Anonymous transfer


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Hello Anonymous.

The easiest way to find small scammers is to monitor the transfer of funds obtained illegally.
Therefore, it is worth knowing how to properly “dissolve” your earnings in the information web. How to do it?

When it comes to withdrawing the profit received from the buyer, many do not even think about how safe this transfer was. After all, you are already displaying them on your card and starting to spend them left and right. After all, crypt is anonymity. Is this really true?

Let's first figure out what crypt gives us?

- the ability to store money like cash. After all, if you do this correctly, then each coin will belong to you alone and no one will be able to secretly write off even a small part without access to your device or a cold wallet without a password.

- anonymity, a blessing that most know-nothing simpletons lack. No one will know how much money you received, spent and where. Where you get them from and where you sent them is quite difficult to determine.

It is worth clarifying, of course, that transactions on the blockchain are visible. When registering, many exchanges require you to confirm your identity - provide passport details and photographs. Now you are no longer anonymous.

It is on this principle that the secret services take in simpletons. You're not one of them, are you? It’s a little more difficult to track a trace than a financial one, but it’s quite possible to do it with the necessary request.

Another thing is that in ordinary life we do not need to remain anonymous. For many, crypto is simply an alternative way to transfer small amounts of money abroad, and there is nothing illegal about it. But it’s difficult to describe our life as usual, that’s why you’re reading my article now)

In fact, transfers or storage of amounts of several tens of thousands of dollars are of little concern to our state. But only if you didn’t steal them from under their noses)) On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not prohibited to own cryptocurrency, buy and sell it, you just cannot use coins as a means of payment.

It is possible to achieve 100% anonymity in the crypto world. But for this you need to know the technical nuances and have a reason.

In fact, anonymity is necessary only for special cases:

- large sums or assets that cannot be revealed to anyone;

- the desire to hide part of your capital from those who should not know about the full amount;

- political reasons (for example, migration to another country), etc.

But for the most part, no one thinks about how to store their savings anonymously. Few people use tools that help hide finances from prying eyes. Although complete anonymity guarantees basic protection of your data.

In order for the cryptocurrency to truly become anonymous, special coins were developed. The first of them, Bytecoin, was released in 2012. Now one of the most popular anonymous cryptocurrencies is Monero.

Anonymous tokens come to the rescue in everyday situations: to remain confidential when transferring funds to other wallets or to hide the financial position of your company from competitors if the settlement takes place in crypto.

I wrote a link with a Monero wallet in one of the articles above, so I advise you to read it. In any case, I will remind you of this during the free training on our carding forum. There is no desire to lose at least one of us behind the bars of reality. Nobody will leave you. It's simple.