Hello! This is the only article about antidetect browsers that will be useful to you for working in crypto.
It just so happens that in our field this is a very important topic, but for many it becomes obvious and understandable immediately after a person has found the first anti-detection that works somehow crookedly, and after some time it is already inconvenient to switch to a normal anti-detect and transfer all the data. This guide will help you avoid this problem and save time.
2. No need to try to find hacked versions of antidetects and try to use them for free. Just don't.
2. How to set them up correctly using ADS-Power as an example
3. The 2 Best Anti-Detects on the Market Right Now
4. List of all other antidetects with a brief description of each
5. How to make your own "antidetect" from Google or Firefox
90% of websites on the Internet have their own anti-fraud system - this is a thing that allows you to identify bots among regular users and restrict access for them. Somewhere it is minimal, and on some Facebook now there is one of the most complex anti-fraud systems in the world.
With the help of anti-detection browsers and buying proxies, we can disguise ourselves as real users and quietly earn in crypto. This thing is absolutely legal and is used mainly for marketing.
The most popular areas of use of such browsers in crypto at the moment are: Coinlist, exchanges, twitter, mail, launchpads, discords, glims, sweep widgets, etc.
There is no point in writing anything about the correct setup of each individual anti-detect because they are too similar, so I just made a separate guide on ADS-Power.
If you figure it out (and it's not as difficult as it seems), you can easily work with almost all other antiques, because they have fewer functions and a much simpler design.
You can check if you have set everything up correctly on these sites:
1. ADS-Power - $100 for 200 profiles, free access is only for 2 profiles.
The most favorable tariff: 2000 profiles for $400 and then +1000 profiles for every $100, and starting from 10K profiles the price for each profile will be $0.1
According to many crypto experts (including me), this is the best anti-detect at the moment with many of its own features, a built-in automation system and the best API for working with a browser and writing software + no bugs or crashes will be waiting for you here.
The only downside: it takes quite a long time to open profiles, unlike other antidetects, but everything will definitely work perfectly for you + everything will always be saved.
2. Dolphin - $160 for 300 profiles, free access to 10 profiles.
The most favorable tariff: 1000 profiles for $300.
This is a good browser with a very active team of developers who are constantly improving it. Unlike ADS-Power, it does not yet have such a good API through which you can optimize a lot, but manual work is often faster.
The only downside is that the browser is not yet perfected and there are minor flaws in its operation, for example - you can install Metamask, and the profile will need 1-4 hours to save it in the cloud, and if you exit earlier - the data may not be saved and you will need to re-enter the profile using the seed phrase.
1) Samara WebLab (swSpyBrowser) - a terrible antique with which many had to start their path in crypto and it was strongly forced in the ru-community. Here it is enough to buy a subscription once for $ 45 and use it for any amount of time, but you will encounter the following problems:
- For many, Samara can crash at the most crucial moment without any reason
- The browser has the most inconvenient and incomprehensible interface that you will have to tinker with
- No cloud saving
- You can't install extensions
- There are no heaps of various small features present in other antiques
The main advantage of this antik: because it is so terrible and all the work is done in tabs with separate cookies/user agents/proxy, it has ideal performance and eats up the least hardware resources. But is it worth it?
Unofficial chat on Samara WebLab: https://t.me/samara_weblab_chat (if necessary, your questions on setup will be answered here)
2) OctoBrowser - a very good antik that works perfectly on both Windows and Mac + it has a cheap price if you need a huge number of profiles at once, and also has good optimization and all unnecessary functions have been cut out of the browser: absolutely everything will be intuitively clear even to a beginner.
Their telegram: https://t.me/octobrowser (there is all the news on updates + promo codes for paying for subscriptions)
Price: 190$ - 350 profiles
P.S.: The browser's founder is named Evgeniy Negro, live with it.
