As I worked with adult-affiliate


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Having saved unreasonable efforts the first 90$ I began to think where them to attach that that that to have still. As in stuff carding I at that point in time very badly thought, and to climb where that with such small money and a minimum of knowledge would be silly. My choice has fallen on adult affiliate. Namely on cliques. So, having read articles on adultу, having read the most important web designers-forums I has started. For this purpose the qualitative traffic, the domain with a hosting, СС (it is desirable platinum) and a beer box was necessary to me.)) I have decided to buy the traffic, the blessing of such offices is enough, the hosting - used free on, the rest too was not a problem to find. The main thing that was required is time. But, unfortunately, has understood it late when already has spent almost all money.
My first error - I wanted at once and all. Having registered, having started up the first 5 to usa traffic, I have made 2 drive. On balance has appeared the first 100 dollars. To triumph there was no limit … Having waited 2 hours, I have made 3 having hammered, in thoughts including myself already the millionaire. Payment has passed, 50 more $ began to flaunt at me in the statistican. But having opened payment options I has seen - You account blocked! What for хрень? Cards could not for such short term give failure, has decided to knock to their support Wolfу, he has answered - acc is blocked because with infringements of rules affiliate and for carding. All business in the traffic can - I have thought, having drunk 2 bottles of the Neva. Has chosen other office. Зарегал the new domain, in affiliate new acc. Has started up the traffic - this time 10к юса. Has hammered 1 card. Like normal, has started up still 5к traffic - still having hammered, payment passes, but again You account blocked! I more shortly suffered so probably time 10, having drowned in this all the wmz on a purse. Money there was no absolutely, on a shower a black insult on all and everything, and wild desire deceive affiliate all on harm only heats soul. The blessing was gained by one companion - it was necessary to be arranged to it - register washed manually. A week later on a purse has appeared new 150 wmz. Now I have decided to approach to business in details. All having considered, having weighed I has started to operate.
The second error - me has ruined greed. Now I started up the traffic, not simply, and certain quantity at an o'clock, did 1 having hammered in day, it is no more. So proceeded 1 week. On an account already nearby 350$ - and me again block. But here most likely who of cardholders has made that chargeback. Having understood sense and a principle of work I has decided to be content small and to remove минималку in 100$ as soon as it it will be typed, has more shortly decided to take quantity, instead of quality. And in a week high-grade 800 wmz at me lay on a purse … But all comes to an end sooner or later - my freebie has ended also. I do not know that they have made, but now from 20 accounts at me blocked 18 and to be engaged in this business it be not become favourable. I again in the full... As it has had time to be enclosed. And anything from it has not had.
My third error - it is necessary to be able to stop and leave in time from a theme on another.
And now short and one after another:
1. Only at idiots and dreamers all turns out for no reason. With affiliate I had the relation 1 to 8 where that. I.e. for 1 enclosed dollar I received 8 dollars.
2. My persistence has won my disappointment, main to trust in itself and to aspire to what or.
3. Before to start to work, it is necessary to wait time. It was registered now - has started up the traffic, we will tell 30-50 unique at an o'clock - has waited a week, has started up more traffic, has made having hammered. For if at once to begin it very suspiciously and almost 100 % the block.
4. At a choice affiliate it is obligatory to look terms and payments and what block.
5. It is desirable to have at least the minimum knowledge in seo and adultе.
6. It is necessary to have the starting capital.
7. If others speak that it is a dead theme is not so. Simply anybody yet has not thought up as to bypass an obstacle.
8. To drive in too not more often 2 times a day - differently the block.
9. The traffic it is desirable to start up a mix, from 80 % of that which country of a card use.
Like all. Who will want - that will necessarily find. Constructive criticism is welcomed moderately. In due course I will add - as all was written it on the move. Nostalgia a pancake.))


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tarheels2008, please stop spamming useless shit to increase your post count. You're littering the forums with nonsense. You post "interesting.." to every thread.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.
test test


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I worked with affiliate adult too, 3 years ago . I make more money from adult affiliate but now it difficult . because i don't know why my account have a lot of traffic, make sales, have website and banner adsvertising , but my account banned by Adult affiliate, I decide to left adult affiliate and find other way