Application of RFID technologies

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Application of RFID technologies​

RFID or radio frequency identification technology is a positioning system for identifying people or objects. Identification is performed via radio signals. The use of rfid technologies is common in logistics, trade, medicine, agriculture, to ensure access and security. Let's take a closer look at each of the areas below.

History of RFID development​

The development of radio frequency identification began in the first half of the twentieth century. It was first used during World War II. The Germans and Japanese used a special radar that signaled approaching aircraft. Identification took place several miles away. The problem was that the technology could not determine which party owned the aircraft.

The Germans soon realized that when the plane made a double flip over the wing in the air, the radio signal changed. The method allowed them to determine that it was their planes flying to the base, and not enemy ones. This became the first passive system of the RFID (radio frequency identification) type, which stands for “radio frequency identification”.

The technology was actively developing. Developments were carried out in the USA, Japan, and some European countries. Scientists tried to show how electromagnetic energy could be used to identify objects at a distance.

The first patent for an active RFID tag was received by Mario Cardullo in 1973. And California businessman Charles Walton patented a passive transponder that was used to open a door without a key.

The development of the system did not end there. In America, radio frequency technology has begun to be used to track cows in agriculture. And low-frequency transponders are for access cards to premises. Over time, the range of frequencies used expanded. This helped increase the distance and speed of data transfer.

In the 90s of the last century, IBM engineers patented an ultra-high-frequency RFID system. It offered a reading range of up to 20 feet (6.1 meters). Pilot projects were launched, but the technology was not used for commercial purposes.

Electronic identification became popular in America for tax collection and traffic control. It was used in several states. Later, the use of RFID tags became popular in shopping malls: the technology allowed tracking the actions of customers.

Operating principles of RFID systems, their types and advantages​

The technology is based on software, transponders and a reader. Radio signals are used for identification. They enable the reader to identify and record information on the RFID device.

The reader works with different types of antennas and can be handheld or stationary. To recognize the information stored in the RFID tag, the reader sends a signal to the transponder. The response to the request comes via a radio frequency signal, which encrypts the data necessary for identification. The reader then sends the information to a computer with installed software designed to process the data.

Types of RFID tags​

The use of rfid technologies is an integral part of modern business. Depending on the tasks, tags can be classified according to several criteria.

Based on the energy source, tags are classified as passive, active or semi-passive.

In the first case, the devices do not have their own power source. They transmit data by modulating a reflected radio signal. The transmission range varies from 1 cm to 2 m, and in some models reaches 10 m.

Active tags have a built-in battery. Because of this, the devices differ in size and reproduce high-frequency outgoing signals. The tags are read at a distance of up to 300 m

Semi-passive tags are microchips with a built-in battery. The distance at which the signal is read depends on the sensitivity and other characteristics of the reader.

Microchips can have different types of memory built into them, which will determine the functionality of the transponder. Read Only allows you to read the signal - the chips are used to identify goods at retail outlets. Write Once Read Many provides that the data will be written only once, but can be read repeatedly. These devices are suitable for use in transport logistics. Read and Write is designed for multiple recording and reading. Such tags are used to control access to premises.

RFID tags can come in various forms. They are available as stickers, tags, labels, bracelets, etc. The chips can be placed in a plastic or glass case, which will protect it from environmental influences or falls. To solve certain problems, special transponders are produced.

Advantages of RFID systems​

The use of RFID tags has a number of advantages. Among them note:
  • long reading distance
  • identification accuracy
  • ability to rewrite labels
  • storing additional information
  • working through materials that transmit radio waves
RFID tags are difficult to counterfeit, which increases the security of their use. If there is an anti-collision function, the reader can work with several tags simultaneously.

The Future of RFID Technology​

Radio frequency technologies are penetrating into various spheres of our lives. Initially, they were used in the military industry, and then found civilian applications in trade, logistics, medicine, public transport, and security systems. According to various analytical agencies, the market has doubled in the last 5 years and continues to develop. This complicates the accurate forecasting of the future of technologies.

