simple safety rules means jeopardizing your well-being!
