ATM machine. Some special features.


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None of us will be surprised by an ATM. Even people of the older generation gradually got used to this device and are able to somehow withdraw their pension. However, among other things, an ATM is an extremely interesting thing from a technical and organizational point of view. Even employees of banking institutions (including those associated with payment cards) do not always understand the subtleties of its work. In my previous life, I was involved with payment cards and ATM services for quite a few years. I've also warmed it up with a hair dryer and picked out bits and pieces of the mouse's gut blood that got stuck in the embrace of the bills. Even burned down one of the controlled ATMs. Twice. Therefore, I will share some, in my opinion, interesting technical nuances in the ATM operation.

Unfortunately, the main focus of this activity fell on the period when even a 0.3 Mp camera in the phone was a considerable luxury – therefore, I practically do not have my own photos.

40 bills​

The ATM issues no more than 40 bills at a time. This is due to the feed mechanism itself. Therefore, when withdrawing money from an ATM – if it displays "Available 50, 200 notes" on the screen-and you need to withdraw a large amount-you can immediately estimate how much maximum money the ATM can give you. If you try to enter more than 40 banknotes — the ATM will think twice and refuse. You'll be left wondering why.

30 seconds​

The response interval for each operation after the client's action should not exceed 30 seconds. This is a requirement of international payment systems. The client inserted the card – you can think for 29 seconds and give an answer. I chose the menu item — again you can think. Etc. Earlier, when the connection was not particularly good – this was an important point. Take it easy now.

Supervisor's White Card​


Yes — it is. Comes with each ATM included. Just like regular cards, it also has a PIN code and an expiration date.
It can also be used with other ATMs. I can't give you any more details here – by mistake, I used a card from one ATM for another ATM and it worked – as it should, or it works within the same PC (processing center) – I don't know. It was probably necessary to go to the ATM of another bank and check. But I didn't feel like sitting down.
So – the card is required to perform collection/audit of the ATM and some technical functions – you can issue as many bills as you want from the <godmode ON> cassettes, open the delivery door, flash indicators and displays, etc. Three times incorrectly entered the code on the card – it is blocked until the next day.


In addition to the "system unit" (let's call it that) in the ATM keyboard, the card reader unit and the display have their own brains. You can't just connect the details of one ATM to another. When connecting new devices, you need to enter 3DES cryptographic keys. They are written to these connected devices and allow them to work with that particular ATM. Keys are 2 envelopes (like PIN-code envelopes for regular cards) in which there is a sequence of numbers. Two people each receive an envelope and enter their keys.

Cash registers​


The ATM usually has 4-6 cassettes with bills. The cassette holds ~2.5 thousand banknotes. Each cassette is configured for a specific banknote. Therefore, even if you mix up the cassettes in places during ATM collection – the chip in the cassette will still not allow you to issue money from there. The reverse side of the coin – if you load fifty kopecks into the cassette for twenties-then (with a fair amount of luck – if the characteristics of the bills are more or less similar) The ATM will start issuing larger denomination notes. ATM cashier and manager.the cash register can immediately fork out and cover the shortfall. This has happened before…

Cull tape​


Glued banknotes, banknotes that the ATM does not like for one reason or another, as well as money that you did not take from the issue slot – are thrown back into the rejection cassette. In terms of size, it is twice as small as the standard one.

An ATM can get cold​

The street ATM is 100% waterproof. However, it is sensitive to cold. In early ATM models, there was no "Russian Winter" package of heating elements, and therefore when the temperature in the yard fell below 10-15 degrees (frost), the ATM began to act up. This is especially true when the ATM stands in the window and its front (inner) part actually also rests against the window and freezes. The ATM may not turn on at all, because the diagnostics is outraged and requires heat for the ATM (note to the hostess: in order for the ATM to start, you need to blow a hair dryer on the temperature sensor at this moment). The mechanism of issuing money and other charms may not work.

Withdrawn cards​

People leave their cards at the ATM. Sometimes accidentally, sometimes - by entering the PIN code incorrectly three times, sometimes - you withdraw money, the voltage disappears — the ATM turns off and, as it were, everything goes on by choice-you cost as much as you can and wait for your card (which, characteristically, when the voltage appears – will come out-and if not you-then someone will pick it up if they have time) or you go home, and then the ATM card will be taken to itself. Often no one applied for the cards. Over the past few years, we have collected a large collection of cards from various banks, including foreign ones.

Old ATM systems​

In 2002-2004, quite a lot of used ATM machines were brought to Ukraine from Europe/the USA. Here they were brought in a divine form, made service and sold to banks. They were approximately 8-12 times cheaper (5-8 thousand dollars) than new modern ATMs (80-110 thousand dollars). They worked, frankly, lousy, but since the card business was still in its infancy and the income was small (ATMs are installed not for their own customers, but for others), not all banks could afford new ATMs in the required volumes. Therefore, they put what was cheaper. The ATM had old CRT monitors with faded emblems of European banks (previous owners). The kosher operating system for ATMs of that time was OS / 2.

ATM safe deposit box​

It stores cash cassettes and a cull tape. It is usually a safe with a key and a swivel wheel. The wheel code needs to be changed regularly. It is very unpleasant when when you change the code and close the door, you realize that the code does not fit and the safe does not open anymore.



Matrix printers (older ATM models) and thermal printers are used. Paper tape for receipts - in reels. Usually 2-5 thousand checks per reel. The matrix problem is that it's a bit difficult to find cartridges. The problem with thermal printers is when it's cold and you heat the ATM with a hair dryer – if you get a jet of air on the receipt tape, there will be a black tape.



Winter. The ATM was located in a bank branch, but in a far empty room, and the face was facing the window. Cold. The mouse found a loophole (there are a lot of them in the ATM-there are a lot of cables) and climbed inside to warm up. As a result, the money supply mechanism pressed her heartily. I ended up there, because the ATM stopped working and money was sticking out of the cull tape in blood. I had to dismantle half of the ATM to get what was left of the mouse and three torn bills. She died a brave death, but she had money.

If the article was interesting — I can continue the topic about banking hardware.

UPD 2014/03/21:
Continuation: Card Games

As a bonus:
Configuration of an old NCR 5684 ATM (for understanding the components)


In 2003, such a used ATM cost 46740 UAH (8 thousand dollars).

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