If the card has no AVS the system will not know if the billing address provided is correct or not, but they can still see the country of origin of the card if I'm not mistaken, if you plan to ship internationally take on account that most shops will not do this or will require some type of extra verification, I recommend you to use US CC's and just ship to a drop service address, this is way easier, trust me
And about the post you linked he is correct on almost everything except some stores have antifraud systems that can check the validity of the email, so newly registered emails will appear very suspicious, also this non vbv thing is not black or white, the fact that a card is not VBV does not mean that any order will go trough, it only means that it will save your ass if your setup is not good enough to bypass OTP, I use a lot of cards that are VBV and 90% of the time they don't ask me for OTP
You should be more concerned about finding high quality CC's than non vbv CC's