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People write and ask a question about nonvbv bins, so I will try to tell and explain what it is and how.

For my 20 years in business, I have used almost all types of cards, such as Visa, Mastercard, JCB and Amex, now they all use 3DS technology, only name of this chip is different for each system. I will write about Visa and Mastercard, as 95 percent use them. Naturally, we are talking about merch with 3DS inside.

I would separate nonvbv of Europe and rest of world, but difference is that:

1. European nonvbv will enter almost everywhere and all other 50/50.

2. European nonvbv for most part do not die immediately after driving, that is, they can be driven in more than once, and into same merch.

3. European nonvbv are much more difficult to find, since many are hunting for them and it is difficult to get EU on market now.

Then I will write about auto-processing, what makes it so attractive:

1. Autoprocessing starts nonvbv mechanism but for a number of reasons verification does not take place, transaction goes on, as usual and merchant thinks that verification has been passed and gives go-ahead. Almost all merchs are set up this way with rare exceptions.



Now a little theory, since many people confuse nonvbv and 50/50 nonvbv, difference is this:

1. Nonvbv is a bin that allows you to pay for ANY purchase in ANY country for ANY amount. To summarize, you can pay with them from any IP, many times while card is alive, in different merchandise, that is, you will not catch any locks, restrictions and other things. If card is alive, then it will give.

2. 50 to 50 nonvbv is a bin that MAY give (or may not, as it may be from vbv) a certain amount with certain restrictions, such as lock by IP, limits on small amounts, purchases in a certain country, etc.

For me personally, worst countries for nonvbv work are USA, Australia, Canada, and South Caucasus. Reason is that there are numerous restrictions and locks. Material dies very quickly, almost always after being driven in. And such bins rarely get into ey merch, this is also a minus.

Finishing this chapter, a couple of personal examples about power of nonvbv:

1. I am engaged in tourism, therefore, having a nonvbv mat, you can make almost any air ticket from anywhere in world. Same can be written about hotels.

2. I don't do stuff, only rarely for myself but over past 2 months I ordered myself 2 laptops for 1000 euros and 1500 euros to Germany, Apple Watch 3 and iPhone X 256 GB to England, that is, they sent liquid things, used nonvbv.

It is very difficult to find nonvbv nowadays, I have spent at least 100K in 15 years of working with nonvbv mate on tests, on buying nonvbv from other collectors and on understanding what needs to be driven in and where to give. Having a nonvbv in a country is not always enough, you need to know where to drive in, how to drive in other nuances. At this point in time, nonvbv bins are slowly dying, here I am talking about Europe, Asia and MIX, since every year banks protect themselves and introduce 3DS.

Many people ask me how to search for nonvbv and where, answer is simple:

1. Search in processing, driving merch into 3DS, but many banks already know about this method and disable 3DS for dead cards.

2. Try to find in public lists in net but there you will find 5 percent of nonvbv from force, again spending a lot of money and time searching.

3. Do as I did, that is, I bought ss from small banks and these banks are easy to calculate from binbases, these banks have 70 percent of bins still nonvbv.

4. Most difficult thing in nonvbv is to find one or more bins (I call such bins "carding bin") in a bank with 3DS! You will have such bins everywhere, since merchant looks at bank, and if bank is small, then there may be questions, there will be no questions to a large bank. These are usually specific bins such as Business or Corporate.

5. I don’t use prepaid, electron and other garbage in my work, but there are still 50 percent of nonvbv there.

For 20 years of work I have been in almost all online ss shops, so I know what a good shop is and what a nonvbv friendly shop is. My three shops for people who are looking for nonvbv binaries, they are there:

1. validcc is a great nonvbv mate shop, terrible for everything else. Mat nonvbv there is very tasty after update, it comes in with a bang, it feels like right from stove. Prices are very high, so you need to know what to take!

2. feshop - an excellent shop for eu nonvbv mate, a terrible shop on all bases from a sniff, as well as a lying checker, a 15 bin limit and a buggy engine. Take your nonvbv bins here IMMEDIATELY after update, they are here, very often delicious EU bins.

3. joker is a great shop in everything except Preorder, he ruins whole business! Personally, I believe that cc shop should be for everyone, and after update, whoever found his bin first bought it, which is honest and fair. Author does not think so, I understand that Preorder is an additional loot for owner's paw. And so, if you're lucky, you will find your bin here and you will be satisfied, checkmate is at level, when I found my nonvbv bins here, I had 90 percent validity. Besides, this shop is number 1 in caliper. Boss will always help and give a chase gift.

P.S. For those who are looking for nonvbv in shops before update, I will not say anything good, 90 percent of nonvbv are bought in first hours after ups, remaining 10 have not yet been figured out. Therefore, I advise you to sit and watch, as I do, and you will be happy!

I continue my articles about bins and nonvbv bins. A month ago, I got 2 new bases of 2020, one of which is classic (6 characters) and second is elongated (7-11 characters). As I wrote earlier, two years ago, global banking system, due to increase in banks themselves in world, types and types of cards, decided to "unload" identification of credit card bin and introduced new (additional) parameters for this. This decision will be fully implemented and completed. Read more at To understand all subtleties and tricks of innovation, I will give a specific example. I am testing one UK bin, 531979, but in shops I see that address and country are constantly changing, then Liechtenstein, then Czech Republic, then Bulgaria, then Norway! I thought that holder had simply entered wrong address or lived in a different country but when studying new database, I realized that I was completely wrong! Bin has a bunch of forks, namely:

1.53197900 - Liechtenstein
2.53197910 - Czech Republic
3.53197920 - Bulgaria
4.53197930 - Norway
5.53197940 - Greece
6. 53197950 - Italy
7.53197960 - Slovenia
8.53197970 - Belgium
9.53197980 - Denmark
10.53197990 - Spain

As you can see, there are 11 options in one bin! But what if you need a specific country? For nonvbv may be in 9 countries, but, say, in Bulgaria it may not be. There are two options, either to have such a binbase, or to trust address that goes to map (it can be left, so here it is 50-50).
An even bigger problem is that none of shops has a search for 7-11 bins (if I'm not mistaken, then only two have a search for 7 bins), even in coolest and largest ones, so search for desired bins is at moment difficult even knowing these bins.
According to my observations and tests, this system is most relevant in USA, Europe and China. Africa and Latin America are pulling up slowly. Therefore, if you have an incomprehensible declline, one bin goes and same does not go, THEN EVERYTHING MAY BE MUCH EASIER, on in fact, YOU ARE DRIVING NOT SAME BIN BUT ANYTHING in meaning and essence, now you need to look not only at first 6 digits and for all 11, compare, do test.

P.S. Also, I think that one of possible reasons for these innovations is to confuse carders, there are 6-character bin databases everywhere, albeit crappy, but there are no databases for 7-11 bins at moment, it is possible that this was also taken into account when they came up with a new format.

This, perhaps, is all. This is my first article here, don't judge strictly! I could forget something, miss something, so write comments and ask questions, I will always answer and help as much as I can!

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer everyone!

Write, if anything, I've been collecting nonvbv for many years, I can answer questions, if there are any, suggest what.

Thanks for attention!

Yours, derkoba.
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HEY bru wassup i actually live in france and want to be into that help me understand everything please.Thanks you.Need a valid cc supplier and a mentor.


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derkoba are professional carders who teach carding to beginners. Write to him in telegram if you want him to become your teacher.