Basic knowledge of stuff carding

Carding 4 Carders

Reaction score
CC - credit card information
Fullz - (full info) great credit card information
The cardholder is the legal owner of the card
Shop - online store
Ship - the process of buying goods in an online store using stolen credit card information
Drop - the person on whom you make a thorn
Seller - the seller of the material needed by the carder
Driving - entering information about the card when paying for the goods.
Stuff - goods

Chapter 1 - CC
CC - all this means a credit card, but if we are talking about online carding, it is more likely information about the credit card and its owner.
Example CC:
5571324761618000 | 1123 | 837 | Terrance Chan | United States | California | Alhambra | 91801 | 2226 Larch Street, Unit "E" | (626) 379-0768|[email protected]
this is how the usual ss looks like, as mentioned earlier, this is information about the credit card and about the owner, now we will write down what and where and what it means:
5571324761618000 - credit card number (16 digits)
1123 - card expiration date
837 - security code (CVV2)
Terrance Chan - name and surname of the card holder
United States - the country of residence of the cardholder
California is the state of residence of the cardholder
Alhambra - city of residence of the cardholder
91801 - postal code (zip cod, postal cod) of the cardholder
2226 Larch Street, Unit "E" - street and house of the cardholder
(626) 379-0768 - the cardholder's phone number (optional) is not found on all CC
[email protected] - cardholder email (optional) is not found on all CC
This example of CC is very convenient and everything is clear on it, but it happens that a seller (seller of material) can give CC both in a bad format without divisions, and with unnecessary garbage, so I advise (beginners) to check with sellers before selling in what format they sell CC maybe even ask for ss for an example.

Before carding it is also important to know what brand your credit card is (MASTERCARD, VISA, American express - the most common credit cards), you can determine this by the card number, as follows. Remember:
if the card number starts with 4 - this is VISA, if the card number starts with 5 - this is MC (abbreviated MASTERCARD), if the card number starts with 3 - this is Amex (abbreviated American express)
Actually, having this information, you can drive it into many services (skype, steam, online stores, etc.)

Add. information:
1. For MASTERCARD and VISA, the card number consists of 16 digits, for American express of 15.
2. The security code for MASTERCARD and VISA consists of three digits, for American express it consists of 4.
3. Not in all CC the state can be written in full, very often it is indicated by two letters, examples: IA, AR, DE, etc.
4. Very often newcomers confuse a city with a state in CC or cannot figure out where the city is at all, in this case, use Google.
5. The balance on a regular CC is never known. (there are special checkers, but there are very few of them, and most of them usually kill the card in 90%)

Chapter 2. Full cc and enroll
Full cc or as they popularly call them fullz - this is CC with additional information about the card holder, namely SSN, DOB, MMN
SSN - Social Security number (cardholder insurance number)
DOB - date of birth
MMN - mother's maiden name (maiden name of the cardholder's mother) (occurs not always, optional)

Here's an example of a fullz:
Shelby L Lawson 4217661367018157 0414 329 17408 Windcreek Circle Riverside CA 92503 United States 951-318-9331
DOB 01/13/1966
SSN 6647-303-7221
The following may also be present on the fullz: the cardholder's email, the cardholder's phone number and the bank that issued the credit card (sometimes required when paying) But this can all be on a regular ss. The main advantage is information about SSN and DOB. What is this info for? And what are the fullers themselves for?
They take fullers in order to make enroll, i.e. create a bank account. To create an account you need additional info (SSN and DOB). As a rule, cards are rolled in order to find out the balance of the card and get access to change the billing address. And now what is all this for?
I think everything is clear about the balance (if not, there is a construction site), but about billing - I think not to everyone, and it is even more unclear why it should be changed at all)) So, the billing address is the address of the card holder (i.e. home address, city, state / region, zip code). The fact is that when registering in an online store there are two such concepts as Billing address (card holder's address) and shipping address (delivery address). If they differ, then the order is checked more thoroughly, in contrast to the case when they coincide (the goods are sent within 2 hours)
Thus, for example: we have a USA shop and a USA CC, as well as a drop in the USA, we make a video, change the billing address of the cardholder to the drop address and then order the goods for the billing address and everything is ok)
But in reality, of course, not everything is so simple. It is not so easy to change the billing address, while at the same time you will at least have to accept the call and have the MMN info - and this is at least))
You shouldn't bother about Enroll - it's for general information.

Chapter 3. Additional protection of credit cards
If you think that life is easy for a carder and that carding is a freebie, then you are wrong. Every day, bespectacled people in banks work to make life difficult for you and me. And then one day they came up with VBV - Verified by Visa. The essence of the system is that when paying for goods or services on the Internet, you must enter an additional verification code, which the cardholder receives from the bank that issued the card. However, this does not solve the problem of payment security. The problem is that the client cannot deny transactions that are not Verified by Visa protected. And even when paying only in those online stores where Verified by Visa is used, the client can easily steal data (card number, owner's name, expiration date, cvv2 code) sufficient to make legal payments on behalf of the client.
In short: VBV is an additional protection of visa cards (when paying, it requires entering a password) there are cards with vbv and without vbv - some sellers (material sellers) check (check) on vbv. If you bought from a seller who does not check for vbv and it turned out to be from vbv, then such a card can only be thrown away. Therefore, check with the sellers.
As you understood VBV is additional protection of visa cards. The master card has a similar security called SECURITYCODE. Credit cards of the American Express brand have nothing like this!

