Blocking content will become easier: the Russian authorities will expand their technical capabilities


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Inna Svyatenko: content authors will be responsible for the accuracy of information.

Russia is preparing a draft law aimed at expanding the technical capabilities of blocking illegal content. This was announced by the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Inna Svyatenko.

The bill is being developed by the Prosecutor General's Office together with the Ministry of Digital Development and Roskomnadzor. According to Svyatenko, the Federation Council also plans to take part in the work on the draft law after it is submitted to the State Duma.

According to the Deputy Speaker, it is also necessary to provide at the legislative level a requirement for the activities of persons engaged in the production and distribution of socially significant content.

Svyatenko stressed that authors who publish such content should be responsible for its quality and reliability. She also noted that it is important not only to block illegal content, but also to understand who creates and distributes it.

On March 1, 2024, a ban on popularizing means of circumventing Internet blockages came into force in Russia. Roskomnadzor will now block access to materials that promote such tools or advertise ways to circumvent blockages for accessing prohibited content.