Bakery owner sentenced to 6 years for identity theft

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A bakery owner has been sentenced to 6 years for stealing the identity of a deceased child in order to receive $ 1.5 million under the pandemic loans program.

Ava Misseldine, 50, stole the identity card of Bree Bourgeois, who died in 1979 and was buried in Columbus. She initially used this ID card to obtain an Ohio State ID card and Social Security card in 2003, and four years later continued to use it to obtain a student pilot's certificate and passport.

As the pandemic and the soft loan program progressed, Misseldin, who owned a bakery at the time, used her fake identification and real name to get financial assistance under the pandemic loan program.

As a result, she received about $ 1.5 million on a soft loan. Misseldin used the money to buy a home in Michigan for $ 327,500, as well as a home for $ 647,500 in Utah, where she also obtained a driver's license in both names.

She was arrested in Utah in June 2022 after authorities suspected her when she tried to renew her passport in 2021. In October 2022, she pleaded guilty to 16 counts of bank transfer and passport fraud in a Southern District of Ohio court. A year later, she was jailed for 6 years. and also ordered to pay all 1.5 million dollars in compensation.