Attention! Be carefull. I was partially caught at an ATM with a skimmer.


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Around midnight from 15.02 to 16.02 I wanted to withdraw a little money.
I just inserted the card, did not enter the PIN - I suspected something was wrong. I took the card.

The next morning (16.02 around 10 am) the card was blocked for hacking attempts - the bank’s security worked poorly.

This is what the ATM slot usually looked like,


and something like this with a skimmer.

Well, there was an overlay on the keyboard, but there are no photos.

The main thing is, damn it, having already suspected that the ATM was being hacked, he was still going to enter the PIN code, arguing to himself with words like “okay, damn it, it can’t be - this is what happens in movies about hackers.”

Yesterday I went to the branch to find out if there was a boy - they all confirmed that the attackers did this to our only ATM.

Otaka x..nya babies.

From an unknown commentator:
I worked on this topic while working in the authorities back in 1996. Those who are perplexed HOW it works (everyone clings to the skimmer, forgetting about the author’s mention of the keyboard overlay. The principle here is this: the skimmer reads information from the magnetic tape of your card, allowing you to easily make a duplicate of it. And the keyboard overlay allows you to find out the PIN that you enter. As a result, 2 minutes after your communication with the ATM, the attackers have the opportunity to withdraw all the money remaining on YOUR card (within the limits of the amounts issued by the ATM, but everyone knows how to bypass them. The author saved the money only because the attackers did NOT ENTER the PIN). they were forced to pick it up. As a result, the author’s card was blocked.

ATM on the Pozdnyaki metro station, next to the door of the local Privatbank branch, not far from McDonalds.
Details: Poznyaki branch Address: Grishka str., 4, Kiev, Kiev region, 02140. , Ukraine, 38 (044) 570-22-52, 572-71-80, email: [email protected]

In the comments it was reasonably noted that it was necessary to call the bank's support at the phone number indicated on the card. Of course it was necessary!
Now I regret not calling. I really regret it. And at that moment, despite all the suspicions, I still did not fully believe that I had encountered what I had encountered. Moreover, when I left the ATM, some dude came up to him - apparently he got caught too. And I could have warned him. In general, you could run to McDonalds or the metro for a representative of the authorities and wait with him on the spot for the security to arrive. Or wake up the security guard at the bank branch (if he was there, of course). Much could have been done with a full understanding of what one was faced with. I was led by doubts and disbelief that this could happen right here to me in my hometown at a long-familiar ATM. I’m saying that, having already suspected something was wrong, I still thought about entering the PIN code because “what kind of nonsense am I imagining from lack of sleep.”
Next time I won't have any doubts.
I hope those who read this story do the same.

Analyzing the situation, I am more than sure that the owners of the skimmer were sitting in one of the cars nearby. I think that such stuffing is placed on the ATM for one night or even for several hours. Most likely, attackers study in advance the ATM's traffic at night, the presence of security, cameras, and other factors that determine the risk/earnings ratio in a particular case.

“My” ATM had undoubted advantages:
- in a residential area (large audience size)
- next to a bank branch (impudence, of course, but justified - the ATM seems reliable)
- on the street (the option of installing a skimmer on an ATM indoors seems unlikely to me, unless this is not an abandoned basement)
- next to the place where money is spent all night (McDonalds)
- there are no street cameras (I didn’t notice)
- a spontaneous parking lot around (no one will pay attention to another parked car)
- there is a church across the road (you can immediately atone for your sins :) )

The proximity of the ATM to the bank branch was cited by my friends as an argument in favor of the inconsistency of my suspicions, they say, what kind of fools would go there - there is security there. And the trick is that there is no security there at night.
Or she's sleeping.
Or in a fraction (I’m kidding, I’m kidding - this only happens in the movies).

For particularly observant readers who distinguish English letters from Ukrainian ones:
I did not indicate anywhere that these are MY photographs. The captions indicate that the device I discovered looked "something like this." Unfortunately there are no photos of me. For example, the keyboard overlay I encountered looked different than in the photo in the post, but there is nothing to illustrate it with.
I didn’t even copy-paste the photos, but pasted them from the sites on which I found them - it’s easy to see from the links.

This is what a skimmer might look like.
According to an unknown commentator, this picture shows a device specifically designed to counteract the installation of a skimmer. In addition, here is an article on this topic, which states that this device is the essence of a new "anti-skimming" card slot.

The photograph was removed due to the ambiguity in the interpretation of the object depicted. I apologize if my interpretation was incorrect and misled anyone.

However, there is also an article in Bulgarian in which (I’m really not good) it seems to say that in this photo there is a skimmer, the appearance of which copies the anti-skimming device. In general, it was logically suggested in the comments - on ATMs, preferably on the screen, it should be shown what the receiving opening and keyboard look like. This will dispel customer suspicions.

And here is an example of a skimmer (you won’t notice it at all)

and here is another one


of this skimmer in comparison with the original slot


Another ATM.
Overhead keyboard and skimmer

A real gap under the skimmer.

Another mega-device (thanks to an unknown commentator for the link)

From the comments:
the question is “how to read the PIN using a skimmer.”

Only by inserting it into the receiving slot - apparently not at all.

In general, usually in two ways:
1. the mentioned “overlay” is a fake keyboard on top of the real one. You just enter your pin with it :)
In my case, this was exactly the option (alas, there is no photo).
Moreover, it works as a proxy, i.e. presses are transferred to the original keys and you will not notice any difference in the operation of the ATM.

For example, it may look like this



2. a hidden camera is somewhere nearby. for example, in a hanging box with bank brochures.

For example, it may look like this.