There are many areas of application for RFID tags. At the same time, their penetration into new areas depends on the state policies of countries. In Russia, RFID is considered a priority area of technological development.

Retail companies are showing interest in the technology. Tags are used by manufacturers and sellers of clothing, shoes, and pharmaceutical companies. Large-scale implementation in retail trade is expected to occur within 3-4 years. RFID can also be used to automate archives and libraries.

The main advantages of RFID include a contactless method of operation and the ability to repeatedly rewrite data in some types of tags. The equipment provides great opportunities for storing information. Among the advantages that expand the prospects of the technology are the reading of several tags at the same time and their reliability.

RFID Applications in Logistics​

In logistics, RFID is widely used to improve control and tracking of goods at all stages of delivery.

With the help of RFID, you can automate warehouse accounting and inventory processes, reducing the time required to complete these tasks and reducing the likelihood of errors. The technology allows you to quickly and accurately identify goods, track their movements and monitor the status of deliveries.

RFID is used to optimize warehousing and delivery of goods, manage inventory, improve the supply chain and increase the efficiency of logistics operations. The main advantages of using RFID in logistics are increased speed and accuracy of data collection, improved visibility and transparency of supplies, reduced inventory management costs and reduced product losses.

RFID in Retail and Marketing​

One of the most popular areas of use of rfid is retail and marketing. The technology allows you to solve problems such as:
  • control of incoming/outgoing transactions
  • collection of statistical data
  • automation of warehouse accounting
  • preventing theft and embezzlement
What rfid is needed for in trade depends on the task at hand. Each product that is scanned at the checkout during sale can be marked with a tag. The information is automatically sent to both the store's general database and the regulatory authorities. This makes the work of employees much easier and helps manage the turnover of goods.

Use of RFID in Healthcare​

RFID technology allows you to identify and track medical equipment, instruments, medicines and documentation in medical institutions. It is also used to control access to secure areas, monitor patients and their medical history, control inventory and movement, and automate inventory and accounting processes. This increases the efficiency and safety of patient care, reduces the risk of errors and improves the management of production processes in a medical organization.

RFID technologies in agriculture and food industry​

Among the popular areas of application of the technology in agriculture is the chipping of animals. This is usually done with cows, goats, sheep, and sometimes pigs. The technology ensures the identification of animals and makes it possible to partially automate some processes: a milking robot can determine which animal it is dealing with thanks to the tag.

RFID tags are also used to identify agricultural machinery, which makes it possible to take into account fuel consumption and track the movement of vehicles through checkpoints and other significant objects.

RFID technology allows identifying seed material, recording information about each plot. This helps combat counterfeiting, ensures accurate accounting and control, and helps eliminate defects and errors in the production of agricultural products.

The tags can be attached to the packaging or the seed itself. Each tag has a unique identifier that can be read using a special reader.

RFID technology can track each crop plot, recording information about seed variety, sowing time, growing conditions, etc. This helps agricultural enterprises keep accurate records and control all stages of production, from sowing to harvest.

Application of RFID for security and access control​

To ensure the safety of people and assets, an access control system is used at the facility. Radio frequency identification also makes it possible to regulate access of people to the facility. This is one of the striking examples of what an RFID key fob is for. Such equipment is a reliable and convenient method of identification. The chips contain unique information that can be read by readers. Thanks to this, fast contactless authentication is performed.

The main advantages of RFID technology in access control systems include improved security. If the system has not identified the user, he will not be able to pass the checkpoint.

Among the advantages are convenience and speed. The implementation of RFID ensures the effective operation of the access control system. Users only need to swipe a tag (card, key fob, bracelet) near the reader to gain access. This eliminates the need to manually insert a key or go through another authentication process.

RFID is characterized by easy scalability. It can be used both in a small office and in a large enterprise. RFID can be integrated with other security systems, increasing its functionality. It is compatible with video surveillance and alarm systems.