Chapter 4. Protection and anonymity on the Internet or fairy tales about the FBI
I don't even know where to start. I'll try to be short and convincing. To begin with, I will write down the order of events after the order of a product, from a store. And so we ordered the goods from the store and they send it to us, then there are two possible options:
1. The cardholder does not burn the loss of money (the smartest option in this case, the purchase is completely legal and there is nothing to write here)) (by the way, this often happens if the amount of money is small or the cardholder temporarily does not have access to the card)
2. The cardholder fills the loss of money after some time (the goods have already been sent to us), then something like the following happens: the cardholder calls the bank, says this is how the money was lost, the bank monitors the last payments and says that this amount was debited for the purchase goods in an online store, the cardholder is all nervous, etc., says that he did not order anything and cries (my sick fantasy), after the proceedings (possibly long) - the online store makes a chargeback (refund of money to the cardholder) Thus, it turns out that the shop bears the losses.

Perhaps, of course, there is still such a situation: the cardholder is a brainwave and will not be able to prove that he did not make any purchases and sew him and not the money back, for us this situation is also advantageous (I think it's clear, if not, then go ahead for the pills of iodomarin to the pharmacy), but let's return all the same to the situation when the shop bears losses. What happens next? There are again two options:
1. The shop clogs and then sells its junk (99% probability, because if the parcel leaves for another country, this is called the ends in the water, and if to Russia, then it is called the ends at the bottom of the world ocean - the Americans also understand this)
2. The owner of the store is a principled person, a veteran of the Second World War, etc. Such a serious Maine, of course, goes to the police station (to an ordinary police station, to a serious department for combating cyber crimes with a statement about theft of an electric kettle, he will not be allowed in) and so he comes to the station writes a request, the cops of course listen, but after when they find out that the kettle has gone to Russia, they regretfully tell the "poor" store owner that it is more expensive to get involved with these psychos. and this is where it ends)

Some of you may not be catching up with the simplicity of online carding. After all, you watched videos on YouTube and read articles on how to catch carders. So: firstly, do not confuse real carding (they often catch in the ass there and successfully) and online carding (I don't know anyone who would be given for a thing for a period of time), and secondly, do not work on RU and CIS, here you are also very easy to catch. In addition, in 90% of cases, Russian carders are caught on the territory of other countries (again, they consider it useless to turn to cops for help) Now about FBI. Who do you think works there? And there are former hackers and carders working there, who know that today in Russia there are several dozen small carders (who card for amounts from $ 2000-3000 per month), this is the same as trying to drink the Black Sea (my sick comparison). Who poses a threat to our country (these are idiots who work on RU) and serious guys who do from 10k per month. And this is not to mention bribes and the fact that Russian cops hardly imagine how to shop online with a credit card. And no one is caught for stuff carding and it's true.

Well, now, after such a story, briefly about the methods of protection:
VPN - for the paranoid
Grandpa is the best option
Socks - if you use Dedicated servers - not needed

So, why Dedicated server?
The whole point of the thing boils down to the fact that the staff is sent to you as long as the cardholder or shop burns the setup.
That is, in order to be sent staff, you need to pretend to be a cardholder, to pretend to be a cardholder, for example, an American card, you need to have an American ip and an American computer.
This is all provided by a Dedicated Server (remote desktop, someone else's computer)
how to connect to the Dedicated Server: Start> Run> mstsc> ip / Next, you will connect to the Dedicated Server and the account window will appear (with the login and password input)
Here is an example of a Dedicated Server:; p0o9i8
And so: is the ip address of the remote desktop
Administrator - login of the account to connect to the remote desktop account
p0o9i8 - account password for connecting to the remote desktop account
Once again I repeat how to connect: click Start, find the execute button in the menu, or (white field at the bottom) - enter the command: mstsc - then launch the "Remote Desktop Connection" program ..

In the free white field of the window, enter the IP address of the Dedicated Server and click Connect. (A window about the security of the connection can come out: click YES!) Next, you connect to the computer and a window with data input from the sites is displayed.
There you enter your username and password and click connect (or there will most likely be in English). Next, the desktop of someone else's computer should appear.

