An employee of the St. Petersburg defense plant left her family for Wagner, an imposing ex-major of the Bundeswehr


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And even after transferring money to him and ignoring him, I didn't understand that the boyfriend was fake.

55-year-old Svetlana and Frank Wagner met on the banned Facebook page a year ago. A woman from childhood dreamed of marrying a military man, and therefore communication blitzkrieg came to butterflies in the stomach. Having turned off her consciousness, Sveta left her third husband and offered the former military man to move to the Northern capital. He agreed, but there were nuances.

The ex-major complained that he had not yet been paid a military pension, and there was nothing to go for. The hospitable Russian transferred to the beloved 385 thousand rubles for a ticket. After that, Frank showed up only once - with sobering information about his detention by the migration service of the Russian Federation. The woman ran to the police to report a terrible mistake, but there she was told that there was no Wagner, and she fell for the obvious divorce of scammers. Nevertheless, Svetlana did not take off her rose-colored glasses — she did not believe the employees, and still continues to wait for the musician of her soul.

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