Buying a driver's license, how not to become a victim of deception!


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About driving licenses - buying a license and fraud

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Deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle gives rise to a desire to return a license in any way, but we are no longer talking about legality and safety. In the light of the entry into force of the amendments to the traffic rules on January 1, 2008, the number of drivers who have been deprived of their license has become much more, and some of them began to search for options to buy or return a driver's license. Let's talk about the last option in more detail.

Responsibility for purchasing "left" rights

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the variant with "fake rights", i.e. fake driver's license. This purchase option is very popular, especially due to the fact that it is not difficult to make such a certificate, since the technology allows it to be done. But when checking such a certificate, the deception will be revealed, tk. such certificates cannot in any way get into the databases on driver's licenses of the traffic police. And here is what the "buyer" gets in the end:

Article 327. Forgery, production or sale of forged documents, state awards, stamps, seals, letterheads
1. Forgery of a certificate or other official document granting rights or releasing from obligations, for the purpose of its use, or the sale of such a document, as well as the production for the same purposes or the sale of counterfeit state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR, the USSR, stamps, seals, letterheads - shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of four to six months, or by imprisonment for a term of up to two years.
2. The same acts committed with the aim of concealing another crime or facilitating its commission - (as amended by Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ) shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to four years.
3. The use of a knowingly forged document - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months. (as amended by Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)

Buying a driver's license on the Internet.
On the Internet, you can easily find a huge number of ads in which they offer to return the driver's license, even if the court decision has already entered into force.

After the judge announced the decision to revoke the driver's license, legal ways to get back behind the wheel are practically exhausted. Someone, left without a cherished card, automatically loses their job, someone simply cannot imagine life without a car. In any case, a person has been in a state of stress for some time, which sometimes prompts the most reasonable and sane to act rashly. What is left to do when you find yourself in a desperate situation? That's right - to call for help, and then just wait and hope. This is used by Internet scammers who promise to return the rights. In essence, their task boils down to strengthening hope in the client, and then simply taking the money that many "disenfranchised" are ready to bring on a saucer. But how can you do it better?

The first method is practically safe for a fraudster and seems the most attractive for those who, due to their own frivolity, are forced to walk. The announcement in such cases looks something like this: "I will produce a driver's license, payment after delivery." Often it is indicated that the rights will be entered into the traffic police database and, accordingly, they will be completely "legal". At first glance, the conditions are harmless enough, and desperate car owners "place an order" without hesitation. And then what happens is this: after a while, a message comes to the e-mail stating that the rights are ready. The client is offered to make an advance payment through the WebMoney system, and as proof that the order has been completed, they send files with a photo and video of a driver's license. Reasoning that since the document is already ready anyway, then why not pay for it, the "dispossessed" transfers the required amount. Naturally, he does not receive any rights, and the recent savior completely interrupts communication. It goes without saying that the photo and low-quality video shows a fake made in a graphics editor. As a result, a person is left without a license and 10-15 thousand rubles. Fraudsters of this category communicate exclusively via the Internet, and therefore it is rather difficult to find them. The site kacman has become a kind of classic of this genre. com Fraudsters of this category communicate exclusively via the Internet, and therefore it is rather difficult to find them. The site kacman has become a kind of classic of this genre. com Fraudsters of this category communicate exclusively via the Internet, and therefore it is rather difficult to find them. The site kacman has become a kind of classic of this genre. com

The second category includes less fearful scammers. They easily make personal contact, leave a phone number and very convincingly tell that the problem with the rights can be easily solved. As a rule, the prepayment here is much larger and can be 30 thousand rubles, or even more. To convince the client to part with this amount, the "saviors" provide the appearance of guarantees: in his presence an IOU is drawn up, they allow to rewrite the passport data and the license number. If desired, they will even be allowed to photograph documents. However, the ending of the story is exactly the same - after the transfer of money, all contacts are cut off. When trying to find the fraudster, it turns out that the house in which he is allegedly registered is uninhabited, and the passport and license are either fake or issued in a different name. You can, of course, agree on a second meeting on behalf of someone else,

Put down on paper, these money-taking schemes seem so primitive that it’s not clear how you can fall for them. Already somewhere, but here in Russia over the past ten years, almost thousands of "scammers" methods have been exploited to the point of wear and tear. However, the principle of "work" in such cases is as old as the world and as reliable. “I consider myself a sane person and I am a good judge of people,” said in a private conversation one of the second type of fraudsters who fell for the bait. - Before the meeting, I prepared several code questions so that by the reaction, words and facial expressions of the interlocutor to understand whether he is lying or not. The most amazing thing, I clearly saw that he was lying, but for some reason did not attach any importance to this. Subconsciously, I wanted to believe that he would solve my problem. " But miracles, especially in this area, do not happen. In other cases, people found themselves in even more difficult situations. One, now former, chauffeur had to borrow a lot of money in order to make a "prepayment". As a result, he was unemployed and deeply in debt.

As a more or less attentive examination of such ads shows, this type of fraud is carried out by several groups that from time to time create new sites, get different email addresses and change phones. This creates a sense of richness of choice. In fact, those “disenfranchised” who decided to walk on the other side of the law are being robbed by several people who perfectly know how to rub themselves into trust and take advantage of the hopeless position of a victim. And the secret of success is simple here. As one modern writer says, it is important to create the impression that many have already given you money and were satisfied with the result. Only an individual approach works here: one is assured that his situation is not at all critical and the rights can be returned easily and quickly, another is told that the problem is serious, but it may be possible to come up with something. At the same time, the fraudster bombards the victim with details, sometimes telling in detail exactly how he is going to act. Naturally, this is an elaborate performance for one spectator. The trick is that a person is not deceived at the moment when he gives the "advance payment". Kidalovo happens much earlier, when money is not yet discussed. For a fraudster, the most important thing is to prepare a person for the idea that in any case he will have to part with his hard earned money, and it is a matter of technology to take the agreed amount.

So the moral of this article is banal to the extreme: no need to get behind the wheel after drinking, but if you get caught, there is no need to type the phrase "buy rights" in the opening line of the search engine. Anything that follows is illegal, dangerous and, most importantly, pointless.


According to the above, about the purchase of rights through the Internet - 100% agree, pure divorce, it is theoretically possible to remove the data on the deprivation from the central database, but a lot of people and even more intermediaries will be involved and each "give" so that the amount will be such - that you can take a taxi for three years (even at Moscow prices), and around the clock. But there is a way to return ksivu for "reasonable money" for this, find some drunk who is approximately suitable in age, and with rights that he doesn’t fucking need (a box of vodka, it’s a more urgent topic) he doesn’t have a car and doesn’t buy it in the next 50 years will come across, and then everything just he writes a claim for the loss and in the local traffic police they turn a blind eye to the fact that the photo in the new rights will not be his, but yours (the price - as you agree). The rights are obtained 100% legal, punched through all bases, there is only one small subtlety on which people are scorching, putting these rights in their pocket, leave all other personal documents at home (it will be extremely unpleasant if documents with the same photos and different names are taken out of your pockets). But it's better to take a taxi, get drunk at least fill up.