Chapter 5. Drops
Drop (mule) - the person to whose address you make a spike. Personally, I advise you to resort to the services of a drop, in the event that the shop does not send to your country, now there are few shops that send, for example, to Russia, in which case carders are looking for drops, for example, in USA and make spikes on them - this increases the likelihood that the product is successful will be sent. And if you have a store that sends to Russia, then you can send calmly to yourself (as all normal people do), if you do not trust my experience, you can create a topic for discussion. You should resort to drops in Russia if you work on RU, ie you hiss from Russian stores and onto Russian CC(but only bastards work on RU), so see for yourself.
To better understand why drops are needed, consider two situations:
1. You have a USA CC + USA shop, you order the goods to Russia (the probability that the goods will be sent is small) - (although there are a lot of such shops now)
2. You have a USA CC + USA shop, you order the goods to the address of the drop who lives in the USA (the probability that the goods will be sent is high)
Now I think it became clear to you that they are looking for drops not so much for safety, but as for a successful drive.) You should also know that there are two types of drops:
Adjustable (a person has no idea that he is working for a carder, such drops are often caught)
Not adjustable (a person knows that he accepts a carved product, observes safety measures, etc.)
How to find drops? In general, there are special people called drop drivers, they have a certain amount of drops. You can work with drop lines in different ways, for example: the drop line gives you the drop address, you make a spike on it, after which the goods are sent to you in Russia (for%), the second option: this is when the drops sell the loaded goods themselves, i.e. the drop guide can immediately pay you on the track or after the sale of the goods, there may be more options.
You can search for drops yourself, if you speak English, then go ahead to the forums where Americans are looking for additional earnings))

Chapter 6. Lookup (search) additional credit card information
First, a few definitions:
Issuer bank - the bank that issued the card and controls it
Bin - the first six digits of the card number, which can be used to determine the following: bank issue, card type, card level, card brand. How to punch through information and how it looks like I'll tell you now:
1. Go to the site
2. Press SEARCH BIN (above)
3. Enter bin and captcha, after entering press Search
After which information should come out like the following:
Bin: 421766
Card Brand: VISA
Card Type: DEBIT
Card Level: PLATINUM
Iso Country Name: UNITED STATES
Iso Country A2: US
Iso Country A3: USA
Iso Country Number: 840
Why do you need this information? Information is the most important weapon of a carder, in carding everything revolves around information, roughly speaking, the more you know, the better. Issuing Bank (bank issuing) sometimes requires when paying, Card Level (card level) depends on the card's fatness, the higher the level, the more likely it is that the card has a large balance. In general, you can extract a lot of useful information from any information).

Chapter 7. Shops
I think the chapter about shops is the most important. Why? I'll tell you now. The fact is that many beginners think that all carding is directly it. But driving it in is easy and not difficult (stupid filling in the fields). It would be safe to assume that this is all carding. In fact, there is a lot of tedious and boring work in modern-day carding. Let's figure it out. And so we have CC + Dedicated server, but where to drive in? Where can I get a shop that can be easily sent? To drive into the first shops that come across is nonsense) First, let's introduce a few more concepts that you need to know before "going to the store"
1. Billing address - Billing address (alt. Payments information) - the address of the cardholder, i.e. billing address
2. Shipping address - Shipping address (alt. Delivery information) - delivery address, i.e. your address or drop

Now, in fact, we will learn to identify POTENTIALLY slutty shops (i.e. shops in which it makes sense to try to drive in). To do this, go to Google and drive in various requests (I think it is clear that in English) and browse online stores. And now a few nuances that need to be seen in order to understand whether this shop is right for us:
1. The shop must accept a credit card for payment (if you do not see the credit card symbols in the store, such a shop can be discarded immediately)
2. The shop must be sent to a separate from the Billing address (i.e., there are shops that are sent only to the cardholder)
3. The shop must also be sent to the country we need (for example, not all shops are sent to your country)
4. Is there a delivery method to your country (it often happens that there your country in the list of countries, but there is no way to deliver there)).
But only when all these points satisfy your situation, only then you are already carding (via dedicated server, well, that's all). But the best way to determine these nuances is to emit them, i.e. you stupidly go to the website of an online store: choose a product - register (all data on the ball) - well, then you go to the payment itself on the way, looking and defining everything that is written above.

Thus, you select a certain number of shops and then you already make real drives in them)
And now ATTENTION! I repeat! And so: to find out whether the shop is sending or not is IMPOSSIBLE without carding it into! But this does not mean that you need to carding into the first shops that come across. For this, we first look through the shops on our computer (ie we hang out there as an ordinary visitor - we register - we reach the payment and along the way we look at all the nuances) - what are the nuances we are interested look above! Of course, it is possible and not necessary to constantly register, because "bad shops" can be immediately identified (from pictures, etc.) - but I insist that you jerk off your claudia and your eyes, because there is no place without these nerd skills. CARDING IS NOT A FREE SHIP.

