An I-teco veteran and employee of the Moscow DITA is jailed for many years


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Igor Kolpakov, a former employee of I-teco who has worked for the company since at least 2005, together with a major businessman and the head of the organization subordinate to DIT of Moscow, will be sent to a general regime colony for terms ranging from 6.5 to 7 years. This is a penalty for fraud with a state contract worth hundreds of millions of rubles, which they will have to reimburse the budget. The court handed down the verdict, but the lawyers intend to appeal it. All three were arrested two and a half years ago – in March 2021.

The verdict is passed

Igor Kolpakov, a former employee of the major IT integrator I-Teco, will be sent to prison on a major fraud case by the decision of the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, Kommersant writes. Together with him, the court imprisoned Oleg Filimonov, the head of the State Institution "Information City" (subordinate to the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs), and businessman Andrey Shmitko. As reported by CNews, they were arrested in March 2021, and each of them risked going to prison for 10 years. They were accused of committing fraud with the state contract for sending SMS messages to users of socially significant services.

Igor Kolpakov worked at I-Teco for almost two decades. The first mention of him on the company's website dates back to 2005. The position that he held in the company at the time of his arrest is not disclosed, but it is known that he was previously a member of its top management – for example, from 2011 to 2014. he was the head of the Electronic Services Department.

Cases against all three were opened by the Basmanny District Court of Moscow, and the arrest was made at the request of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. Two and a half years later, the entire trio was found guilty of fraud committed by a group of persons on a particularly large scale (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code), and Shmitko was additionally found guilty of violating paragraph " b " of Part 4 of Article 174.1 of the Criminal Code (legalization of funds acquired by a person as a result of committing a crime, especially large size). They received almost the maximum terms stipulated by the listed articles-from 6.5 to 7 years.

In addition to the prison sentence, fraudsters are required by a court decision to compensate for the damage caused to the Moscow budget. The amount required from them was 397.44 million rubles.

Two years of cheating in exchange for seven years of life

Investigators who conducted the case against Shmitko, Kolpakov and Filimonov found that they stole 397.44 million rubles from the Moscow budget in 2018 and 2019. This money was allocated to them by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies (DIT), and it was supposed to be spent on the execution of a state contract for sending SMS messages to Russians using socially significant services.

The convicts managed to steal this money by "artificially inflating the initial (maximum) contract price," Kommersant quotes from the materials of the criminal case. To implement their plans, the authors of the scheme attracted companies to participate in the auction, which they also controlled, so that they specifically overestimated the indicators. As a result of the auction, the execution of the state contract was entrusted to the company owned by Igor Kolpakov, and the contract was signed directly by Oleg Filimonov, who at that time held the post of head of the Mobile Services Project Support Department of the State Institution "Information City". And to make the competition for a contract look fair from the outside, Andrey Shmitko's companies participated in it – they played the role of fictitious competitors of Kolpakov's company.

Dispute against facts

Exactly one year has passed since the arrest of the suspects and until the investigation was completed – the documents were sent to the Zamoskvoretsky Metropolitan Court in March 2022. Neither Shmitko nor Filimonov admitted their guilt – only Igor Kolpakov went to this.

The investigation established not only the fact of fraud, but also the amount that the capital's budget lost as a result of the trio's actions. However, the defendants in the case, who did not admit their guilt, during the hearings stubbornly argued that it was greatly overstated – according to them, even if they confessed to committing a crime, the amount would have been in the range of 50-100 million rubles.

Moreover, according to Kommersant, Shmitko and Filimonov insisted that even this money could not be considered a damage to the Moscow budget – they pointed out that the increase in the cost of sending SMS messages was due to the rise in the cost of mobile operators ' services.

Results of the investigation

The lawyers of the defendants, who pleaded not guilty, insisted on the need to acquit them. Filimonov's defense claimed that he was charged for " the very fact of communicating with Messrs. Shmitko and Kolpakov." Filimonov's lawyer also insisted that the investigation did not provide evidence of his client's guilt.

The prosecution demanded to put each of the participants in a general regime colony for eight years and force them to pay in the amount of 397.44 million rubles. Lawyers for Shmitko and Filimonov asked to acquit their clients, and Kolpakov's defense requested leniency. As a result, all three were found guilty: Kolpakov received 6.5 years in a general regime penal colony, and the other two – seven years each.

As the lawyers of the convicts told Kommersant, they intend to appeal the verdict.