Best place to card hotels/tickets w 3dsec


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I`m asking for places (agents) who accept transactions only with 3d secure? Advice me please! Better if they aren`t from usa.


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They are selling rooms directly from the hotel. The same thing you are paying hotel directly. It is dangerous (sometimes) Also there are no 3d sec feature.


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8 only, no the bill is fully payed online you have just to pay extras in cash if any
They are selling rooms directly from the hotel. The same thing you are paying hotel directly. It is dangerous (sometimes) Also there are no 3d sec feature.


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soccerbox, not really, it may happen when carding hotel directly, but that's rarely


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i card hotels all the time. Most simple way is have friend with id come and pay for room and send him on his merry way and u stay in room.


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But if you use your friends like that and they are unlucky to get caught, and they didnt know that they did anything illegal then I bet they will say to police its your fault. But if they know about it and you can trust them then sure. I dont have friends that I can trust but maybe you guys do.


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I've card hotels ALOT I normaly don't get no more then 2 bites with an amex and jump to another hotel I've did this ALOT more then 15 times and everything good just don't stay long what I like to do is call the amex on my merchant and keep up to see if I get a pik up card to then put my rocket jet jacket and leave


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So they CARDED with cc
or SWIPED with dump?


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ninja hopefully i understand your question because it made me think of another one. is there a difference in using a cc or dump. no answers about the fact that one is info on the mag strip and other is just number and billing info. is there different prossing time or something. for the record i will never book a hotel room. very good friend of mine in 06 on cz told me not to. then from 2006-2010 i have seen plent of ppl get busted for such a thing just like what maslinca is saying


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You understand my question wrong.

I have asked it because usually if someone said dump - means he used it OFFLINE.
Not via internet means.


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If you see in the line: ''and they also carded the hotel with dump''
So I think he means, they Swiped with dump and did not book hotel online.