An effective way to strip out plastic

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Today I will tell you how to correctly cash a card in ATM. The time when cash out was the easiest thing to do has already passed, and given modern realities, we need a modern approach.

So, the main points that must be taken into account:

1) Disguise

Or rather, everything that allows us not to burn ourselves on ATM cameras. I'll make a reservation right away that the ATM camera is far from one, as it seems to ordinary people. One looks at your face, the other at your hands, the third at the slot for issuing bills, and another one is usually hidden behind the bank's logo and duplicates the first. In this regard, forget about the cap, goggles and camera tape. In the 90s it worked, now it doesn't.

When disguising, you must close ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Modern security services have software that allows them to compare faces by key points like eyes, mouth, nose, etc. I will not go into details, but if you did not close your mouth with a scarf, for example, and after nudging you involuntarily smiled from the realization of success, then there is your mouth on the camera in several positions, and this is enough to prove your guilt.

If you have expensive watches, rings, earrings and tattoos, then all this of course needs to be removed / covered.

Do not shine anywhere in your cash out clothes. Lead him in a closet with the inscription "Suit for Cash Out", or, like Spider-Man, wear it under your clothes)

Personally, my cashing kit looks like this:

WINTER - a snowboard suit, a ski mask, ski goggles, plus a scarf, gloves, a hat, and put on a hood. I have a slope in the city, so there are enough boarders and skiers, and you won't surprise anyone with such a suit, but the whole body is completely covered.

SUMMER - a sweatshirt with a hood, rubber gloves and a Guy Fawkes mask + paint can with you. I think there is no need to explain that if you are detained in this form, at night, then instead of 6 years for caring, you can get off 1000 rubles for damage to property)

2) Antifraud

There are no clear instructions here, just keep in mind: pour 5 American cards in a row at one ATM - protection will work, roll cards without the first track - protection, gold without the first road - protection from the very first card.

3) Plastic

Never roll dumps onto white plastic. If the ATM eats it, or God forbid they detain you and find a white blank with a pin written on it, the picture becomes very clear. Collect discount cards in various stores and ride them, and either remember the pin or write it on a piece of paper separately. Then, when withdrawing your card, 5-10 people will first turn in their hands, figuring out what idiot thought of withdrawing money from a discount card, and of course they will wipe all their fingers if they were there. By the way, for the same reasons, always work with gloves, or hold the card by the ribs.

I will also add that you do not need to carry a pile of cards with you. Keep them, for example, in the car, and take 2-3 pieces to the ATM.

4) Time at the ATM

Yes, no one is watching you online, but don't go too far.
My advice is no more than 10 minutes. Yes, nothing will happen to you in 15, but it is better to have these 5 minutes in reserve for an emergency. Unfortunately, when driving by car, I very often see a picture of a group of young people standing and frankly jerking off an ATM for 20-30 minutes. Don't be so, gentlemen, without fanaticism.

5) Patrols

It happens so when checking out that a group of patrolmen accidentally passes by. In this case, there is no need to panic, all the more so to run somewhere. This problem is solved simply, it is enough just to have a partner who observes the situation and in time informs you on the earphone about the approaching patrol. Remember that police officers are not always knowledgeable in the field of carding, and by running you will provoke them to chase.

6) Environment

A trifle, but many people forget. It is not necessary to take off the mask 5 meters after moving away from the ATM, because during the investigation the police also look through the cameras from the neighboring buildings. Calmly walk to a place without cameras, change your clothes, and move on. Most importantly, don't fuss. Think over the route in advance, go along it during the day, and everything will be fine.

7) Surveillance

Do not think that in real life we ​​are alone. It so happens that the ATM we have noticed has already been used by a group of cashiers, and now it is being herded. Everything is simple here and is decided by intelligence. Take a look around a couple of days before work, and you will easily notice that black jeep that stands every day. Have you noticed? Excellent. Then let's get together and look for another ATM

8) Cash collection

Well, it would seem clear here, but some forget in the hustle and bustle. Find out what time collectors arrive, and do not poke your nose to the ATM during this period.

That's all for today. I wish you good luck in your work, take care of yourself and think with your head.
