According to the rating of US intelligence agencies, the top three threats in the cyber sphere after China and Russian foreign intelligence closes


Reaction score
No, not North Korea, or even Iran.

Surprisingly, an honorary third place was given to the English-speaking group Scattered Spider (aka 0ktapus or UNC3944), as Brian Vorndran, assistant director of the FBI Cyber Department, reported at the recent Sleuthcon conference on combating cybercrime.

Of course, there are more than enough reasons for such a significant nomination according to the FBI, Scattered Spider has an impressive track record of well-known companies, including casino giants MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment, as well as the high-tech conglomerate Okta.

According to Vorndran, Scattered Spider consists mainly of residents of the United States and the United Kingdom, and their association is based on a broader online community known as The Com.

Hackers are adept at social engineering, hacking their way into privileged networks and targeting support services and other key access points.

Sometimes access was naturally knocked out of victims, working in the violence-as-a-service format.

Once inside, Scattered Spider will demonstrate high-level skills in navigating networks and stealing data, often involving reputable ransomware gangs in its attacks.

The agent described the group as "a very, very large, extensive, distributed group of individuals", many of whom are not directly familiar.

In total, according to intelligence agencies, Scattered Spider has as many as 1,000 members.

We have already heard something similar, when suddenly there were statements about how thousands of Russian intelligence engineers worked on the Solarwinds case.

This is more like an attempt to justify their own failures in operational work, because for some reason, out of 1,000 participants, the US and British special services have managed to detain only a few schoolchildren.

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