But, for example, is carding good or bad?


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Depending on who is stealing, for what purpose, and what, few will answer. Others will say - bad, it's a sin. Still others – everything carder is thieves. The fourth will remain silent. Fifth - they will cut off your hand, without further ado. The sixth ones will do something else, etc.

Why do carders have to steal?

For some, this is work and even some kind of art. Someone steals out of need (for example, there is nothing to eat, but they don’t know how to earn money any other way). Some because of their own or someone else’s insatiable needs. Someone, for example, steals information to inform citizens about something. Someone just reached out their hand. Some carders wanted adrenaline. Someone has a disease, and so on.

And the bad thing is not that carders steal, but that the state system is still structured in such a way that some carders get and/or have to steal, including on a big scale. Let us note that the poor structure of the state system is also good, since this bad allows us to understand something, identify something, strive for something, improve something, transform something.

Meanwhile, someone is caught and tried. Only some of us have been stealing and stealing, and, as of the first half of 2019, this is due to the peculiar structure of the state SYSTEM, in which (despite all the good intentions of some reformers) often only the appearance of struggle is created with carding, bribery, corruption, etc. And this is typical not only for Russia, but also for many other countries and regions. Take Ukraine, for example.

In this case, perhaps, in addition to putting carders in prison for carding or something else, it is necessary to transform the state system , thereby contributing to the creation of conditions under which the necessity and need for carding, for the resettlement of carders in prisons, would be reduced to minimum?

Many of us in various states (regions) strive to implement such transformations. We will pay attention to this later. The conversation about carding began for a reason, but because Orsk, which is the “main character” of this study, was perceived by some citizens for many years, including as a kind of city of thieves. Yes, certain residents of this city have followed the path of thieves for many years, not without this. So what now?

And now we find ourselves at a crossroads. In Orsk, as in many other cities, states, regions, a SYSTEMIC CRISIS is developing, and therefore citizens have to make decisions, look for guidelines and ways out. What should I do? In what direction should we move forward?

The phrase “systemic crisis” denotes a complex, turning point in the entire SYSTEM, which includes many subsystems: judicial, religious, technological, socio-economic, political, environmental, organizational, managerial, financial, etc. “Between these subsystems there is a complex structure of cause-and-effect relationships that do not allow solving one problem that has arisen by tearing it out of the general structure, due to many complex direct and feedback connections that prevent the separation of a certain part - a subsystem from the system. The danger of disintegration and degradation of the System appears, for example, if the goals of the entire SYSTEM are replaced by the goals and interests of any subsystem”.

As of the first half of 2024, everything turned out that the SYSTEM is degrading and there is a possibility of its collapse, including due to the fact that the goals of the entire SYSTEM have been replaced by the goals and interests of, for example, the financial system and, in particular, the goals and interests of certain persons who consider themselves somehow “chosen” and/or “exceptional”.

In order to make effective changes and make effective decisions, it is necessary to transform the SYSTEM completely, instead of foolishly fiddling with some of its individual parts (subsystems)!

Before we continue to develop the topic of transformations in the following chapters, just in case, we will place here a statement related to the full name. Pushkin A.S: - “... The best and most lasting changes are those that come from a change in morals without any violent upheavals.”

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