I put G in wagon
Hello, people everyday ask me whats the best low budget and high budget set up for carding? I always tell them, that you shouldnt start carding if you dont have a good budget, since carding is very expensive and before you card anything you will loose a lot of money.Today i will tell you about a low budget set up directed mainly for beginners, i will try to use simple words to not add many "code words"
What will you need?
1. VPN that doesnt keep logs
2. Proxy
3. Antidetect
Why VPN?
VPN will hide your original ip, which has your geolocation ofcourse....and your ISPs
Proxy acts as a new "internet" acting as a middleman between a person and a web they are trying to get into, proxy will help you get a geolocation of your victim and a new IP-which is very important since your IP has to have a low fraudscore, proxy providers have a lot of diffrent IPs so getting a blacklisted/high fraudscore one should be rare.
Antidect will help you implement the proxy, also helping you out on matching the victims useragent-which you can check when buying a card, the purpose of antidetect is to have a clean fingerprint, have no cookies, have basicly no data to prevent tracking from cybercriminals, or just simply for privacy.
Everything i listed is completly legal so buying it isnt some kind of illegal thing to do ofcourse.
Now i will tell you where to buy stuff i listed for a low price.
VPN - proton or NordVPN
Proxy - Iproyal or Bigmama
Antidetect - This is very hard since there is many antidetects, many have their pros and cons
I would suggest you to read this article presenting all antidetects
Antidetects are very pricey, but worth it, personally for low budget i would suggest a free one-Linken Sphere, this antidetect is very clear and easy to use, but it has a very important downside, it doesnt have a iphone useragent meaning you cant match it....I would suggest you buying a 10days trial for 50$ of identory, this antidetect has everything and is easy to use, only downside of it is their price.
That should be all, please have a read and let me know if it helped you! (beginners)
What will you need?
1. VPN that doesnt keep logs
2. Proxy
3. Antidetect
Why VPN?
VPN will hide your original ip, which has your geolocation ofcourse....and your ISPs
Proxy acts as a new "internet" acting as a middleman between a person and a web they are trying to get into, proxy will help you get a geolocation of your victim and a new IP-which is very important since your IP has to have a low fraudscore, proxy providers have a lot of diffrent IPs so getting a blacklisted/high fraudscore one should be rare.
Antidect will help you implement the proxy, also helping you out on matching the victims useragent-which you can check when buying a card, the purpose of antidetect is to have a clean fingerprint, have no cookies, have basicly no data to prevent tracking from cybercriminals, or just simply for privacy.
Everything i listed is completly legal so buying it isnt some kind of illegal thing to do ofcourse.
Now i will tell you where to buy stuff i listed for a low price.
VPN - proton or NordVPN
Proxy - Iproyal or Bigmama
Antidetect - This is very hard since there is many antidetects, many have their pros and cons
I would suggest you to read this article presenting all antidetects
Antidetects are very pricey, but worth it, personally for low budget i would suggest a free one-Linken Sphere, this antidetect is very clear and easy to use, but it has a very important downside, it doesnt have a iphone useragent meaning you cant match it....I would suggest you buying a 10days trial for 50$ of identory, this antidetect has everything and is easy to use, only downside of it is their price.
That should be all, please have a read and let me know if it helped you! (beginners)
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