3) Multi-Login - a very powerful and well-developed anti-detect with one of the best interfaces, but for some reason for some people (including me) this browser works with constant bugs and breaks even when opening 20-30 profiles, considering that I have hardware for 400K
Price: 225$ - 300 profiles
4, 5) Indigo and Incogniton - I have singled out these 2 antidetects together because Incogniton is written on the basis of Indigo, and Indigo in turn is made on the basis of MultiLogin and in fact they differ only in price and small features (Incogniton is cheaper + there are 10 free profiles)
There are quite a few complaints about both of these browsers and they constantly have some bugs and errors, and they also have poor optimization, so now I don’t see any point in considering them for work
6) Undetectable - a new antidetect that was greatly boosted due to their initial free access + a bunch of discounts with refs. I tested it a little and I immediately had small problems with optimization, so I'm just waiting for the antidetect to be fully finalized.
Price: from $25 to $300 excluding discounts
7) Cypher - an unpopular antidetect that changes fingerprints directly through the source code, not through JS. It is made quite well and works even on Linux, but you need to spend a long time figuring everything out and setting everything up yourself. If you might be interested, I will leave a link to the Russian discussion of this antidetect + guides from the developers themselves:
Price: $50 + free access
8) Linken Sphere - one of the most hyped anti-detect browsers in the world, which is built on the Chromium engine. In my opinion, it is already too outdated and such an anti-detect will be useless for working in crypto, when there is a whole mountain of alternative options that are a cut above.
Price: $100 (the browser is completely anonymous, so payment is only in bitcoins)
9) Kameleo - a good anti-detect with a bunch of browser engines and a huge number of its own unique features + the same well-developed API as ADS, but unlike the same ADS, it will be much more difficult to figure out all this stuff.
Cameleo will be the perfect option for you if you are a coder who knows what Selenium is and can work with it.
Price: from $66 to $225 per month for unlimited number of profiles
10) GoLogin - its own database of free proxies, improved fingerprints, cloud access, but there are many bugs and I would call this antique a low-quality and cheap replacement for all the above solutions.
Price: $100 - 1000 profiles, and there is also free access for 1-7 days
11) SessionBox - a standard antik which is an improved version of Samara and differs from other products in that it can also work as an extension in the browser. Everything is implemented well, but personally I don't see the point in working through it.
Price: $3-65 per month, also has a free version for expansion
12) CheBrowser - an unsuccessful experiment from domestic developers who stuffed everything they could into their antik and made each new config pay $2. For some reason, incomprehensible to me, this browser is still used by a small percentage of cryptons.
13) HydraHeaders - absolutely free custom antidetect from a team working on proxies. This program is closer to an emulator of various operating systems than to an antidetect + has a far from user-friendly interface.
14) XLogin - an inconvenient and slightly buggy antidetect, but it has the ability to automate via BAS and selenium. It's good that almost no one in the ru-community knows about it, but still, if selenium is important to you and you know it, I recommend using Cameleo, which is ninth on the list.
15) GhostBrowser - another standard browser on the Chromium engine that is very similar to Samara, but at the same time has many more disadvantages and you need to manually search for user agent databases. But you can make custom colors for each profile that open as a tab...
Price: $21-46 per month for unlimited number of profiles
16) Aezakmi - a very powerful anti-detect for arbitrageurs from arbitrageurs, but for working in crypto for us there will be too many unnecessary functions and overpayment for useless functions.
Price: 140$ - 300 profiles
There is still a whole mountain of typical antidetects built on the basis of other proven solutions with subsequent poor implementation. There is no point in adding full descriptions about them, so I will simply list some of them here:
Accovod, Antidetect, Multi-Browser, VM-Login, LoginWays, ANTBrowser
Now let's figure out how to make your own alternative to antidetect browsers via Google and Firefox. For this, I made separate articles so as not to drag out this guide.
1. Multi-accounting via Google profiles:
2. How to make your own antidetect from Firefox:
Thank you for reading. I hope this information will be useful to you in your work.
Good luck.
It just so happens that in our field this is a very important topic, but for many it becomes obvious and understandable immediately after a person has found the first anti-detection that works somehow crookedly, and after some time it is already inconvenient to switch to a normal anti-detect and transfer all the data. This guide will help you avoid this problem and save time.
Important mandatory disclaimers:
1. There are no ideal anti-detect browsers and they all have their pros and cons, and this is precisely why there are so many different solutions on the market at the moment.2. No need to try to find hacked versions of antidetects and try to use them for free. Just don't.
