Avoiding surveillance


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Chop the tail.​

"If you are not paranoid, it does not mean that they are not following you."

Why is this necessary in ordinary life?

If you don't get involved in crime or in the games of the special services, you are unlikely to have to avoid professional supervision. But besides this, there are a huge number of cases when you can be followed. It can be:

- robbers

- maniacs - in the forest, park

- car thieves - in parking lots in front of shops, one breaks a car, the other looks after you

- scammers, scammers, gypsies

- drug addicts - often wait for people returning to the suburbs by minibus, and lead to the entrance, where they attack

- homeless

- traffickers

- jealous husbands

- etc.

Therefore, the skill of identifying and “chopping off” the “tail” along with hand-to-hand combat and shooting is essential for elementary survival in the stone jungle.

Tracking targets:

1. identify, place of residence, contacts, determine the level of income

2. intimidate by the very fact of surveillance

3. to bring to a deserted place, and there rob / kill / kidnap / rape

4. to identify occupations, belonging to certain circles.

The personality of the filler.

In the case of professional surveillance, this is usually a 25-45 year old man or woman (!), Decently dressed.

Its psychological state can be provoked.

During surveillance, he can take off / put on a jacket, jacket, hat and hide it all in a bag, or hold it in his hands.

Sneakers / boots and trousers are rarely changed.

For communication uses a mobile phone or walkie-talkie.

The tracking distance is usually from 3-5 m on busy streets to 50-100 m on deserted ones.

Remember: the detective is always in a subordinate position (since it is he who follows you), and especially when you know about the surveillance, but he does not know that he has been detected. Therefore, any, even very professional, surveillance can be avoided.

Methods for detecting surveillance.

The best option here, as well as when getting rid of the tail, is to make sure that the “stompers” do not understand that they have been spotted or have been pulled away from them on purpose. It must be remembered that if you fell into the field of view of the special services / lads by accident (well, for example, as a contact of someone who was already under the hood), and then too clearly "cut off the tail", then this alone will cause you an increased interest. Therefore, it is always useful to find a tail, but to get rid of it is not always, but depending on the situation. (see Purposes of surveillance).


- Attentiveness, especially during important meetings, in unfamiliar / threatening environments.

- Develop your memory!

- Have several routes of movement even to / from work, change them chaotically

- Change the speed of movement, combine it with observation.

- Think over the route.

- Have special pre-selected places where you can check in and leave (shops with 2 or more exits, walkways, etc.)

- People in 96% of cases determine the gaze directed to the back of the head. TRUST YOUR INTUITION! (without translating it into paranoia, of course).

Fillers can be identified by:

1. Repeatability of the same persons.

2. Inappropriate behavior among other passers-by. When the treadmill loses sight of you, he:

A) starts to fuss, look for you,

B) gets confused,

C) calls an accomplice.

Ordinary passers-by generally do not react in any way to your movements.


DO NOT LOOK BACK! Don't stop “tying your shoelaces” - it's trite! Better to find a way that makes the backward look logical.

- Stop at a stall, a booth, a half-turn showcase and at this moment look backward with a peripheral vision + fix passers-by by the reflection in the glass.

- Pedestrian crossing - stop at the edge of the carriageway and watch how the Rules are taught, left and right.

- Shop - go inside and look through the window at the road.

- Telephone booth - go inside, pick up the phone and look back.

- Underground passage - better with 4 exits (2 on each side), then you can check 4 times. After passing one exit, go down the “oncoming”. At the same time, you turn 180 degrees and get the opportunity to look back where you just walked from. Cross the street through the tunnel, go upstairs, turn around, go downstairs again, cross the street again, and go upstairs through the fourth exit. This is called the "eight".

- Walk-through yards, entrances with two exits. Run into such a courtyard, hide in any entrance, and watch through the glass on the landing. Trampler will jump out into the yard and be confused - where have you gone? Perhaps he will call someone. You can sit out at the entrance and go in the opposite direction. It is better if the entrance has two exits, then you can go to another street.

Ground transportation; underground.

- If there is no threat to life, then the one with few people is better. When the bus arrives, stand at the stop close to the edge of the sidewalk, but do not get on it. Usually the bus stop is empty, and those who need other buses are standing far from the edge. You remain and the trampler. To confirm, do this several times.

- Enter the bus, trolleybus, tram through the back door - you will be able to observe who is driving behind; and look around the entire interior, standing in the corner by the rear window. The filer will try to get closer to you to see which stop you get off at.

- In the metro, at uncrowded stations, there may be "pockets", and there are free benches. Sit down, rest, look around. If at an empty station you notice a person who, like you, missed several trains ...

- When leaving the subway, hold the door and look back. The trampoline walking directly behind (so as not to lose you immediately after exiting the metro) can also call by phone, informing his accomplices.