Chapter 8. Additional information before carding (nuances)
And so we have already figured out that driving is nothing more than a regular payment (only from someone else's account). Now let's look at the small nuances that can positively affect driving ..
If you think that by buying a Dedicated server and CC (valid) you will succeed 100% - this is a delusion))
And so we will analyze the points:
1. Dedicated server and CC should be selected necessarily from one country and preferably one region (region, state)
2. It is better to drive in before lunchtime (local time of the deed)
3. The most favorable days for driving are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
4. You cannot order several times from the store to the same address !! (Just kill the shop)
3. It is better to use 1 CC for one drive (if you have not carding into one shop, you can try to drive into another, but after a successful carding it is better not to touch the card anymore!)
4. If you order goods to one country, but pay with a card of another country, then most likely nothing will work for large amounts. (For example, you have a USA, and you order the goods to your country, in this case I advise you not to make the amount of the order more than 250 $)
5. And in general, remember: the smaller the amount - the more chances that they will be sent.
6. Payment for delivery is also included in the order amount, so you can save on it .. (do not choose the fastest way, choose the cheapest one)

Chapter 9. Practice (carding into the shop)
And so for an example of driving, we take:
1. Dedicated server (IP) xerox (login); xerox (password)
2.CC 4782002000276404 0612 721 Rene Gonzalez 1381 Belle Haven Dr. Grayslake IL United States 60030 6093971415 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA DEBIT DEBIT CLASSIC UNITED STATES
3. Online store
Hmm, and so! First of all, we connect to the Dedicated Server.
Next, select the product
Next, click add to cart (this means adding to the cart)
Next, click on the checkout button
Next, click sign up (registration), then the registration window should open)
We fill in the data from CC. You must have a email registered in advance (email must be from english services, yahoo, etc.), you will receive information on the following email (for this, do not * beat it, etc.
After everything is filled in, press sumbit:
Pay attention to the inscription shipping address (this is the delivery address, i.e. your address), as you can see, the store by default filled it with the same address as the cc address. Therefore, click change address and edit.
also pay attention to the inscription shipping method (delivery method)
press continue checkout:
Then a page with billing information opened - billing address, order amount, and here below we select a payment method (credit cart), here we also need to indicate the brand of the card with us a visa.
Also, be sure to check the box: I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions bound to this order. This inscription is always there (look for it on the page)
how we did everything, click on (checkout), after which we should open the last page - which contains all the information on the purchase. I advise you to check the addresses again (shipping and billing). Remember: Shipping address is the delivery address, and billing address is this is the billing address (address with CC)
Click confirm:
As you can see, we were transferred to another site (this is called merch) - a special computer that almost any online store has - it will process your order and determine whether it is accepted or not here we enter the CC data (number, date and cvv)
Click Make Payment:
Merch sent me to fuck! As you can see, having done everything right - there is no guarantee that everything will work out)

In my case, the reasons for the failure are most likely the following:
1. Not valid, old CC
2.Dedicated state and CC state are different
3. The shop, which took place after driving, has long been public and cost ** n

Chapter 10. After a successful carding. What's next?
And so: let's say we did all the rules, the payment in the shop went through (that is, the card was hammered in), what's next?
I will say right away that this does not mean a fig. Those. not the fact that the goods have already been sent 100%. This only means that your order has been accepted for consideration, and people will already be considering it.
All further information about our order will go to our email (which we indicated during registration). If you have problems with English, I advise you to use a translator. But as a rule, standard letters come to the mail.

The types of letters are as follows:
The first letter is most likely a notification and gratitude about registration on their website
The second letter is a notification that your payment has been accepted and will soon be reviewed (this is called an order) .. If it didn't work out for you, then most likely they will also send a letter with the opposite content.

But the options for the third letter may be different:
1. A good option! You will be sent a letter that your goods have been sent or will be sent soon (this is called "hurray track given") Track is the number of the parcel, by which you can track its position in the flesh before arriving in your city. By the way, a parcel can be sent to you without this track (depending on which delivery method you have chosen), as a rule, the cheapest methods are sent without a track number.
2. Semi Sad option! You will be sent a letter in which they ask you to prove the fact that you are a legal cardholder. (You may be asked for a photo of a credit card or its scan or a scan of some other document, I can also ask you to call them and confirm by phone again the fact that you are a cardholder). On the carder forums there are a lot of services that draw scans and receive calls, I really hope that such worthy services will be here over time.
3. Bad option! There is nothing to write here. A letter will come in which you will be sent to heaven for an asterisk.

Chapter 11. More about parcel delivery
Here I will try to describe everything about deliveries.
Go. In general, there are three main delivery services, these are:
DHL (almost all over the world), EMS (almost all over the world), USPS (USA).
In general, in order not to paint a lot, I will say right away that I advise you to punch the track here:
But here the information will start to appear if the parcel is already on the territory of the Russian Federation. - track a parcel by order number around the world from almost anywhere in the world - 97 countries are here!

Chapter 12. Frequently asked questions. And contacts of sellers.​

1.Question: Is it possible to buy CC and withdraw money from it to the VM
Answer: Theoretically possible, but if you start your activity from this, you will fail! In general, on a straight line from a regular CC, you will not bring anything anywhere and the schemes that are sold, such as CC => WebMoney (is scam)
2. Question: The package has arrived. How to get it. Is it stupid to go to the post office and that's it?
Answer: YES! Most likely you will receive a notification - you fill it out and go to the post office (I can ask for another passport at the post office)
3. Question: How to find out the balance on CC
Answer: Make Enroll (that's why they cost so little, because sellers are not responsible for the balance
Never get involved with activities in Russia. (Not at all) If you get caught, it will be too late ..