How the article is structured.
1. Why do we need anti-detect browsers and what is it?2. How to set them up correctly using ADS-Power as an example
3. The 2 Best Anti-Detects on the Market Right Now
4. List of all other antidetects with a brief description of each
5. How to make your own "antidetect" from Google or Firefox
Briefly about why anti-detect browsers are needed:
90% of websites on the Internet have their own anti-fraud system - this is a thing that allows you to identify bots among regular users and restrict access for them. Somewhere it is minimal, and on some Facebook now there is one of the most complex anti-fraud systems in the world.
With the help of anti-detection browsers and buying proxies, we can disguise ourselves as real users and quietly earn in crypto. This thing is absolutely legal and is used mainly for marketing.
The most popular areas of use of such browsers in crypto at the moment are: Coinlist, exchanges, twitter, mail, launchpads, discords, glims, sweep widgets, etc.
How to set all this up correctly:
There is no point in writing anything about the correct setup of each individual anti-detect because they are too similar, so I just made a separate guide on ADS-Power.
If you figure it out (and it's not as difficult as it seems), you can easily work with almost all other antiques, because they have fewer functions and a much simpler design.
You can check if you have set everything up correctly on these sites:
- f.vision
- whoer.net
- pixelscan.net
- browserleaks.com
- whatleaks.com
- antcpt.com (to check your rating under captcha)
2 antidetects that I use on a regular basis and consider them the best + most cryptans use them:
1. ADS-Power - $100 for 200 profiles, free access is only for 2 profiles.
The most favorable tariff: 2000 profiles for $400 and then +1000 profiles for every $100, and starting from 10K profiles the price for each profile will be $0.1
According to many crypto experts (including me), this is the best anti-detect at the moment with many of its own features, a built-in automation system and the best API for working with a browser and writing software + no bugs or crashes will be waiting for you here.
The only downside: it takes quite a long time to open profiles, unlike other antidetects, but everything will definitely work perfectly for you + everything will always be saved.
2. Dolphin - $160 for 300 profiles, free access to 10 profiles.
The most favorable tariff: 1000 profiles for $300.
This is a good browser with a very active team of developers who are constantly improving it. Unlike ADS-Power, it does not yet have such a good API through which you can optimize a lot, but manual work is often faster.
The only downside is that the browser is not yet perfected and there are minor flaws in its operation, for example - you can install Metamask, and the profile will need 1-4 hours to save it in the cloud, and if you exit earlier - the data may not be saved and you will need to re-enter the profile using the seed phrase.
Review of all other antidetects:
1) Samara WebLab (swSpyBrowser) - a terrible antique with which many had to start their path in crypto and it was strongly forced in the ru-community. Here it is enough to buy a subscription once for $ 45 and use it for any amount of time, but you will encounter the following problems:
- For many, Samara can crash at the most crucial moment without any reason
- The browser has the most inconvenient and incomprehensible interface that you will have to tinker with
- No cloud saving
- You can't install extensions
- There are no heaps of various small features present in other antiques
The main advantage of this antik: because it is so terrible and all the work is done in tabs with separate cookies/user agents/proxy, it has ideal performance and eats up the least hardware resources. But is it worth it?
Unofficial chat on Samara WebLab: https://t.me/samara_weblab_chat (if necessary, your questions on setup will be answered here)
2) OctoBrowser - a very good antik that works perfectly on both Windows and Mac + it has a cheap price if you need a huge number of profiles at once, and also has good optimization and all unnecessary functions have been cut out of the browser: absolutely everything will be intuitively clear even to a beginner.
Their telegram: https://t.me/octobrowser (there is all the news on updates + promo codes for paying for subscriptions)
Price: 190$ - 350 profiles
P.S.: The browser's founder is named Evgeniy Negro, live with it.
