Brutal dictionaries for all occasions


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Hi bro. I will say that a dictionary attack significantly speeds up and generally increases the chances of a brute-force password cracking success. There cannot be one best dictionary - different dictionaries are required for different situations. Sit back, I'll tell you about different types of dictionaries.

Disclaimer: The material is published for informational purposes, we do not call anyone to illegal actions and in every possible way we condemn it.

Rockyou dictionary
The dictionary from the creators of rockyou is a versatile dictionary well suited for, for example, a Wi-Fi password or web service password attack. On Kali Linux, this password is located in the (compressed) file /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz

It can be installed on any other system with the command:
git clone git: //

The rockyou dictionary needs to be optimized and cleaned up for specific use. For example, if we know that the length of the password in the web service is from 8 to 30 characters and that characters from at least two groups (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, signs) must be used, then cleaning rockyou using PW-Inspector will be look like this:
pw-inspector -i wordlists / rockyou.txt -m 8 -M 30 -c 2 -l -u -n -p

Optimization for Wi-Fi hacking would look like this. We read passwords from the file rockyou.txt (cat rockyou.txt) to standard output, sort them (sort), and remove duplicate ones (uniq), from the remaining passwords we select those that are 8 or more characters, but less than 63 characters (-m 8 -M 63), save the resulting list to the newrockyou.txt file (> newrockyou.txt):
cat rockyou.txt | sort | uniq | pw-inspector -m 8 -M 63> newrockyou.txt

BruteX dictionaries
BruteX comes with a collection of dictionaries for brute-force remote login to various services and web applications. You can view the available dictionaries here.

There are dictionaries:
  • ftp-default-userpass.txt
  • mssql-default-userpass.txt
  • mysql-default-userpass.txt
  • namelist.txt
  • nameslist.txt
  • oracle-default-userpass.txt
  • password.lst
  • password_medium.txt
  • password_weak.txt
  • postgres-default-userpass.txt
  • simple-users.txt
  • snmp-strings.txt
  • windows-users.txt

DIRB dictionaries
DIRB is a web content scanner. It looks for existing (possibly hidden) web objects. His work is based on a dictionary search, he forms requests to the web server and analyzes the response.

Those. DIRB dictionaries are intended primarily for searching various files and folders of websites and web applications, web servers.
tree / usr / share / wordlists / dirb
/ usr / share / wordlists / dirb
├── big.txt
├── catala.txt
├── common.txt
├── euskera.txt
├── extensions_common.txt
├── indexes.txt
├── mutations_common.txt
├── others
│ ├── best1050.txt
│ ├── best110.txt
│ ├── best15.txt
│ └── names.txt
├── small.txt
├── spanish.txt
├── stress
│ ├── alphanum_case_extra.txt
│ ├── alphanum_case.txt
│ ├── char.txt
│ ├── doble_uri_hex.txt
│ ├── test_ext.txt
│ ├── unicode.txt
│ └── uri_hex.txt
└── vulns
├── apache.txt
├── axis.txt
├── cgis.txt
├── coldfusion.txt
├── domino.txt
├── fatwire_pagenames.txt
├── fatwire.txt
├── frontpage.txt
├── hpsmh.txt
├── hyperion.txt
├── iis.txt
├── iplanet.txt
├── jboss.txt
├── jersey.txt
├── jrun.txt
├── netware.txt
├── oracle.txt
├── ror.txt
├── sap.txt
├── sharepoint.txt
├── sunas.txt
├── tests.txt
├── tomcat.txt
├── vignette.txt
├── weblogic.txt
└── websphere.txt

DirBuster Dictionaries
DirBuster is a multithreaded Java application designed to brute force the names of directories and files of web applications and web servers. DirBuster tries to find hidden directories and files.

On Kali Linux, dictionaries are located in the / usr / share / wordlists / dirbuster / directory. In BlackArch, dictionaries are located in the / usr / share / dirbuster / directory.

Description of the dictionaries supplied with the DirBuster program:
  • directory-list-2.3-small.txt - (87650 words) - Directories / files that were found on at least three different hosts
  • directory-list-2.3-medium.txt - (220546 words) - Directories / files that were found on at least two different hosts
  • directory-list-2.3-big.txt - (1273819 words) - All directories / files that were found
  • directory-list-lowercase-2.3-small.txt - (81629 words) - Case insensitive version for directory-list-2.3-small.txt
  • directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt - (207629 words) - Case insensitive version for directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
  • directory-list-lowercase-2.3-big.txt - (1185240 words) - Case insensitive version for directory-list-2.3-big.txt
  • directory-list-1.0.txt - (141694 words) - Original list without reordering
  • apache-user-enum-1.0.txt - (8916 usernames) - Used to guess the usernames of apache on which the userdir module is enabled, based on typed usernames (unordered)
  • apache-user-enum-2.0.txt - (10341 usernames) - Used to guess the usernames of apache on which the userdir module is enabled, based on ~ XXXXX found during list generation (ordered)

Fern Wifi Cracker Dictionary
The dictionary supplied with Fern Wifi Cracker is designed to hack Wi-Fi. This is a very small dictionary, but nevertheless needs to be cleaned up as it contains words shorter than 8 characters, which are definitely not suitable for a Wi-Fi password.