Authorization - checking and determining the authority to perform certain actions. Permission granted by the issuer to conduct a transaction using a bank card. During the authorization process, data about the card and the requested amount are transferred to the issuing bank, where the status of the client's account is checked.
Acc - account.
American Express (AmEx) is an international payment system, the card number starts with 34 or 37 and consists of 15 digits.
ATM - a tamper-resistant bank security device designed for: issuing and accepting cash; preparation of documents for transactions using bank cards; issuing account information; making non-cash payments, etc. The ATM is equipped with a processor, display, keyboard and reader designed to read information from the card.
BIN - the first 6 digits of the bank card number, which determine the bank that issued the card and its type (classic, gold, etc.).
Card number - a unique set of numbers applied to the card as a result of embossing, as well as recorded in memory on a magnetic stripe or in a microcircuit.
Card owner - the cardholder is the organization that issued the bank card.
CVV (Card verification value) - a verification value for the card number, located in the dump.
CVV2 - additional security code, located on the back of the vehicle, usually consists of 3 digits.
DL - driver's license.
Expiration date (exp. date) - the expiration date of the card, it is on the card itself and in the dump.
VISA is an international payment system, card numbers start with 4. Site.
Western Union is an international money transfer system.
Wire transfer - bank transfer.
Gold credit card - a gold credit card is a prestigious payment card that provides the holder with priority status, a high credit limit, automatic insurance and other privileges.
Debit card - a card that can only be used up to the amount available on the account.
Drop (mule) is a person who takes on (consciously or unconsciously) the dirty part of the job. Accepts money transfers, provides an account for transactions by other people, etc.
Carder is a person who uses information from someone else's bank card to receive money.
Carding - getting money by using information from someone else's bank card.
Cardholder - a bank card holder, an individual or a legal entity.
Ripper - a person who threw one of the carders.
Credit card - a card that can be used to buy on credit, i.e. not having enough money on the account. The amount of the loan is determined by the issuing bank.
MasterCard is an international payment system, card numbers start with 5.
MoneyGram is a fast money transfer system.
Soap - E-mail, e-mail address.
Cash out - converting virtual money into real money.
PAN - bank card number, most often 16-digit.
Payment system - an association of banks and companies operating according to the general rules for the use of cards. The basis of the payment system is a set of regulatory, contractual, financial and information and technical means, as well as decisions of participants that regulate their relationships regarding the procedure for using cards. There are several membership statuses in the payment system: full, partial, etc. All cards that belong to one payment system have signs that allow identifying their belonging to this payment system.
Prepaid card - a card with a prepaid amount - a smart card that stores electronic money prepaid by the cardholder.
Scan - a scanned document, photo, bank card, etc.
Transaction is a banking operation consisting in the transfer of funds from one account to another.

Internet carding
Adult - a porn site, or in general a site with content for adults.
BidPay is a payment system that allows a person who bought something at an auction to pay for their purchase. This is a payment system that allows you to make MO without any problems using a card.
Billing is a payment system.
Bitcoin - a popular cryptocurrency is used to make deals between carders and get a percentage of drop services and buyers for goods.
Internet carding is the use of data from someone else's bank card to carry out all kinds of transactions on the Internet in order to receive money.
Card (cardboard, potatoes, CC, SS) - bank card number. Used for online shopping. Happens with and without cvv2 code.
Merchant - a trading account to which money is received for the goods sold, an online trading system.
Stick - PayPal money transfer system.
A proxy is a server function that allows a user to work on his behalf.
SalesCart is an e-commerce package integrated with Microsoft FrontPage to enable online shopping.
Socks (Sоcks-proxy) - an intermediary server between your computer and the final site, used to hide the IP.
Spam is a large-scale distribution of letters by e-mail.
SSN (social security number) is a number given to every resident of the United States for convenient taxation and tracking of credit history.
DOB - date of birthday date of birth
MDOB - Mother date of birthday
MMN - Mother maiden name
MPOB - Mother's Place of Birth
Chargeback is a withdrawal by a bank (cardholder) of a payment in respect of which there are doubts.
Enroll is a connection of a credit card (account) with an on-line with the ability to find out and change data via the Internet.
IP - Internet address, consists of four numbers separated by a period, each of which can be from 0 to 255. Identifies the user's location.
Common abbreviations.
Amex - American Express.
CC - card.
CVV - Card Verification Value.
MG - Money Gramm.
MO - Money Order.
PIN - personal identification number.
SSN - Social security number.
WM - WebMoney.
WU - Western Union.
When working with Euro mat there are some moments in view of the fact that there is no AVS system in Europe. This article is intended solely for beginners.


Reaction score
Part 1
Today we will analyze what the "Carding into the shop" itself is. Let's consider the details, discuss the possibilities and summarize.

If we consider carding point by point, then it looks like this:

First: find a shop.
Second: select materials for driving (credit card, socks / ssh / dedicated server, drop / middle address).
Third: carding himself.