3) Multi-Login - a very powerful and well-developed anti-detect with one of the best interfaces, but for some reason for some people (including me) this browser works with constant bugs and breaks even when opening 20-30 profiles, considering that I have hardware for 400K
Price: 225$ - 300 profiles
4, 5) Indigo and Incogniton - I have singled out these 2 antidetects together because Incogniton is written on the basis of Indigo, and Indigo in turn is made on the basis of MultiLogin and in fact they differ only in price and small features (Incogniton is cheaper + there are 10 free profiles)
There are quite a few complaints about both of these browsers and they constantly have some bugs and errors, and they also have poor optimization, so now I don’t see any point in considering them for work
6) Undetectable - a new antidetect that was greatly boosted due to their initial free access + a bunch of discounts with refs. I tested it a little and I immediately had small problems with optimization, so I'm just waiting for the antidetect to be fully finalized.
Price: from $25 to $300 excluding discounts
7) Cypher - an unpopular antidetect that changes fingerprints directly through the source code, not through JS. It is made quite well and works even on Linux, but you need to spend a long time figuring everything out and setting everything up yourself. If you might be interested, I will leave a link to the Russian discussion of this antidetect + guides from the developers themselves:
Price: $50 + free access
8) Linken Sphere - one of the most hyped anti-detect browsers in the world, which is built on the Chromium engine. In my opinion, it is already too outdated and such an anti-detect will be useless for working in crypto, when there is a whole mountain of alternative options that are a cut above.
Price: $100 (the browser is completely anonymous, so payment is only in bitcoins)
9) Kameleo - a good anti-detect with a bunch of browser engines and a huge number of its own unique features + the same well-developed API as ADS, but unlike the same ADS, it will be much more difficult to figure out all this stuff.
Cameleo will be the perfect option for you if you are a coder who knows what Selenium is and can work with it.
Price: from $66 to $225 per month for unlimited number of profiles
10) GoLogin - its own database of free proxies, improved fingerprints, cloud access, but there are many bugs and I would call this antique a low-quality and cheap replacement for all the above solutions.
Price: $100 - 1000 profiles, and there is also free access for 1-7 days
11) SessionBox - a standard antik which is an improved version of Samara and differs from other products in that it can also work as an extension in the browser. Everything is implemented well, but personally I don't see the point in working through it.
Price: $3-65 per month, also has a free version for expansion
12) CheBrowser - an unsuccessful experiment from domestic developers who stuffed everything they could into their antik and made each new config pay $2. For some reason, incomprehensible to me, this browser is still used by a small percentage of cryptons.
13) HydraHeaders - absolutely free custom antidetect from a team working on proxies. This program is closer to an emulator of various operating systems than to an antidetect + has a far from user-friendly interface.
14) XLogin - an inconvenient and slightly buggy antidetect, but it has the ability to automate via BAS and selenium. It's good that almost no one in the ru-community knows about it, but still, if selenium is important to you and you know it, I recommend using Cameleo, which is ninth on the list.
15) GhostBrowser - another standard browser on the Chromium engine that is very similar to Samara, but at the same time has many more disadvantages and you need to manually search for user agent databases. But you can make custom colors for each profile that open as a tab...
Price: $21-46 per month for unlimited number of profiles
16) Aezakmi - a very powerful anti-detect for arbitrageurs from arbitrageurs, but for working in crypto for us there will be too many unnecessary functions and overpayment for useless functions.
Price: 140$ - 300 profiles
There is still a whole mountain of typical antidetects built on the basis of other proven solutions with subsequent poor implementation. There is no point in adding full descriptions about them, so I will simply list some of them here:
Accovod, Antidetect, Multi-Browser, VM-Login, LoginWays, ANTBrowser
Now let's figure out how to make your own alternative to antidetect browsers via Google and Firefox. For this, I made separate articles so as not to drag out this guide.
1. Multi-accounting via Google profiles:
How to multi-touch via Google profiles?
If you need to do some simple crypto-business and there is no point in using antidetect or you have few profiles and do not need any convenience - you can quickly arrange everything through Google profiles. I'll say right away that this method won't work for sites with a normal anti-fraud...

2. How to make your own antidetect from Firefox:
How to make antidetect browser
Preface It's easier to name the antidetects that I haven't tested than to list all the others. They are all built on the same principle and with the same foundation: to block or at least provide the ability to block the main methods of deanon. FAQ Everything is free? Almost, I just need to...

Thank you for reading. I hope this information will be useful to you in your work.
Good luck.
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