"Bring a friend, get a discount"


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My mom recently retired and is terribly worried that she will not have enough money: what if she gets sick or what else will happen? I saved, saved, from time to time went out on one-time part-time jobs, and then found out about a certain company that invests in information technology and receives income from it. A friend called her there - the same active pensioner.
A friend said that the minimum block of shares, guaranteeing a profit of 40%, costs $ 500, but for each friend brought in, IT investors throw in an additional 3%. A friend has almost 60% per annum, and she is waiting for the first payment from day to day. Mom believed this story: still, women have known each other for thirty years, they regularly help each other out. Mom had some savings, and she thought to agree.
This idea put me on my guard, and I collected information on the Internet. I went to the company's website, read everything carefully. There are many articles replete with all sorts of English-language abbreviations, links to famous companies from the "Silicon Valley", mentions of bitcoins and blockchain technologies - a complete set of fashionable enticements. Mom's friend was dragged into all this by her husband - and that, in turn, was some other friend. I dissuaded my mother, of course, but my friend is still waiting for the payment.

Financial Culture Expert:
This is a classic example of a pyramid scheme disguised as an investment fund.

You can recognize the classic financial pyramid by the following features
  • The promise of high profitability, which is at least 2-3 times higher than the market level. If you are offered income of 25%, when the average rate on deposits in the country does not exceed 7-8%, this is a reason to be wary. The company withholds registration information, structure, its financial position and the composition of the management. Doubtful advertising in the media and on the Internet that guarantees income.
  • The profits of the depositors depend on the size of the deposits of other clients.
  • The company does not have a license.
  • The firm offers to attract friends and acquaintances to generate income.
Financial pyramids imitate any organization. If you suspect that they are trying to involve you in the pyramid, file a complaint through the Internet reception of the Bank. If you or your relative have already paid the “pyramid” company and realized that you have become a victim of deception, contact the police.