It's very simple, isn't it? But the majority, instead of the inscription "Order success", see "Оrder canceled / decline". And then, this majority begins to understand that in this matter, not everything is so simple. In fact, there are a huge number of nuances here that you did not take into account.

You may not have thought about it yet, but this is only "for now". Because this is what could / could be the reason for your "decline".

But somehow there is a lot of dullness at the beginning of the article, let's look for solutions, because that's what we are here for. We will consider the points in which there will also be sub-points, so get ready to thoroughly delve into the topic.

It's time to return to our old friend - Credit card:

Bin is the first 6 digits of the card, defines the issuing bank, country of issue, card level, presence / absence of VBV)

A particular bin may have a restriction on payments, spending limits / payment limits on the Internet, or it may simply be out of money, various types of VBV / MCSC and its reset (reset is variable depending on the bin).
Auto Vbv Bins - this is when there is VBV on the card, but it does not require entering a password and processing is carried out automatically.

If you are interested in more detailed information on VBV, there are many articles on the web on this topic.

My advice to you, as you work with beans - write them down in a separate document, which and how much it gives / where it climbs, etc.

Card level, card type:

We all remember the card levels: Classic / Platinum / Premier / Gold, etc., as well as Debit / Credit. Based on the level of the card, it can make assumptions about the presence of a balance on it. It is logical that Platinum will have more money than Debit Classiс - this is pure statistics, believe me.

Card validity:

Nothing matters: neither the quality of your ip, nor the system setting if the card is dead. "How can you find out?" - either by calling the bank, or if there is an Enroll to the card (now we know what it is). Checkers often kill cards, so they have no faith, and it is better not to check USA cards before carding them in at all.

Billing info / address - credit card address (Billing address, let me remind you that this is the address of the cardholder's residence), unfortunately, from time to time billing address curves appear on the cards, and if a "curve" of the card is carding into the merch, which checks AVS (and this is almost all USA shops) - this card will not be included.

The reasons contributing to this are the method of obtaining cards, almost always the information about the card gets to us the one that the cardholder entered somewhere with his own hands. He can order something to work, to the mother-in-law's house, and so on.
There are various methods of dealing with this, I will tell you about a few of them:

First: breaking through the billing address of the cardholder before carding the card.

Second: search for information about the cardholder in public sources, for example, by searching Google for the name + zip (Andrew Klain 37146) and checking the correspondence of the address and name on various sites and social networks.

Third: carding certain bins and types of cards. The types of cards include Business Cards (cards for business). These are work cards that are often registered for a company / organization (so do not be surprised if instead of a name on such a card you see something like "Andrew Klain New-York Food Restoration".

The advantage of carding such cards is that their billing address is correct in 99% of cases, which other types of cards cannot boast of, due to the fact that the company orders goods or pays for services to its work address, that is, billing address.
Of the minuses, only some bins are given.

The next item is card check

Part 2
Card check. There are several types of card checks:

The first type: authorization and write-off.

A random amount of money is authorized on the card (from $ 0.01 to infinity, but usually no more than $ 1), according to this principle, a check is driven somewhere when the amount is debited.

The second type: pre-authorization and / or authorization revocation. With pre-authorization, the amount is not debited due to quick cancellation, and when authorization is canceled, it occurs after the direct authorization of the amount.

The third type: calling the bank.

Each bank and bin has a different attitude to different kinds of card checks, but mostly this influence is negative (especially when working with Usa) and sometimes kills cards (even pre-authorization).

We can say that we have considered the first part, let's move on to the second.

You can call it "Disguise".

You all know what the "human factor" is? (For a long time I have not sent you for a walk in the vastness of Google). At the moment, many banks automatically analyze the amount of monthly expenses and the type of transactions of the cardholder due to absurd behavior (for example, when an 88-year-old retiree buys a snowboard for himself), in such cases, transaction refusals by the bank are possible.

This point is not critical, but it is impossible not to mention it. The shop transmits information about the transaction to the bank, so you need to set the minimum fraud speed to bypass the anti-fraud system - be guided by this.

To this point there is a sub-item "behavior". By this I mean the motivation and purpose of the person buying something at this particular moment in a particular online store.

What I mean is create an image for yourself, become a cardholder. You carding your card, not someone else's; you are sitting in your apartment in Brooklyn. Are you an 88-year-old retiree who has decided to try something new due to an incurable illness? - talk about this with the shop support and ask for advice, read the product description, make a mistake when entering text, your eyes are not as keen as they were in your youth. "I remember a story, once when I was young ..."

The next part is your ip address.

Black-list ip cleanliness: open ports are neither a good nor a bad indicator when carding. You don't have to bother with this item.

Geolocation of the ip-address based on maxmind or another (I gave a list of relevant sites in one of the security articles). and a number of other sites have an outdated max-mind geo-base connected, so the consumption of geolocation information from the site being carding in comparison with whoer and some similar sites can differ dramatically and critically, even up to another state.

Certain sites have their own geo-bases, often on these sites you are offered to automatically fill in the zip-code, city and state, so when carding into such shops it is better to focus on the information provided by them and select material based on it.

