Anonymous reception of stuff


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Anonymous staff reception from USA or UK drops.
As I love, at the beginning there will be a bunch of lyrical digressions and before getting down to business, I will ruffle your nerves with my philosophical delights =)
consider an ordinary postal worker. Middle-aged woman, work schedule 2 / 2, schedule, lunch break, regulations and monotonous work brought to automatism and many consider it routine to ignore some points of the regulations, in particular, to ask the passport of the citizen sending the pack, so you will not surprise anyone by sending letters and parcels anonymously. a little differently, the matter is with the reception of parcels in UK and in this case, postal employees need to be motivated a little to violate the rules, or push them to do so all actions are based on social engineering. but not that social engineering, about which many and boringly write in thick books, but the one that is based on axiom facts like "girls of 16 years old look with lust at 20 year old boys."

To the point:
In order to receive stuff anonymously on a permanent basis at the selected post office of UK, you need to "feed" him.
I call the bait of a place at least a visit to the post office during the week to send meaningless registered letters to some acquaintance / stranger in the other part of the city during this time you should take a closer look at the postal workers and outline a "victim" each employee sits at a permanent workplace. choose a victim based on your age and appearance. So if you are a 19-21 year old boy, look for a female worker - a young girl who is not uncommon lately among postal workers and if you are not a pimply insecure mumble with a red face from excessive effusions, that is, there is a significant chance that you will not even be asked for an ID at all. carry out all further actions with this worker smile a lot, communicate on different topics while she prepares the sending of the letter.
if, for some unknown reason, women of Balzac's age are sitting in the windows with a dislike of young people clearly drawn on their faces, then there, in general, it is more difficult .we also feed the aunt for a week, simultaneously feeding her compliments "how rationally you work." "quite wise of you." be polite, carry glasses, do not allow yourself teenage expressions and any actions that could potentially displease granny.
Have you scheduled a sacrifice? Fed? Great we go to the other end of the city and in that post office from the left person we send ourselves a registered letter to the lured office "on demand". while the letter is in progress, at home we "draw" a photocopy of the passport of the left person with our photo. drew? printed? we are waiting for 3-4 days.
at the post office you go to the lured aunt, tell her that you are waiting for a registered letter * then carry out manual verification of the parcel *. I called her so with a light hand Ninja =) tell the postal worker: "a registered letter from a colleague from the other end of the city", "I have tea there from such and such a shop" or "there is such a yellow box with hieroglyphs" if it is a pack from China and believe me, if the aunt really sees there a yellow box with hieroglyphs, then she will not even have any doubts in the future you just have to cunningly get a photocopy of your passport and slowly rewrite the data from it into a notification. usually there are no comments about a photocopy if you suddenly do, you make a suffering face and say "I have such a mess at home that it is rather problematic to find a passport." they will smile at you and be sympathetic =). after successfully receiving a letter, politely ask for a complaint book in order to leave a positive feedback on the employee's work. after such an action, be sure, you will be remembered and remember only from the positive side =)
after successfully receiving a test registered letter, send a couple more letters from the other end of the city and start sending test packs from shops. send "on demand" or indicate the address of the apartment in your house / entrance, the box of which you can regularly check for notices before the owners find out when the postman delivers mail in your house usually it is the first half of the day.
in case of systematic receipt of packs, fill out the notice at home, write the data from the bulldozer, always leave only the fictitious surname / first name unchanged take a photocopy with you, just in case no one will ask you for it =) a couple of times it is worth bringing a chocolate bar to the post office go to the post office in a positive mood and with a smile. I love getting packs while being smoked.
if someone found my inventions difficult to implement, then you should know: it's difficult just in text form if you don’t regret a week of time for such a creative work as working with people, then in the end you will be able to anonymously accept any amount of staff on left data without intermediaries.
in practice, these methods were tested in three post offices in UK.

I would like to describe the methods of almost completely anonymous reception of staff from drops (drops in their country). These methods are simple, do not require unnecessary gestures or costs. This may seem too paranoid to some. Someone will say that this is superfluous and in general you can sizzle directly at yourself. But perhaps these methods will be useful to someone.
1. Train guides. Probably the oldest method of sending parcels, not counting mail, but, as it turned out, not everyone knows about it. It's simple - the drop brings the train conductor a package / bag / sack / folder / envelope and says in which city they will be approached to pick it up. Naturally, no documents are required from the recipient, only a code word will be needed: "I am John, a package was handed over for me from ***" Thus, the stuff perfectly walks across the borders of the CIS. If the item is sent to you frequently, then you may well get to know the conductors who will fulfill more scrupulous requests or simply can drop the price due to the frequency of sending. For example, with an already proven conductor through the same USA-UK border, sums of up to 15k bucks were sent several times without any problems.
Cost: check with the conductors. Sending 2 laptops from central USA to UK cost less than 50 bucks.
2. Drivers of regular buses and minibuses. Almost the same as the first method with conductors. Only now the drop goes to the station and asks for a favor from the bus driver. It is better to use guides for long distances, and buses - for close ones. And if the volumes of parcels are large (clothes for example), then it is better to go to the bus workers again. I didn't send money across the border in this way, I can't say anything about it.
Cost: check with the drivers. Sending 2 small cardboard boxes about 200 km within the country cost 5-10 bucks. A note on the first two points: Sending transmissions through conductors and drivers is quite normal and they are used to it. So do not think that transport workers will be surprised when they hear such a request from you, for them this is an ordinary additional income.
3. Courier services. Firms that carry goods on their gazelles and trucks within the country. But not all such companies are suitable - some of them require the presentation of a passport upon receipt, but the second part only needs the code that the sender receives. Naturally, we are interested in the second firms. The drop goes to the office of the courier office, gives his parcel (find out in advance what is there with the packaging, they can rip off more money for repackaging), fills in the issued piece of paper, receives the parcel code and tells it to you. They deliver the goods pretty quickly, usually the next day everything is in place. You go to their office, say the code, sign and receive the package. I will repeat once again: this is not the case in all services, some require documents. Cost: at standard rates, delivery usually goes up to a certain distance (often 500 km), and above you need to pay an additional%. Here are the prices of one of the offices (up to 500 km): - every 1 kg of weight 0.07 bucks - every 15,000 cc 0.15 bucks If more than 50 kg or the side of the parcel is more than 100 cm then double payment - a bag up to 10 kg weight - 1.5 bucks - bags over 10 kg - 1.5 bucks + 0.07 bucks for each kg So the prices, imho, are very affordable, even if you send clothes. A big plus of such offices is that there are no restrictions on the volume of any. They will even transport you a plane, the main thing is disassembled, so that the details fit into the truck. But the drop can be in the same city in which you are. Then the first three ways are not suitable, but there are two more:
4. Taxi. Taxi drivers do not care what to carry - even a box, even a person. If only not drugs and not a bomb. But here we need half-familiar taxi drivers and, preferably, private traders. The best option is when you went with a carrier a couple of times and he gave you his business card or mobile phone number. If anything, a version of the legend - the receiver (that is, you) is at work and cannot leave for a long time, but here you need to urgently convey it.
Cost: the same as transporting the body by taxi.
5. Delivery services. Firms that deliver all kinds of pizza, sushi, kebabs and diapers to your home. But not a delivery service of a separate institution, but a universal one that carries anything and anywhere. They usually carry personal belongings without any problems. The legend can be used as is the case with taxi drivers, but questions usually did not arise.
Cost: about the same as a taxi. Lastly: Perhaps such precautions are superfluous, and on the other hand, they do not give 100% security. But nevertheless, you do not burn your name and documents in the mail, and there is no special fuss, such as, for example, with re-glue.