Word Lists from Metasploit
Dictionary names have self-explanatory names. Basically, these dictionaries are designed for brute-force remote login to various services, there are good universal dictionaries with usernames and passwords.

tree / usr / share / wordlists / metasploit
/ usr / share / wordlists / metasploit
├── adobe_top100_pass.txt
├── av_hips_executables.txt
├── av-update-urls.txt
├── burnett_top_1024.txt
├── burnett_top_500.txt
├── cms400net_default_userpass.txt
├── common_roots.txt
├── db2_default_pass.txt
├── db2_default_userpass.txt
├── db2_default_user.txt
├── default_pass_for_services_unhash.txt
├── default_userpass_for_services_unhash.txt
├── default_users_for_services_unhash.txt
├── dlink_telnet_backdoor_userpass.txt
├── hci_oracle_passwords.csv
├── http_default_pass.txt
├── http_default_userpass.txt
├── http_default_users.txt
├── http_owa_common.txt
├── idrac_default_pass.txt
├── idrac_default_user.txt
├── ipmi_passwords.txt
├── ipmi_users.txt
├── joomla.txt
├── keyboard-patterns.txt
├── malicious_urls.txt
├── multi_vendor_cctv_dvr_pass.txt
├── multi_vendor_cctv_dvr_users.txt
├── namelist.txt
├── oracle_default_hashes.txt
├── oracle_default_passwords.csv
├── oracle_default_userpass.txt
├── password.lst
├── piata_ssh_userpass.txt
├── postgres_default_pass.txt
├── postgres_default_userpass.txt
├── postgres_default_user.txt
├── root_userpass.txt
├── routers_userpass.txt
├── rpc_names.txt
├── rservices_from_users.txt
├── sap_common.txt
├── sap_default.txt
├── sap_icm_paths.txt
├── scada_default_userpass.txt
├── sensitive_files.txt
├── sensitive_files_win.txt
├── sid.txt
├── snmp_default_pass.txt
├── tftp.txt
├── tomcat_mgr_default_pass.txt
├── tomcat_mgr_default_userpass.txt
├── tomcat_mgr_default_users.txt
├── unix_passwords.txt
├── unix_users.txt
├── vnc_passwords.txt
├── vxworks_collide_20.txt
└── vxworks_common_20.txt

Dictionaries for iterating over databases (tables, fields, etc.)
Dictionaries sharpened for databases are supplied with sqlmap, they are located on the path / usr / share / sqlmap / txt /

List of sqlmap dictionaries:
  • common-columns.txt
  • common-outputs.txt
  • common-tables.txt
  • keywords.txt
  • smalldict.txt
  • user-agents.txt
  • wordlist.txt

Ncrack Dictionaries
Ncrack has quality wordlists for brute-force remote services. The dictionaries are located in the / usr / share / ncrack / directory and are divided into usernames and passwords.

Nmap word lists
Nmap comes with several lists, including a dictionary of passwords. On Kali Linux, they are all located in the / usr / share / nmap / nselib / data / folder.

Wfuzz dictionaries
Wfuzz is another web application bundler. Various collections can be found in the / usr / share / wfuzz / wordlist / folder, including words that can be names or passwords.

Default account dictionaries for routers
Factory (standard) usernames and passwords are very common on routers.

Router Scan by Stas'M has good selections for digest and basic authentication.

There are also many sites where you can find factory passwords for routers. For example, you can take advantage of this. And this site makes it easy to parse default passwords for different devices.

Popular passwords of 10 or more characters
This list contains 2344 passwords. It is used as stop words by the Discourse platform.

Dictionaries for searching control panels (admin panels, administrative panels)
Dictionary of possible addresses of pages through which you can enter the control panel. It is compiled from several sources: a list from jSQL Injection, as well as from DW Admin and Login Finder v1.1.

A collection of some popular brute force wordlists such as RDP passwords, username list, SSH passwords
git clone

Kali Linux has a directory / usr / share / dict /, it also contains a couple of dictionaries.