Proxy, Risk score, provider, hostname, DNS, ip belonging to the hosting provider:

Internet provider ip, hostname can tell you about ip belonging to a cloud hoster.

Zip-Code ip range from Zip-Code CC.

For example: we own a card with a zip-code in billing address 31243, which means that the zip ip should be as close as possible to the zip-cod billing, that is, 31243/3123 * / 313 **, etc. - however, it directly depends on your theme and the place where you carding, for e-gift you need to pick it up as close as possible, for a thing, depending on the situation, that is, for a drop / middle or cardholder.

Dedicated server, virtual and physical machines:

OS: Windows / Linux version, etc.
Browser: (version, WebRTC settings, cookies)

Serious merchandise can ask the browser for information about installed plugins (can they only check by requesting the id of a specific plugin / s)? check sites according to the list on which you are authorized (remember that you can check here - For example, when logged in, for example, Facebook is a plus, but not very important.

We fill cookies: surfing on various sites - imitation of a real user BEFORE carding.

Agree that it will be strange if a person with a "naked and empty" browser goes to buy an e-gift for $ 2000, isn't it? Therefore, we need to create an image of an ordinary PC user by walking around the sites of any local clinics / restaurants, Amazon / eBay / Facebook, etc.

Part 3
All kinds of fingerprints (fonts, fingerprint, audio fingerprint, etc.).

The collection of prints generates your unique user impression that remains in the system, this is solved by changing the system (changing the dedicated server / socks / ssh), replacing a number of dot prints (fonts, screen resolution, video card frequency, etc.).

In my opinion, the carding process itself consists of several things that can go in a different order:

The way to get to the shop (ex: Google / Facebook / Twitter)
Yes, that is also important. And yes, shops see it too. To one degree or another, this also matters. There are several types of transition, I will talk about them starting from less trustful moving to more trustworthy, respectively:

First: directly from the link from the browser home page: browser >>

Second: from search engines: >>

Third: social networks, affiliate programs, various coupon / cashback services.

The shop keeps track of where you came from, the least hackneyed methods are the most trustworthy.

Manual text input or "copy-paste" - antifraud fires it, do you copy your name from the clipboard when making purchases from your card? - Hardly.

Warming up the shop: surfing the store, making an informed choice of goods, reading reviews, delivery methods. Removing and adding goods to and from the cart, registering an account in the shop (it won't be superfluous to give a nap, because there was a separate article about this, remember?), Preliminary dialing or communication with the support.

Carding by ringing:

Some stores have the option "order by phone" - order by phone. It happens that the cardholder does not load / buggy the site and then the support operator comes to the rescue, who personally enters your card details, etc. The plus is that the anti-fraud does not see your system and ip-address, and accordingly does not assess risks based on these factors (and you should already know about this).

Billing address = Shipping address (or not equal):

Matching the entered billing address with the shipping address, it happens that orders are canceled due to a difference. You can fight in the following ways: go through the anti-fraud system for all other indicators / warm up the shop (for example, chat in live-chat and say that you want to buy a gift for a friend, etc.) / search for shops that allow doing this / add card via billing = shipping = drop / intermediary (when checking the AVS system, it will not work in most cases), having carding in illiquid assets, which will not "tighten antifraud".


A number of addresses of well-known resellers can be blacklisted in many point shops and merchandise, duplicates are also monitored (did they buy to this address earlier in the same store).

E-mail for the cardholder and for the recipient (in the case of an e-gift):

Mail also has a certain risk-score. The most trustworthy are corporate mails like [email protected]. The most fraudulent are those that have a simplified registration process (for example:, in other words, these are the services from which you do not need to receive SMS).

In addition, some merchants pay attention to the name in the mail address ([email protected]) - they can check for the presence of the cardholder's name / surname - also not critical, but also an important plus (two sides of the same coin).

As you can see, a simple carding method has a lot of points and even more sub-points. Therefore, if you see more and more "order cancellation", then it is worth conducting a full analysis of your work. The analogy for creating this list can be found in any job: stick, poker, banks, etc.

There are many different options for the consequences of your carding, we will consider the main ones:

Decline: the shop did not even allow you to place an order, this often means that you have problems with the card, so first of all it is worth paying attention to it and the sub-items associated with it (see the first article). In other cases, the site has technical problems and the screws are tightened (this happens, but very rarely), or you do not go through antifraud (shop or bank) and fire somewhere, in this case, remember what we wrote in the paragraph about "ip- addresses".

Cancel: the order was hung up, but after a while (or immediately) the order was canceled by e-mail. Reasons: the antifraud did not pass / the shop rang the holder / something was wrong with the card and the shop could not write off the money.

Antifraud did not pass and he did not like something - in this case, there are two options for the development of further events:

The first is the cancellation directly from the antifraud system of the shop (or the bank was not allowed to conduct the transaction).

The second one is based on the sum of the antifraud indicator scores, the order got into manual processing (when the manager manually approves / cancels orders) and the manager canceled it, or called the holder.