1. Tear-off methods.

1. Imperceptible - when the observer loses sight of you for a while, and you have 2 or more (the more, the better) outputs - ie. there is an opportunity to get lost in the crowd and quietly leave the place.

- turn the corner, accelerate sharply and hide in the front door.

- leaving the underpass or metro - the same.

- in walk-through yards, entrances with two exits - the same.

- in the metro / bus, put your foot in front of the almost closed doors, unclench them and jump out.

- In any building with 2 or more exits or a toilet on the ground floor (a school, hospital, clinic, shopping centers, institutes are suitable, although sometimes this is difficult due to security). Go inside, hide. They will either look for you inside, or wait at the exit. Wait, then go out through the second exit or climb out the toilet window.

- In clothing markets, in large stores.

- In museums, at exhibitions - you can get lost in the crowd and call / meet the right person. But they usually have one way out, in front of which they can wait for you. You can use the toilet window.

- In churches where there are many columns or several rooms - the same. In an Orthodox church, there is usually a second exit next to the altar through the room for the priests.

- Go through a walk-through entrance with two exits and a combination lock (you need to find out the code in advance).

- In some houses, different entrances can be connected by transitions on the floors. These are usually either long corridors that can connect even 3-4 entrances, or passages on the top floor of old houses from the main staircase to the black one. Such places must be scouted in advance, and used for verification or for separation. In such a corridor, you can meet the pursuer.

2. Power.

Suitable for:

A) the presence of a real threat to your life

B) the desire to "punish" the tramps

B) there is a sufficient level of preparation and determination. Weapons are welcome.

D) AN INSTALLED FACT OF TRACKING - you should not rush at passers-by who simply live with you in neighboring houses, and therefore follow you from the metro.

D) in desert places. The filler should be brought to a place that will be convenient for you (for example, where your friends hang out, or where you know the area well, or just where it is dark and quiet ...)

- The simplest thing is to notice the surveillance, turn around and attack yourself.

- Lurk in the entrance / around the corner / in the entrance yard and wait. We meet the emerging filler with a hand / foot / club / bullet. Toptun can be searched, although he rarely has any information with him. Immediately we get off!

3. Exotic.

The most technically challenging, but effective. Requires excellent LOCAL KNOWLEDGE and prior preparation. Ideally, the route should be plotted in advance and completed several times.

- Maintenance on roofs, basements, attics; sewer collectors. (Now it can be difficult due to the general “fight against terrorism”).

- Change in appearance - shave / glue the mustache, beard, hair. Change clothes. Put on your glasses. To radically change the image - there was a "new Russian", there was a dry, hunched over pensioner with a stick and a string bag. There was a rapper - I became a skinhead, etc. Feasible with sufficient time and space, such as in a toilet or at the top of a staircase.

- Crossing the river; in winter, jumping on the ice.

- In the forest / park. There you can either leave from any direction, or organize an ambush yourself.

- At a construction site (the same, just don't run into the watchman).

- Using a bicycle, moped or motorcycle. Their speed is significantly higher than that of a pedestrian, and they will pass where the car will not pass (along paths, across the railway track, along pedestrian bridges, parks). You can take your bike with you on the train.

- On the train platform - stand to the edge of the platform, as if you want to take the train. In front of the train, jump off the platform and run after the train.


A professional has a set of schemes in his head according to which he acts. A non-professional invents, improvises. The better the imagination, the better the chances of staying alive. But all your actions, of course, must be checked by logic. Sometimes it is helpful to put yourself in the shoes of the treadmill.

Special means.

Sometimes, for professional surveillance, they can hang a radio beacon on you (an option is a satellite beacon). A radio beacon is a fairly simple device, you can make it yourself. It emits a radio signal at a certain frequency, and a simple scanner shows the direction to you, ie the direction where the signal is greater. Industrial designs are very compact, and industrial scanners most often show the distance to you. Satellite beacons send a signal to the satellite, which then shows 20 meters. But such devices very clearly show your position on the map. Very accurate are expensive and unlikely to be used against a common man.

To detect a radio beacon, there are scanners, the simplest of which can also be made by yourself.


1. A radio beacon can be hung up on you unnoticed, for example, "accidentally" bumping into you on the street or in the subway.

2. It is enough just to attach the radio beacon to the car (most often it is used precisely for tracking cars).

3. The radio beacon hangs on clothes (behind the collar, behind the belt, under the hem) or is in a bag.

4. The transmission distance is short (50 - 100 - 200 meters)

5. Large concrete objects (subway tunnels, basements, underground car parks, buildings with thick walls) usually shield radio waves.

6. Reception of beacon radiation is difficult near TV and radio towers, cellular masts.

If I wrote banal truths for someone - well, let's laugh at them together. But maybe it will save someone's life.