Anonymity Website

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Can you create a website and buy domain without being tracable?

Should you have a laptop only for that purpose and use VPN, TOR...?

Can you recieve payments as well and still stay anonymous? How?


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Can you create a website and buy domain without being tracable?
To register anonymous hosting and domain, you will need:
1. Prepare the data of the owner, on which you need to register the hosting and domain.
2. Prepare scans or a photo of the owner's documents to which you will register the domain for verification (it is not always required)
3. Choose any bulletproof hosting. Many hosting providers offer domain registration services, but you can also choose any third-party registrar.
4. Pay for hosting and domain registration services with cryptocurrency.
5. Enable whois protection of the domain name so that the data of the person on whom the domain is registered is not displayed (this parameter does not exist for all domain names).

To register a hosting and a domain in the TOR network, that is, a domain in the .onion zone, it is not required to provide any data and this can be done completely anonymously.

Should you have a laptop only for that purpose and use VPN, TOR...?
To anonymize your online activities, you can use the following tools to choose from:
1. VPN provider is not logging
2. Anonymous proxy servers (socks)
3. Tunnels
4. RDP (remote access to a dedicated server)
5. TOR browser

Can you recieve payments as well and still stay anonymous? How?

To receive anonymous payments, you need:
1. Create an online store and display goods on it, for a site offering any paid services
2. Register an account in a payment system or a bank to receive cash payments to its details. In some cases, it will need to be verified.
3. Select a payment gateway (merchant) and connect it to the site.
4. Launch the site and start promoting it - drive traffic in various ways or make purchases on it yourself.
5. Receive a payment from the merchant to your account.