If everything is clear with the first case, then the rest should be analyzed in somewhat more detail:

The shop called the holder - yes, there are shops that always call, there are also shops that can only call for certain orders (for example, for an e-gift) and / or for a specific specified order amount (for example: all orders are $ 1000 +)

The methods of dealing with this are as follows: specifying your (or calling service) phone number in order to receive a call if necessary / specifying the left number (for example: some neighboring cafe with a cardholder) or a non-existent number.

However, due to the AVS system in several countries, such orders may also suffer ...

The third is cancel due to card issues. It means that the cardholder either managed to burn, or your shop does not process the orders immediately, but after the buyer has left the order, and then he can even accept a dead card and give you an order, but, of course, will not write off money from it.

Shop request for additional verification in the form of a photo of an identification document (passport / driver's license) or a photo of a card. It means that you have missed somewhere the anti-fraud or your order seemed suspicious. It also arises in cases when the shop is already "dirty" and asks for verification at the slightest suspicion.

Request for additional verification by dialing. They ask you to call to "clarify" some details. Usually they ask for a background, but it all depends on the shop, it can also mean that the card has a billing address curve.

"How to deal with this?" - Punch, call, draw. If the order and tests are worth it, we enter the results in the records and draw conclusions.


It is a list of points that tell you how: you can punch a specific shop based on tests of carding this shop, various useful notes derived from experience again (for example, how quickly orders / cancellations arrive) - this is your desktop template that you need to focus on, provided that you compiled it correctly.

An example of such a checklist:

- The billing address must be correct.
- Carding should occur with one attempt on 1 ip-address.
- Manual input only.
- The option of card with ssh goes well.
- If the antifraud system has not passed, but the card is correct, the cancellation will be sent to the mail within 25 minutes.
- When the order is not passed by the anti-fraud system, the merch gives cancellation with the text: "Unable to process credit card at this time, processor reported (Authorization Failed)".
- If the card has insufficient balance or the wrong billing address, the merchant gives a cancellation with the text: "Please double-check your billing address and credit card information".
- Such and such bins came in for such and such amounts.
And stuff like that.


Reaction score
Top 5 destinations in carding
As you all know perfectly well, carding is a huge field with a bunch of directions. I don’t know how it happened, but there are some fucking people who think that you can only card clothes and electronics, but this is not fucking like that.
Today I managed to get into a small TOP of the 5 most profitable directions in carding.
As for the approximate profitability, I warn you right away, it can vary greatly. Everyone fucks as he wants. Someone does not want to get worn out with delivery to the Russian Federation and pushes the staff for small amounts, but they instantly get their cash. And someone is steaming with drops, delivery, searching for buyers and cuts shekels to the maximum.

Fifth place: phone carding

Carding iPhone, Samsung's and other goodness is able to make any carder rich with its presence, since this area will always be in demand due to the general excitement and necessity in society. He gets the fifth place due to the fact that he still has a lot of drawbacks, such as the need to create a network of drops and a permanent place for sending and selling carding.
Estimated profitability: from 30% to 100% of the market value of the stock.

Fourth place: carding laptops, computers

Think, who among us would not like to have an iMac at home for 300,000 rubles? A healthy display and a powerful processor will leave no one indifferent. But because of the high price, many simply do not agree to the purchase, so they are looking for an alternative, and this is just us - carders. This type of carding received the fourth place due to the fact that it has the same popularity as carding for smartphones, but at the same time it has a great advantage in price, since the market value of these units is fucking great.
Estimated profitability: from 30% to 70% of the market value of the stock.

Third place: carding ASICs

This area gets a legitimate third place due to the fact that it is able to recoup itself without any sale. It is enough to save 1 ASIC, run it in your garage and it will pay off in just 2 months and will already start to bring a net profit. And if you decide to sell stupidly, then there will always be buyers, since more people want to save money, especially in the Russian Federation, since this is a promising growing market in our country.
Approximate profitability: from 40% to INFINITY (if you mine yourself) of the market value of the stock.

Second place: jewelry carding

The jewelry industry is quite specific, but at the same time it has a huge profit for its owners. The carding process is quite simple, but at the same time it is dangerous in its own way by strong monitoring of all jewelry stores. In addition, every day it becomes more and more difficult to find a giving shop. But still, if you managed to produce a fairly successful carding of jewelry, then you can be sure of a profit of at least 60% of the market value of the goods.
Estimated profitability: from 60% to 150% of the market value of the stock.

First place: gold carding!

Well, the dick is clear that gold carding (gold coins and bars) will become the absolute record holder in our TOP. You don't need to talk a lot about this type of carding, as it speaks for itself. Gold carding is not fundamentally different from any other area of carding, but the thrill is in the implementation. Gold can be sold in any city at inflated prices and be more profitable than any other carding. Judge for yourself, if through the online store of Egypt and Sudan you can order a small ingot of gold - 30 grams for 18k, and sell it for 30k in Russia. But this is not the main point. In the same UAE or France, the same ingot can be sold for $ 1000!
Estimated profitability: from 80% to 1000% of the market value of the stock.