Can you read Russian words written in Caesar's cipher?


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Caesar's cipher
The Caesar cipher is one of the simplest types of encryption. It is named so because there is evidence that Gaius Julius Caesar himself used it. The essence of this encryption is very simple: each letter of the alphabet is shifted by a certain amount. For example, if we move one forward, then the letter A becomes the letter B, B becomes C, and so on. This can be represented as such a circle


The key to deciphering the Caesar Cipher is the word ROTx, where x is an indication of how far the shift is going. And ROT means "rotate" - "shift" For example, ROT1 is one shift forward, ROT10 is a shift of 10, ROT-1 is one shift back.

The Caesar cipher is one of the simplest types of encryption and can be easily deciphered even by an inexperienced cryptologist. If it is known that this is a Caesar cipher, then it is decrypted by a simple enumeration of options. And if it is not known, then the Caesar cipher is very strongly fired using frequency analysis. Frequently repeated letters or words (articles, pronouns, prepositions) give off the Caesar cipher almost instantly in long sentences.

Therefore, the Caesar Cipher has not been used seriously anywhere for a long time. Unless for fun, simple puzzles or children. And also on the ancient Internet in the 80s of the last century, the Caesar cipher with the ROT13 key in order to hide some information (spoilers, for example) Why ROT13? Because in English, with a shift of 13 letters, the letters become in pairs, that is, the letter A becomes the letter N, and the letter N becomes the letter A. For the Russian language, the same would be a shift by 16 (if you count without e)


And finally, before the puzzle there is one more small fact. The most stupid encryption will be the use of the Caesar cipher in Russian with a shift of ROT33. Can you guess why?

Now for the puzzle:
Especially for you, I have encrypted several Russian words using the Caesar cipher. Forcing you to match all 32 transcripts would be too difficult. Therefore, I made it a little easier for you: the words are encrypted either using ROT1 or using ROT-1 (shift either one letter forward or one letter backward) . Can you decipher them? As usual, leave your answers in the comments. Good luck!

1. Епвспо fusp
2. A gbt myavmya
3. Choibse
5. Onrsyaby kyay